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Should we bring back public executions? (1 Viewer)

Should we have public executions for our most violent criminals?

  • Yes, they deserve to be publically humiliated for their crimes.

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • No, watching evil people being executed is too scary for me to handle.

    Votes: 19 65.5%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Oct 2, 2005
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United States of America and proud of it!
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What do YOU think?

I think we should. Before you make up your mind, hear me out. I believe in the dealth penalty for our most viscious and sick criminals. I think that by making our executions public, they would not only instill respect for our government but would also scare criminals out of committing crimes. We could televise them, put them available for pay per view or something, or we could even have them in the middle of Times Square. Heck, we could even make a lot of money off of this. We could release, "The Best Executions of 2006" on DVD. :mrgreen:

Ask yourself: Why would public executions really be so wrong? People in Europe did it for hundreds of years. Are we really that much smarter than our fore fathers?

We are so lax on our prosecution of criminals in this country that it's almost laughable compared to a lot of other countries. The insertion of, "cruel and unusual" punishment that was placed in our constitution should be reconsidered. Our ancestors in old Europe and other places certainly believed in justice for the wicked. So why don't we?

If a sick and sadastic bastard rapes and murders 11 year old girls, what compassion does he deserve? This is such a horrible act that nobody who does that deserves compassion here on Earth. It is for God and God alone to grant him compassion in the next life. But here on Earth, our duty is only to bring justice to the victims' families.

I say for criminals such as these we should reconsider the use of medieval European punishment devices. We should also consider bringing back the placement of letters on criminals, as was done in Western Europe and parts of the American colonies in the 1700's and prior. Instead of using cloth letters as was done in the past, we could tattoo sex offenders on their foreheads so that they would live the rest of their lives in humiliation.
George_Washington said:
What do YOU think?

I think we should. Before you make up your mind, hear me out. I believe in the dealth penalty for our most viscious and sick criminals. I think that by making our executions public, they would not only instill respect for our government but would also scare criminals out of committing crimes. We could televise them, put them available for pay per view or something, or we could even have them in the middle of Times Square. Heck, we could even make a lot of money off of this. We could release, "The Best Executions of 2006" on DVD. :mrgreen:
Ask yourself: Why would public executions really be so wrong? People in Europe did it for hundreds of years. Are we really that much smarter than our fore fathers?

In the past people have done a whole slew of terrible things. I'm not sure if you want to start appealing to tradition on matters like execution - does anyone else remember witch hunts and inquisitions? Yes, I'd venture to say that we are smarter than our forefathers.

We are so lax on our prosecution of criminals in this country that it's almost laughable compared to a lot of other countries. The insertion of, "cruel and unusual" punishment that was placed in our constitution should be reconsidered. Our ancestors in old Europe and other places certainly believed in justice for the wicked. So why don't we?

If a sick and sadastic bastard rapes and murders 11 year old girls, what compassion does he deserve? This is such a horrible act that nobody who does that deserves compassion here on Earth. It is for God and God alone to grant him compassion in the next life. But here on Earth, our duty is only to bring justice to the victims' families.

I say for criminals such as these we should reconsider the use of medieval European punishment devices. We should also consider bringing back the placement of letters on criminals, as was done in Western Europe and parts of the American colonies in the 1700's and prior. Instead of using cloth letters as was done in the past, we could tattoo sex offenders on their foreheads so that they would live the rest of their lives in humiliation.

Seriously, this post is a joke, right? Please?
Engimo said:
In the past people have done a whole slew of terrible things. I'm not sure if you want to start appealing to tradition on matters like execution - does anyone else remember witch hunts and inquisitions? Yes, I'd venture to say that we are smarter than our forefathers.

Right but with hunts and inquisitions don't really apply to what I'm talking about, they're irrelevant.

Seriously, this post is a joke, right? Please?

lol No. I know it sounds very old fashioned and out of touch with modern times. However, I like to think outside of the box.
Sometimes you have to wonder. Should we be progressing forwards or moving backwards? WHy would we throw away years and years of progress so we can go back to barbaric things such as public executions?
What would then separate "them" from "us"?

I mean, with those very nice Mullahs hanging 16 year old girls in the public squares as they like to do, doesn't seem there would be a whole lot of difference any more.
George_Washington said:
What do YOU think?

