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Six Americans freed in Venezuela after Trump envoy meets with Maduro (1 Viewer)

This is a good thing, I'm happy to see it.

As pointed out - this isn't unusual, however.
🤷‍♂️ Trump gave Afghanistan to the Taliban while getting nothing in return.
Nothing would have been an improvement; Biden gave it away in exchange for hundreds of deaths, and a drone strike on a bunch of kids...
What were the crimes of that group of Six being held for?

What did the Trump Administration concede to get that photo op?
What were the crimes of that group of Six being held for?

What did the Trump Administration concede to get that photo op?
Didn't you read the article?

It was four signed red hats, two super bowl tickets and one set of spare tires for a Cybertruck.

Good trade, yeah?
What were the crimes of that group of Six being held for?
There were alleged to be "engaging in activities to destabilize the government," as if Venezuela's government isn't already inherently unstable.

What did the Trump Administration concede to get that photo op?
Do you think it's a bad thing that Americans got released from Venezuelan prisons?
So much winning. Thank you president Trump Biden for being a real leader.
<Snipped and Edited>
Yes...a real leader!
Statement from President Biden on the Release of Americans Detained in Venezuela

Today, ten Americans who have been detained in Venezuela have been released and are coming home, including all six wrongfully detained Americans. These individuals have lost far too much precious time with their loved ones, and their families have suffered every day in their absence. I am grateful that their ordeal is finally over, and that these families are being made whole once more.

Additionally, a fugitive named Leonard Francis, who fled the United States before he could be sentenced for his lead role in a brazen bribery and corruption case – was arrested and returned to the United States from Venezuela so that he will face justice for crimes he committed against the U.S. Government and the American people.

As we welcome home our fellow citizens,
I must also remind all Americans of the long-standing warning against traveling to Venezuela. Americans should not travel there.

At the time, that was the release of all Americans being held in Venezuelan prisons.

Begs the question why more Americans entered Venezuela, or were already there, and how they got themselves in trouble and arrested?
Nothing would have been an improvement; Biden gave it away in exchange for hundreds of deaths, and a drone strike on a bunch of kids...
Trump committed the United States to a quick surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban for no reason and no amount of bullshit makes that a good thing.
There were alleged to be "engaging in activities to destabilize the government," as if Venezuela's government isn't already inherently unstable.
Yes, I read that earlier elsewhere.
Do you think it's a bad thing that Americans got released from Venezuelan prisons?
I don't know what the price our Government paid is for these alleged criminals so I have no idea if it was a good or bad thing.

I do know that there has been a long running State Department Warning for Americans to stay out of Venezuela, so I want to know how long those dudes were in the Country and what were they really doing there and why were they really arrested, and what did President Trump give for their release.

For the record, no, I don't automatically assume it was a good thing for any Americans getting in trouble in a Nation they should stay out of in the first place getting released.
Ooh! Better than the Big Prize on The Price is Right!
What is the price is right? Is that like squid game or a Mr. Beast thing?
Trump committed the United States to a quick surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban for no reason and no amount of bullshit makes that a good thing.
For sure.

And Biden made sure it was more painful and more deadly than any other withdrawal.

Sure Biden could have just ignored Trump's plan and made his own (which he did), but he wanted to bomb kids delivering water and ensure the withdrawal was a deadly catastrophe. Mission accomplished.
These first 2 weeks have certainly been a whirlwind.

Can hardly keep up with everything.
That's the whole idea. Chaos and confusion. The Trump way.

It's always great to get back political prisoners. I am happy for them.
That's the whole idea. Chaos and confusion. The Trump way.

It's always great to get back political prisoners. I am happy for them.
Were they political prisoners?

Why were they in Venezuela in the first place?

The State Department has long held a warning for Americans to stay the **** out of Venezuela!

Those jackasses seem to have ignored all common sense and landed themselves, needlessly, in a Venezuelan prison.

Then, lord knows at what cost, an American is flying down there and making lord knows what sort of deal to get them released, and then flown back to America on America's Dime!

I am not certain they shouldn't have just been left sitting in the Venezuelan prison.

What the hell, President Biden had already secured the release of 10 Americans from Venezuelan custody, back in March of 2023, which meant at that time no other Americans were being held in Venezuela, so, that means this latest half dozen Americans go themselves in trouble down there for NO GOOD REASON.

I will be happy for these 6 when they reimburse the USA for the costs involved with securing their release and the cost of bringing them home.
Were they political prisoners?

