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Shrinking conservative media? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
Saint Paul, MN
Political Leaning
"FNC should be less concerned with Zahn's performance and more concerned with the fact that O'Reilly continues to hemorrhage viewers month-over-month since October."
October: 3,166,000
November: 3,080,000
December: 2,610,000
January: 2,478,000
February: 2,391,000
March: 2,320,000
April: 2,178,000
May-to-date: 2,096,000
Bill O'Reilly has lost an average of 1 million viewers since October and now, Dennis Miller has been cancelled:

'Dennis Miller' Cancelled;
I have spoken with Dennis Miller about these plans and he has let me know that his strong preference is to leave his program immediately. Therefore, the final episode of "Dennis Miller" will air this Friday, May 13.

Is the desire for conservative bent news waning?
I'm not sure, but it's my personal opinion people are just fed up with the right. I'm sure many will disagree, but with the complete dominance the right has over almost everything now, things will inevitably shift back to the left.
with the complete dominance the right has over almost everything now, things will inevitably shift back to the left.
Eventually what goes up, must come down, but I hope it isn't any time soon. The loony left is still in the picture, so 2008 still looks solid.
The right has very little influence in Television. Because Liberal raigns in TV media as Conservative do in Radio media.
shuamort said:
"FNC should be less concerned with Zahn's performance and more concerned with the fact that O'Reilly continues to hemorrhage viewers month-over-month since October."

Bill O'Reilly has lost an average of 1 million viewers since October and now, Dennis Miller has been cancelled:

'Dennis Miller' Cancelled;

Is the desire for conservative bent news waning?
I wonder why you didn't report the next paragraph in the source you cited:

Update: "All news outlets suffer after the end of an election cycle," an e-mailer says. "If you look at O'Reilly numbers during Bush/Ggore they were outrageously high and went down after the end of the election cycle."

Dennis Miller has a horrible TV commentator 'presence'. He should have 'schtuck' to his 'schtick'.
26 X World Champs said:
Originally Posted by Squawker
Eventually what goes up, must come down, but I hope it isn't any time soon. The loony left is still in the picture, so 2008 still looks solid.
Really? And who fair prince will be the GOP standard bearer?
On the basis of your never ending complaining about how lousy he is, you, above all, should understand that if the likes of G. W. Bush could manage to be well into his second term, that a ticket of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck could beat whoever the Democrats put up against them.

Face it. The Democratic message no longer resonates with the electorate as it once did. Due to the continually rising economy, the formerly lower class Democrats have been moving into the middle class in great numbers and have no interest in the traditional tax, tax, tax, policies now that they have the income that would be subject to those taxes. They just love those Bush tax cuts and want more of 'em.

These folks also don't care for some of the way out stuff the Dems are pushing, as evidenced by the way they shot down all twelve of the same-sex marriage initiatives.
Fantasea said:
On the basis of your never ending complaining about how lousy he is, you, above all, should understand that if the likes of G. W. Bush could manage to be well into his second term, that a ticket of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck could beat whoever the Democrats put up against them.
Stop bullshit*ing! This is your typical say nothing comment with only one moronic purpose, to enflame people. You're so transparent, good going!
Fantasea said:
Face it. The Democratic message no longer resonates with the electorate as it once did. Due to the continually rising economy, the formerly lower class Democrats have been moving into the middle class in great numbers and have no interest in the traditional tax, tax, tax, policies now that they have the income that would be subject to those taxes. They just love those Bush tax cuts and want more of 'em.
Oh really? Care to back that up with numbers? For example, 50% of America think Bush is not doing a good job, and 46% do.

Show us all how the economy is growing in 2005. Show us what a great job Bush is doing on the price of gasoline. How about Bush's lame performance with health care, social security, GM, Ford, and of course, the military?

Bush's so influential that he can't even get an ambassador to the UN confirmed. Bill Frist, Bush "bitch" in the Senate is so lame that he can't even get 51 votes together to stop filibusters. I'm looking forward to Bush's veto of the Stem Cell bill so that the Senate can overide it.
Fantasea said:
These folks also don't care for some of the way out stuff the Dems are pushing, as evidenced by the way they shot down all twelve of the same-sex marriage initiatives.
Gee, the only thing you can point to as a "triumph" for the GOP is to deprive other Americans of their civil rights. Good job! Pure genius! You keep focusing on gay marriage, stem cells and abortion, go for it, you're playing right into the Dem's plans. The Republican paradigm is changing, and it sure seems that they're not smart enough to change it before it's too late, and you're the poster boy for the old paradigm! Good job!

:rofl The utter joy that will be felt when the Clintons return to the White House will extend far beyond the shores of the USA. It will also signal the return to the world community for America, the dark cloud that Bush has begat upon the world will evaporate.

Hey Fantasea? Tells us the Mickey Mouse story again?

26 X World Champs said:
Hey Fantasea? Tells us the Mickey Mouse story again?
OK. Here goes.

Originally Posted by Fantasea
On the basis of your never ending complaining about how lousy he is, you, above all, should understand that if the likes of G. W. Bush could manage to be well into his second term, that a ticket of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck could beat whoever the Democrats put up against them.

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