I think public executions should be brought back.Not for the porpuse of humiliating the criminal but to make an example out of them.
Gardener said:
What would then separate "them" from "us"?

I mean, with those very nice Mullahs hanging 16 year old girls in the public squares as they like to do, doesn't seem there would be a whole lot of difference any more.

So you would think that hanging someone for murderering people and other despicable acts is the same as hanging a hanging 16 year old girl because she looked at someone wrong?You are a seriously a ****ed up extreamist if you view all crime as being equal in order to think executing a 16 year old girl for meaningless offenses is the same as executing someone for murder.
jamesrage said:
I think public executions should be brought back.Not for the porpuse of humiliating the criminal but to make an example out of them.

Thanks for your support for my point of view. Nowdays some of our so called, "prisons" are more like country clubs and it's a joke. Not to mention that many criminals who are sentenced to death row just stay there for many years and never receive their punishment. I remember recently hearing about an idiot judge in Massachusetts who sentenced a guy for 60 days in jail for molesting several children. It's just ridiculous.
The judge that gave the 2 month sentence came from the Socialist Republic of Vermont. He has since been forced back to render another decision on the case to that of a 3 to 5 year sentence for the creep.
I like your ideas on public viewing of hangings. As it stands now, the country has been so PC and ACLU-whipped into a wussy mindset where we treat the criminals better than the victims--that getting to have Capital Punishment in any state is getting to be a chore. These liberal judges are handing out slaps on the wrists for felony crimes.
BTW, have you ever thought that our greatest president..George Washington has the same initials as George Walker? Coincidence or are we living a part of history of greatness in the making with George at the helm?
ptsdkid said:
The judge that gave the 2 month sentence came from the Socialist Republic of Vermont. He has since been forced back to render another decision on the case to that of a 3 to 5 year sentence for the creep.
I like your ideas on public viewing of hangings. As it stands now, the country has been so PC and ACLU-whipped into a wussy mindset where we treat the criminals better than the victims--that getting to have Capital Punishment in any state is getting to be a chore. These liberal judges are handing out slaps on the wrists for felony crimes.

Oh I know, it's just ridiculous. There have been so many cases of idiot liberal judges in my home city, I could go on for days. How these people ever passed the bar exam is beyond me.

BTW, have you ever thought that our greatest president..George Washington has the same initials as George Walker? Coincidence or are we living a part of history of greatness in the making with George at the helm?

lol Interesting. I do like our current President for the most part.
George_Washington said:
Thanks for your support for my point of view. Nowdays some of our so called, "prisons" are more like country clubs and it's a joke. Not to mention that many criminals who are sentenced to death row just stay there for many years and never receive their punishment.
:rofl So on one side of this debate we have GW, JamesRage and PTSDKID! Wow! It's like a dream team of radical right ideology, the perfect storm, all coming together to bring back public executions.

HOW SICK! Americans strive to lift ourselves to higher levels of education and morality, not to play on an even par with the most backwards of civilizations.

Fortunately for the American civilization extremely backward ideas like those suggested in this thread have zero, none, nil chance of ever happening.

The hole point, supposedly of capital punishment is to prevent crime. Since it's a statistical fact that it does not accomplish that goal all that leaves is a sick belief in an eye for an eye.

All this dream team needs now is the support of the other super extreme rightists in this community to cement their place in the ethics hall of shame...
Yeah I guess they are aspiring to become a Saudi Arabian-like christian state where they publically stone you for sleeping with another persons wife or husband. Yay democracy!

I wonder what makes you think your God will love these criminals better once they're dead? I can't wait to see my children grow up in a country where people are hung in public too the cheers of crowds. It took us quite a few centuries to get out of that and are we planning on changing course? Reverting back to where we came?
Hell no we should not bring back public executions. We are not barbarians. I like to think that our society is evolving.

In Saudi Arabia they are still killing people and cutting off hands if you are caught stealing. They brag that it is a crime free society. But who the hell would want to live there? I have a friend who works there and he hates it. That just proves, that getting rid of crime does not make a place sane to live in.:roll:
saffron said:
Hell no we should not bring back public executions. We are not barbarians. I like to think that our society is evolving.

