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Signatures - looking for feedback (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Some signatures are starting to get out of hand.
Rather than limit even futher or remove them altogether...

We have several options:
1. No more images in sigs
2. Force a limit on the sig image sizes
3. Only allow donating members to have sigs with images
4. Only display a sig once per page in a thread


I am tossed between #2 & #4.
vauge said:
Some signatures are starting to get out of hand.
Rather than limit even futher or remove them altogether...

We have several options:
1. No more images in sigs
2. Force a limit on the sig image sizes
3. Only allow donating members to have sigs with images
4. Only display a sig once per page in a thread


I am tossed between #2 & #4.
#2 & #3.....
I think a size limit would solve all the problems, still, I really don't see the need for any signature, I turned mine off long ago. I think it really childish if you ask me, and more appropriate for a gaming server or something, Not to offend, just my honest thoughts on the issue.
I think number two is the most amicable.
We went with Number 2....and it worked.
#2 and #4 are both practical and would solve a lot of the problem.

#1 is also practical, but I would really rather you not do that, because I prefer using my current avatar/sig combination. I don't really have enough money to donate to forums, so #3 would also mess with me-- but, since I'm not a donating member, I don't reckon I have a whole hell of a lot of say in the matter.
Korimyr the Rat said:
#2 and #4 are both practical and would solve a lot of the problem.

#1 is also practical, but I would really rather you not do that, because I prefer using my current avatar/sig combination. I don't really have enough money to donate to forums, so #3 would also mess with me-- but, since I'm not a donating member, I don't reckon I have a whole hell of a lot of say in the matter.

You have very much of a say in the matter. This is the reason for the feedback request.

It looks like we will go with #2, so far. Only displaying a sig once per thread is popular on other forums too. We could eventually go with this as well.

We do not want to force anyone to donate, and I think #3 will make peeps feel that way. Nor do we want to give or create a perception of "if your not a donator, your not good enough" either.

Your sig is cool and the "Arch Enemy" sigs are excellent as well. It is the larger sigs that require one to scroll that are often larger than the post itself that is becoming an issue.
Option #2 is appropriate and gets my support.

Tashah said:
Option #2 is appropriate and gets my support.


I'm going with number 5: Jewish chics are HOT. Seriously.

(sorry, I think I'm drunk [not sure])
1 No more images in sigs
3 Only allow donating members to have sigs with images COMBINED w/ #2
3 Only allow donating members to have sigs with images [by itself]
2 Force a limit on the sig image sizes
4 Only display a sig once per page in a thread

In that order because

4 sounds like a pain in the to regulate

2 meh

3 adds a certain small incentive for participation and offers a mark of distinction

3+2 all the benefits of of three plus a built-in governor for the server hamsters

1 simple and sweet
I should have updated this thread. :3oops:

We already went to a requirement of the images and sigs.
It is currently set at:

1 image 420x90
Max 5 lines
Font size < 14pt

To enable only once per thread (page actually), it is a very simple tweek.
Signatures are now set to display only once per page.

Let's see how well this works along with the image size requirements.

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