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Should Windows run commercials, with 90% of the PC's running Windows? (1 Viewer)


American Infidel
DP Veteran
May 8, 2005
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Political Leaning
As Microsoft runs commercials on their Windows OS. It is amazining to me, a technician, that they would even need to. Microsoft boasts of 90% of all of the computers in the US to be running Windows. So why would they run commercials?

I found these statements online on the Microsoft webiste:

Culture & Community
Michelle Tjelmeland
Springfield, Illinois

"I cannot think about what my life would be like without technology. Thank you to the creators of Microsoft software. You provide me, and many others, a lifeline."

Home & Lifestyle
Diane Reeder
Kingston, New York

"I know that when I sit down at my PC I can open a world of opportunity, knowledge and creative inspiration with just one click. So, has technology made what we do easier? No. It has made what we do possible."
I luv her response!! :mrgreen: But visit the source and see the $5000 incentive in the right column?
It is a public opinion thing. You use commercials to attack your opponents and boost your own image. You never use them to inform. That is why it is windows and not OS/2 on everyone's desktop. Microsoft had the larger commercial budget, more commercials.

Political campaigns are much the same.
kcasper said:
It is a public opinion thing. You use commercials to attack your opponents and boost your own image. You never use them to inform. That is why it is windows and not OS/2 on everyone's desktop. Microsoft had the larger commercial budget, more commercials.

Political campaigns are much the same.
But Microsoft stole their os graphic platform from Apple. And they suppress Linux, by saying that it is nothing more than a stolen modified Unix code? The last Linux commercial IBM paid for one during the 2003 SuperBowl. Apple struggling by the showing of more Ipods being bought than their computers. If it weren't for Ipods, Apple would be declaring bankrupcy? So where does Microsoft get off by advertising for what most people already have?
you wouldn't happen to have a copy of that linux commercial would you?
kcasper said:
It is a public opinion thing. You use commercials to attack your opponents and boost your own image. You never use them to inform. That is why it is windows and not OS/2 on everyone's desktop. Microsoft had the larger commercial budget, more commercials.

Political campaigns are much the same.
Well put. It's also why the iPod is everywhere, outselling every other mp3 player many times over. The last Mac commercial I saw, besides the iPod commercials, was part of the 'switch' campaign a few years back. Of course, I've not seen a Porsche commercial for years either.
galenrox said:
The purpose of commercials for monopolies (which, for all practical purposes Microsoft is) is public relations. They're not trying to sell the product, since they know the product will sell, but they're trying to make sure we keep liking them so their products will continue to sell.
Like mind control. As long as people believe it is good stuff, they will continue to buy. :mrgreen: :2wave:

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