In Saudi Arabia they are still killing people and cutting off hands if you are caught stealing. They brag that it is a crime free society. But who the hell would want to live there? I have a friend who works there and he hates it. That just proves, that getting rid of crime does not make a place sane to live in.:roll:

So you compare stealing to murder?You compare adultery to raping little children?It seems that you are the extreamist if you find these things to be equal in serverity.You people want to talk about "Oh that is something the arab extreamist would do" and yet there are morons who support abortion,euthinasia,pulling the plug on handicaps people which seems like something from Hitlers nazi germany.
jamesrage said:
So you compare stealing to murder?You compare adultery to raping little children?It seems that you are the extreamist if you find these things to be equal in serverity.You people want to talk about "Oh that is something the arab extreamist would do" and yet there are morons who support abortion,euthinasia,pulling the plug on handicaps people which seems like something from Hitlers nazi germany.
What does this post mean? You're comparing assisted suicide to Hitler BUT you're all for public executions?

I cannot understand how any American can be so unethical that they subscribe to an eye for an eye! Few things are as uncivilized as public execution, and few things are more dispicable than someone who supports acting like a barbarian.

Again, the good news is that radical thinking like this has no chance of ever even being discussed as a serious option. It's only suggested by extremists who are ethically bankrupt and educationally suspect for surely no one with a modicum of higher education would ever support such an insane activity.
"Should we bring back public executions?"


Two rounds in the head, burned.
Then the ashes thrown into a landfill will work.
So you compare stealing to murder?You compare adultery to raping little children?It seems that you are the extreamist if you find these things to be equal in serverity.You people want to talk about "Oh that is something the arab extreamist would do" and yet there are morons who support abortion,euthinasia,pulling the plug on handicaps people which seems like something from Hitlers nazi germany.

Now who is the extremist? Comparing liberals to nazis because of supporting a womans right to abort.
26 X World Champs said:
What does this post mean? You're comparing assisted suicide to Hitler BUT you're all for public executions?
I am for having the lives of the murders and pedophilers terminated,not the lives of the innocent.

I cannot understand how any American can be so unethical that they subscribe to an eye for an eye! Few things are as uncivilized as public execution, and few things are more dispicable than someone who supports acting like a barbarian.

I know that if you had it your way prison inmates would be given free education,free sex changes,video games,internet,library,wieghts and many other things that law abiding citizens have to pay for.But wiat,the inmates already recieave those things.

It's only suggested by extremists who are ethically bankrupt and educationally suspect for surely no one with a modicum of higher education would ever support such an insane activity.

Not feeling sorry for murderers and pedophilers does not make one ethically bankrupt and educationally suspect.I think the people who feel for sorry for these vermin behind bars are the ones who are educationally,morally and ethically bankrupt.Because onyol vermin feel sorry for vermin and it seems there are alot of people who feel sorry for the vermin behind bars.
FinnMacCool said:
Now who is the extremist? Comparing liberals to nazis because of supporting a womans right to abort.

There is no such thing as a right to murder a innocent child who has not even left his mother's womb.Some rat in black robe bastardizing the constitution does not make something a right.
There is no such thing as a right to murder a innocent child who has not even left his mother's womb.Some rat in black robe bastardizing the constitution does not make something a right.

That's ridiculous. . .but whatever this conversation can only lead to bullshit.
jamesrage said:
I am for having the lives of the murders and pedophilers terminated,not the lives of the innocent.
Publicly execute pedophiles now too? How about Bra Burners? Oooh...I know, let's off anybody that disagrees with you! PATHETIC!
jamesrage said:
I know that if you had it your way prison inmates would be given free education,free sex changes,video games,internet,library,wieghts and many other things that law abiding citizens have to pay for.But wiat,the inmates already recieave those things.
You sound like you're jealous? PATHETIC! Your complete lack of morality has been exposed for everyone to see, not a pretty picture.
jamesrage said:
Not feeling sorry for murderers and pedophilers does not make one ethically bankrupt and educationally suspect.
True, but wanting to execute them in public does. That type of thinking is psycho in my book, sorry.
jamesrage said:
I think the people who feel for sorry for these vermin behind bars are the ones who are educationally,morally and ethically bankrupt.Because onyol vermin feel sorry for vermin and it seems there are alot of people who feel sorry for the vermin behind bars.
Feel sorry? Are you so out of touch with the real world that you believe anyone who does not want to execute criminals feels sorry for them? I love what you write, it's so entertaining. There's a group of you radically ridiculous right wingers who are so damn funny. Your views are so extreme that it must be a joke because it's impossible for someone to believe such nonsense.