Why were they in Venezuela in the first place?

The State Department has long held a warning for Americans to stay the **** out of Venezuela!

Those jackasses seem to have ignored all common sense and landed themselves, needlessly, in a Venezuelan prison.

Then, lord knows at what cost, an American is flying down there and making lord knows what sort of deal to get them released, and then flown back to America on America's Dime!

I am not certain they shouldn't have just been left sitting in the Venezuelan prison.

What the hell, President Biden had already secured the release of 10 Americans from Venezuelan custody, back in March of 2023, which meant at that time no other Americans were being held in Venezuela, so, that means this latest half dozen Americans go themselves in trouble down there for NO GOOD REASON.

I will be happy for these 6 when they reimburse the USA for the costs involved with securing their release and the cost of bringing them home.
Meh. Still cheaper than what we paid to get Brittany Griner out of Russia.

Leaving the United States and traveling to other countries has always been dangerous. Many would say it's best not to do so.
Meh. Still cheaper than what we paid to get Brittany Griner out of Russia.
That was a bum deal as well.
Leaving the United States and traveling to other countries has always been dangerous.
Especially to known hotbeds of danger like Venezuela.
Many would say it's best not to do so.
Many includes the entire US Government, for quite some time, including Trump 1.0

Doesn't get much more explicit than the following!

Travel Advisory
September 24, 2024

Venezuela - Level 4: Do Not Travel

Reissued September 24, 2024, to emphasize the danger to U.S. citizens living in or traveling to Venezuela.

Do not travel to Venezuela due to
the high risk of wrongful detentions, terrorism, kidnapping, the arbitrary enforcement of local laws, crime, civil unrest, poor health infrastructure.

Country Summary: 
In March 2019, the U.S. Department of State withdrew all diplomatic personnel from U.S. Embassy Caracas and suspended operations. All consular services, routine and emergency, remain suspended until further notice. The U.S. government has no ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in Venezuela. U.S. citizens in Venezuela who require consular assistance should leave the country as soon as safely possible and should contact a U.S. embassy or consulate in another country.

The Department has determined there is a high risk of wrongful detention of U.S. nationals in Venezuela. Security forces have detained U.S. citizens for up to five years. The U.S. government is not generally notified of the detention of U.S. citizens in Venezuela or granted access to U.S. citizen prisoners there.

Freeing Americans !
The things the DEM/biden would not do for America !

"I will not stop working until every American wrongfully detained or held hostage around the world is reunited with their family. My Administration has now brought home over 70 such Americans, many of whom were in captivity since before I took office," Biden wrote in the statement on Thursday.

"I will not stop working until every American wrongfully detained or held hostage around the world is reunited with their family. My Administration has now brought home over 70 such Americans, many of whom were in captivity since before I took office," Biden wrote in the statement on Thursday.
So you think Prisoners Swapping is the same as Freeing Prisoners ?.... Also look at who biden gave up ! Russia won on that trade!
Do you subscribe to Posting Right Wing Lies On The Internet weekly magazine?

Or do you come up with these GOD awful fact free ideas all on your own?
Didn't Trump get these Americans free?...
No lie there! Sorry about you being wrong, not!

The last sentences was because we see that within 2 weeks of being President Trump has already reduced the invasion of America from Thousands per day to less than 100 !
He got Mexico and Canada to cooperate and PROTECT our borders from illegals, Trafficking, and Drugs!
He is reducing government waist which is more like Theft, and the DEMS&Status Quo GOP have done nothing about that, accept increase the waist!

Didn't Trump get these Americans free?...
No lie there! Sorry about you being wrong, not! <Blah Blah Blah Snipped>
Yes, those six idiots were freed from Venezuela under Trump.
I never said that was a lie.
But what you posted prior about "DEM/Biden" is a flat out LIE.
Freeing Americans !
The things the DEM/Biden would not do for America !
^^^^That statement was a flat out LIE when you posted it, and it remains a blatant LIE.
I'm glad they're coming home, but I have to ask what the hell they were doing there in the first place.

I'm glad they're coming home, but I have to ask what the hell they were doing there in the first place.

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There has been a State Department Travel Advisory to Stay Out of Venezuela for at least 6 years now.

President Biden was able to get 10 Americans out of there in March of 2023.

So, what the hell were these 6 idiots doing there?
The catch is sending 350,000 back for torture and murder.
Yeah, you prefer the US keeps 350K foreign criminals in the country instead, so they can kill and rape citizens. What is going on with you?

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