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Signature Pictures (1 Viewer)

V.I. Lenin

Active member
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
I wasn't sure where to put this, so I decided here is good. Now, I've noticed a few people have pictures in their signature (Gandhi>Bush's new one if quite nice). I was wondering if their is a website where I can find these or if they are made. If they are made, can someone tell me how? Much thanks.
If you look in people's sigs, you see that Arch Enemy made mine and Ghandi>Bush's sigs.
Arthur Fonzarelli said:
LIBERAL: a person so open minded their brains have fallen out
Conservative-Douche who posts an attack for no reason even though the person above was just trying to help a guy out.
If I have to request that a thread in the "off topic" section be moved to the basement, I won't be pleased.

I don't see your attack on liberals neccessary in a thread about signatures, not exactly an awesome first impression.

Other than that welcome to our forums Mr. Fonzerelli.

ShamMol: I know you didn't intiate this, but for future reference, tis better to turn the other cheek. Rise above it my friend.

To return to topic, I must say I really love my signature. Thanks again ArchEnemy!
True, but the rule of debate is to answer every attack (lol). I know to turn the other cheek, but this guy is on my last nerve.
Yeah V.I.

I've been whipping up signatures, plus I made the new header for Debate Politics.

If you, or anyone, wants me to make them one they should just notify me.

Thanks for the recognition Gandhi and Sham
How could I not recognize your effort-I love the sig!
even without V.I. go ahead, I made him one.. couldn't resist.

what you think?
Gandhi>Bush said:
If I have to request that a thread in the "off topic" section be moved to the basement, I won't be pleased.

I don't see your attack on liberals neccessary in a thread about signatures, not exactly an awesome first impression.

Other than that welcome to our forums Mr. Fonzerelli.

ShamMol: I know you didn't intiate this, but for future reference, tis better to turn the other cheek. Rise above it my friend.

To return to topic, I must say I really love my signature. Thanks again ArchEnemy!

When I opened this topic the first thing I saw was "I'm a young liberal & I know about politics...etc...". My "liberal" definition was just poking a little fun at that...not an actual attack...same goes for my definition of "bigot." I'll remember this when my country & religion are being "attacked" on this forum...as I've already seen that to be the case in many of the threads.

TOLERANCE is the virtue of a man without convictions.
Welcome to Debate Politics forums Fonz. :smile:
lol, I see both points on the 'attack'.
But, like G>B was refering - there are many oppurtunities to do this in the other forums and be on topic.

Arch Enemy is awesome - take advantage of his talents!

On the subject of sigs. I recently posted that signatures with pics would only be allowed to donators. There were some slight issues with the code when implimented a couple of weeks ago so it was removed, but it is still the plan in the near term. Folks with pics at time of change MAY be grandfathered in.

Another option that we may opt for is 1 signature per user per thread.

When I get this working correctly, I will add an announcment well in advance.
vauge said:
Welcome to Debate Politics forums Fonz. :smile:
lol, I see both points on the 'attack'.
But, like G>B was refering - there are many oppurtunities to do this in the other forums and be on topic.

I suppose an apology is in order but as you may know that's not my strong suit....I'm ssssss...I'm sssor...well you get the point. I just happen to see that signature & thought "this is too good to leave alone"

I will try to stay on topic from now on...bear in mind that I'm just now getting acclimated to this particular forum.

Thanks for the welcome & understanding. I look forward to some real debate.
oh yeah;

sorry bout that vauge, I forgot about that rule.. went a little sig making crazy :2wave:
Ah. Well I thank you Arch Enemy for making the sig, thought I cannot use it is quite nice. However...perhaps it's time for me to stop being cheap... :mrgreen: I may have to open a PayPal account.
Im sorry, but I am not apologizing, I was attacked for no reason what so ever. I hope I will be grandfathered in, because I don't have a credit card or a bank account to pay, because if i did, I would.
ShamMol, the biggest question is why have you not changed your title - you have over 500 posts!

Not really part of the sig, but unique titles are cool.
I don't know, I think I kinda like the original title. I could change it...just don't know what I would put.
This might be too big. Testing again.

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