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Sick People (1 Viewer)


Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
A "man" said he served in the Gulf War one. I asked him some simple questions about his service. After being called on he answerd but he gave a funny answer & did not want to explain any further. Anyone who says they served let in was in combat & was not is a scumbag of the highest order. But of cause there were some pot smoking losers who jumped on me for calling this "man" out. I was asking the fake questions & telling him he was a fake & that real vets would kick his ass for doing that. The pot smoking wimp starts calling me names & sticking up for his like minded fake soldier. Somthing is very wrong when something as clear cut as this is & I'm getting jumped on. OK, I know that they are just keyboard brave punks but it makes you wonder what happned to these "people" that that are so quick to blame America first & jump on those of us that love & denfend our great country.
galenrox said:
hey, which one of us is going out of his way to start a thread to talk ****? I think it's quite obvious which one of us is keyboard brave.
He told you he has no interest in talking to you. That's why he didn't answer. I'm sorry that you're ****ing retarded, it really must make the world a very confusing place for you, but you can't blame other people for your own problems.
And excuse me, please find a quote where I blame America first. I jumped on you cause you're a dumbass. I commend you for defending our country, I really do, but that doesn't give you a free pass from criticism for the rest of your life, especially for someone who's as ****ing stupid and talkative as you.

you use the word retarded alot. Is that because in the home where you were put thats what everyone calls you? As for that other jackass, anyone who says he served & did not is nothing but a used scumbag, maybe you like used scumbags, I don't. Anagin. you a little computer geek. try & get laid, you'll feel better. Now, if you wanted to face me...... that's another story. But we both know you'll run back to your "home" long before that could ever happen. I mean do you speak to people you don't know like that on the street. I don't think so. I don't give a **** how you speak to anyone else but don't talk to me like I'm one of your little friends. So go play nice & try not to hurt yourself.
galenrox said:
hold on, don't even bother replying, cause it'll end up being along the lines of "duuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrr" and then you drool on yourself.

how many times a week do you get your ass kicked? what did you do before computers? & you keep saying the same things over & over ..... this is my last answer to you. anytime your in brooklyn.... let me know. but we both know your **** on your self before you talk to me like you've been doing in person. Have fun here, it's your life.
Give it a rest.... it's past your bed time... I don't want to play with you anymore. go away.
tr1414 said:
Give it a rest.... it's past your bed time... I don't want to play with you anymore. go away.

Uh oh. Somebody's taking their toys and going home. :lol:
Kelzie said:
Uh oh. Somebody's taking their toys and going home. :lol:

Well, look at the asswipes I'm dealing with here. It's unreal.

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