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Should we ban.... (1 Viewer)

Should we ban canuck

  • NO

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • YES

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Who is canuck?

    Votes: 7 22.6%

  • Total voters


Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego
Political Leaning
Should we ban canuck?

Your comments please.
I think there is no question about it! The way he approaches his arguements is ignorant and how he justifies america is down right insulting.. He never does a counter arguement, never backs up his statements, and continually posts article after article with sources that is not a consideralbe souce! But most of all, his poems suck...
FinnMacCool said:
Yes, please.

Hey just out of curiousity, is finnmacool a actual pub? I saw the sign and thought mabe it was. I thought it sounded like one but I wasnt sure.
Seems like it is. I just looked up Finn Mac Cool on the internet and that sign showed up and I thought it would be cool to use as a sig.

In actuality, Finn MacCool is a famous Celtic warrior who was the leader of the Fianna. I wanted to find a picture of him to make into a sig but couldn't find any good ones. Ah well.
FinnMacCool said:
Seems like it is. I just looked up Finn Mac Cool on the internet and that sign showed up and I thought it would be cool to use as a sig.

In actuality, Finn MacCool is a famous Celtic warrior who was the leader of the Fianna. I wanted to find a picture of him to make into a sig but couldn't find any good ones. Ah well.

Yeah I tried googling or asking jeeves and I keep getting photos of this sh!tty looking band.
Banning is for people that are either too *****, or lack the skills to debate the issues. I think its more of the former. "Ooooohh, I don't like what he saaaaaays. Ooooooohh, we must baaaaaann himmmmmm, Ooooooohhh!"

This thread is a joke! As well as that ignore button! This is a debate forum. So we have a feature that censors the free flow of ideas in the marketplace because some people can't hang, so they embark on a crusade of thought control. Then hide behind the hypocrisy of their own hysteria.

The opposite of Love is Fear!
What is the basis for banning Canuck? Posts that insult America? Or going on meaningless rants?
Billo_Really said:
Banning is for people that are either too *****, or lack the skills to debate the issues. I think its more of the former. "Ooooohh, I don't like what he saaaaaays. Ooooooohh, we must baaaaaann himmmmmm, Ooooooohhh!"

This thread is a joke! As well as that ignore button! This is a debate forum. So we have a feature that censors the free flow of ideas in the marketplace because some people can't hang, so they embark on a crusade of thought control. Then hide behind the hypocrisy of their own hysteria.

The opposite of Love is Fear!

I agree. I was just wondering if Canuck did something out of line, but it sounds like to me, people want him banned, simply because they don't agree with his point of view or do not agree with his right to go on meaningless rants if he so chooses.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
We don't have to ban him let's just castrate the **** so he can't spread his defective genes onto future generations.

BWAHAHAHA thats a good one.

Banning is for people that are either too *****, or lack the skills to debate the issues. I think its more of the former. "Ooooohh, I don't like what he saaaaaays. Ooooooohh, we must baaaaaann himmmmmm, Ooooooohhh!"

This thread is a joke! As well as that ignore button! This is a debate forum. So we have a feature that censors the free flow of ideas in the marketplace because some people can't hang, so they embark on a crusade of thought control. Then hide behind the hypocrisy of their own hysteria.

The opposite of Love is Fear!

Just because hes your lewinski doesnt mean you are supposed to defend him. :lol:

The ignore button is also a necessity to this forum as we let any idiots on here. I ignore aryan emporium(o wait it seems becasue I use it on him that I cant hang with him, lol). But I suppose his ideals are worth hearing huh? I guess you like hearing ideals from a bunch of hitlers henchmen dont you? Well as for I partake in non of it. Remember, you are who you hang out with. Ever hear that saying? And what does the marketplace have to do with this? Yes it is a capatalistic society and your point is?

What is the basis for banning Canuck? Posts that insult America? Or going on meaningless rants?