Write some more for us, please? Any subject you like so long as it showcases your extreme point of view. Pick a subject that really riles you, anything? Seems like abortions one of those button pushers for you? Shall we publicly execute any woman who has an abortion...doesn't that fit your "eye for an eye mentality"?

I'm waiting....:mrgreen:
26 X World Champs said:
Publicly execute pedophiles now too? How about Bra Burners? Oooh...I know, let's off anybody that disagrees with you! PATHETIC!

So you equate a pedophiler to bra burners?You think a bra burner is the same as a pedophiler?
PATHETIC! Your complete lack of morality has been exposed for everyone to see, not a pretty picture.
Someone who supports murdering a innocent child before he or she has the chance to leave the mother's womb has absolutly no room to talk about morality.

True, but wanting to execute them in public does. .


Feel sorry? Are you so out of touch with the real world that you believe anyone who does not want to execute criminals feels sorry for them?

It seems you go all this way to smear advocates for the death penalty and executing people in public.You must feel sorry for those vermin.

I love what you write, it's so entertaining. There's a group of you radically ridiculous right wingers who are so damn funny. Your views are so extreme that it must be a joke because it's impossible for someone to believe such nonsense.

The same could be said about your views too.

Shall we publicly execute any woman who has an abortion...doesn't that fit your "eye for an eye mentality"?

I think anyone who would murder a innocent baby deserves death.To victimize such innoncense is one of the lowest things people can do.
jamesrage said:
So you equate a pedophiler to bra burners?You think a bra burner is the same as a pedophiler?
Mr. Rage, you're the dude who wants to start a 24 hour Execution Channel! Who knows where you're extreme views will end? I never equated anything except that anyone who believes in an eye for an eye, especially in a public setting is morally bankrupt and way, way out of touch with America and Americans.
jamesrage said:
Someone who supports murdering a innocent child before he or she has the chance to leave the mother's womb has absolutly no room to talk about morality.
So you're against Laura Bush, Condi Rice, McCain, NAncy Reagan, Arlen Specter and every other American who is pro-choice? None of us has any right to talk about morality...but you do, the guy who wants to kill people in public for who knows what crimes? :rofl You do make me laugh, really you do. It's like one of those sidebars that Family Guy always has...they're always the funniest part of the show and your posts are equally funny for the same reason.
jamesrage said:
It seems you go all this way to smear advocates for the death penalty and executing people in public.You must feel sorry for those vermin.
Let me guess? You think 2+2=5? Right? You're post just doesn't add up, sorry. I don't feel sorry for criminals at all I just have evolved beyond the 14th century thinking that your posts promote, sorry.
jamesrage said:
I think anyone who would murder a innocent baby deserves death.To victimize such innoncense is one of the lowest things people can do.
So when George Bush got a woman pregnant way back when and she had an abortion he should now be put to death, publicly? Ah...now I get it! You need to find more and more guest stars for the "EXECUTION CHANNEL" so you feel that keeping abortion legal will provide you with a steady stream of people to kill.

Do you think the EXECUTION Channel should be Pay-Per-View? Monthly subscription a la HBO, or a basic cable channel?

Since you want to kill people who have abortions, does that then include all the personnel who work in hospitals that perform abortions, i.e. the maintenance guy who cleans the OR after the abortion or the receptionist who makes the abortion appointment or the billing person who submits their bill to the insurance carrier to get reimbursed? Ooooh...then you must also want to execute everyone who works for private insurers who pay for abortions, companies that provide the tools that doctors use to perform abortions etc.

I guess you want to kill anyone who has anything to do with any action that results in a legal abortion?

It appears that we might need a Execution Channel 2, like ESPN 2!!
Originally posted by 26 x World Champs
None of us has any right to talk about morality...but you do, the guy who wants to kill people in public for who knows what crimes?

Haha, yea. IMHO anyone that believes in mystical bull**** is abundantly underequipped to make an informed decision about morality.

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