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Should we outsource our government? (1 Viewer)

Should we outsource our governemt?

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DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Slightly Conservative
Should we outsource our government?

It seems that through out the years our government has been allowing our American jobs to go overseas,politicians kissing the *** of foriegn interest,giving our money away to foriegn countries,politicians we elect kissing the *** of big business,selling US ports to foriegn companies,not taken care of our borders and allowing other countries to gain our military secrets.
So why not outsource our govenment to China,India or any other nation where we can get politicians for dirt cheap.It would be almost impossible for them to do any worse that the politicians we have now.
And if everything you say is true, James, then our nation is indeed going to hell in a hand-basket.
Do you have any proof ?
And, of course, "outsourcing" our government is ridiculous..
Our country has been outsourcing jobs and absorbing immigrants since before it was even a country. Yet somehow our unemployment rate is very very low.

Could there perhaps be a flaw in your argument? Why yes, I think there could be. See if you can figure it out.
Kandahar said:
Our country has been outsourcing jobs and absorbing immigrants since before it was even a country

There has been improt tarrifs, limits and so on to protect America Industry.
Protecting US Industry Critical To Success Of First 100 Years

For the first 100 years of American independence, America was financed through protectionism. US net worth after that first century was twenty-five billion dollars more than the next wealthiest country, namely Great Britain. US gross national product was more than twice that of Germany and Russia. The US was so rich in goods and services that it was more self-sustaining than any industrial power in history. The US had no federal income tax provision until 1913. Until that time, the government was supported almost entirely through tariffs and protectionism. Protecting the nascent US chemical industry was a key in helping to defeat Germany.

In those days, more than half of the world's cotton, corn, copper, and oil flowed from America, and at least one-third of all steel, iron, silver, and gold. Even if the US was not flush with raw materials, excellent manufacturing guaranteed dominance of world markets. Wall Street was awash with foreign capital. It was calculated that America could afford to buy the entire United Kingdom including their national debt. Even the world-leading Bank of England began to borrow money on Wall Street. In short order, New York City seemed destined to replace London as the world's financial center.


The Hamilton Tariff of 1789 was one of the first bills established by the new United States government. Most of the rates of the tariff were between 5 and 10 percent, depending on the value of the item. As Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton was anxious to establish the tariff as a regular source of revenue for the government and as a protection of domestic manufacture.

. Yet somehow our unemployment rate is very very low..

Yeah low paying Wal-Mart jobs are so much better than blue collar factory jobs that pay more.
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jamesrage said:
Yeah low paying Wal-Mart jobs are so much better than blue collar factory jobs that pay more.

America has been outsourcing jobs of all socioeconomic statuses since before it was even a country. Yet our per capita wealth has continued to climb and is now among the highest in the world. Could there perhaps be a flaw in your argument? Why yes, I think there could be. See if you can figure it out.
earthworm said:
And, of course, "outsourcing" our government is ridiculous..

Well actually government jobs are being outsourced everyday so it's not so ridiculous.
Since it's President's day I thought I'd quote a few on the topic of labor and outsourcing:

Abraham Lincoln:
Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.

Dwight D. Eisenhower:
Only a fool would try to deprive working men and working women of their right to join the union of their choice.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt:
It is one of the characteristics of a free and democratic nation that is have free and independent labor unions.

Thomas Jefferson:
A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned -- this is the sum of good government.


The next big thing in outsourcing is coming next year: Chinese cars. If the trend continues, the American auto industry won't exist in a few years if we have to keep competing with workers that make $.90 an hour.
hipsterdufus said:
The next big thing in outsourcing is coming next year: Chinese cars. If the trend continues, the American auto industry won't exist in a few years if we have to keep competing with workers that make $.90 an hour.

If this trend keeps happening who will make our weapons,our military vehichles and other things necessary for maintianing a sovereign nation?
FinnMacCool said:
Slaves don't count kand.

We haven't had slaves for 141 years, yet our GDP per capita continues to grow.
hipsterdufus said:
Since it's President's day I thought I'd quote a few on the topic of labor and outsourcing:

The only one of those I can say I totally agree with is Jefferson's. The quotes by Eisenhower and FDR have some merit...I don't object to people having the "right" to join a labor union, but I do object to labor unions being afforded a special legal status, monopolizing the labor market, and compulsory membership for new employees.

hipsterdufus said:
The next big thing in outsourcing is coming next year: Chinese cars. If the trend continues, the American auto industry won't exist in a few years if we have to keep competing with workers that make $.90 an hour.

I don't see why this is a tragedy. Some industries leave, others are created. That's progress.

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