Are you serious? Can I ask you a simple question? Are you canadian? Just wandering. Thanks

I agree. I was just wondering if Canuck did something out of line, but it sounds like to me, people want him banned, simply because they don't agree with his point of view or do not agree with his right to go on meaningless rants if he so chooses.

Nope is not that.
The ignore button is also a necessity to this forum as we let any idiots on here. I ignore aryan emporium(o wait it seems becasue I use it on him that I cant hang with him, lol). But I suppose his ideals are worth hearing huh? I guess you like hearing ideals from a bunch of hitlers henchmen dont you? Well as for I partake in non of it.

Just because you don't like hearing from them doesn't mean they should be banned. Everyone knows that Canuck is an idiot and I don't think a single person here considers his arguments to be intelligent or insightful. Nevertheless, that's no reason to ban him. Let him run his mouth all he wants until he figures out that no one is listening and goes away. He isn't hurting anyone.

"If we don't believe in freedom of speech for those we despise, we don't believe in it at all."
Kandahar said:
Just because you don't like hearing from them doesn't mean they should be banned. Everyone knows that Canuck is an idiot and I don't think a single person here considers his arguments to be intelligent or insightful. Nevertheless, that's no reason to ban him. Let him run his mouth all he wants until he figures out that no one is listening and goes away. He isn't hurting anyone.

"If we don't believe in freedom of speech for those we despise, we don't believe in it at all."

O I beleive in freedom of speech but some speech is not free to say. Im sorry but theres noo such thing as absolute freedom of speech and rightfully so. If you say no one listens to him anyway then why dont do something about it that everyone will agree upon. He just bogs up the forum. Plus if we ban him he would get the hint much faster. Becasue you have to remember canadians are a little retarded.
When I first read this thread, I was shaking my head that SKIL was actually attempting to get rid of someone for retarded posts. But, beyond the pot calling the kettle black, after reading some of canuck's posts....I have come to the conclusion that SKIL is a genius and should run in '08!

Canuck, you my friend are a moron. I think 98.9% of your posts are not intelligent and for the purpose of debate, but just to disagree with those actually debating. I am sure if I posted a thread stating that your butt had two holes, you would argue that it in fact had three...just for the sake of being an opponent.

Do you deserve to get booted for this? Nah, much like pretty girls need one fat girl to make them look better....you serve your purpose here too. SKIL IN 08!
Mod Note

Moved thread to basement.

/Mod Note
Billo_Really said:
Banning is for people that are either too *****, or lack the skills to debate the issues. I think its more of the former. "Ooooohh, I don't like what he saaaaaays. Ooooooohh, we must baaaaaann himmmmmm, Ooooooohhh!"

This thread is a joke! As well as that ignore button! This is a debate forum. So we have a feature that censors the free flow of ideas in the marketplace because some people can't hang, so they embark on a crusade of thought control. Then hide behind the hypocrisy of their own hysteria.

The opposite of Love is Fear!

Speaking of reasons to use the ignore button....
Quid Pro Quo said:
When I first read this thread, I was shaking my head that SKIL was actually attempting to get rid of someone for retarded posts. But, beyond the pot calling the kettle black, after reading some of canuck's posts....I have come to the conclusion that SKIL is a genius and should run in '08!

Canuck, you my friend are a moron. I think 98.9% of your posts are not intelligent and for the purpose of debate, but just to disagree with those actually debating. I am sure if I posted a thread stating that your butt had two holes, you would argue that it in fact had three...just for the sake of being an opponent.

Do you deserve to get booted for this? Nah, much like pretty girls need one fat girl to make them look better....you serve your purpose here too. SKIL IN 08!

That's going in my collection of hilarious posts.:lol:
Originally posted by RightatNYU:
That's going in my collection of hilarious posts
I've got a better scenario. But its not all that funny. How about all these consevative only forums for neo's not showing a whole lot of mental health. Like a guy who lives with four of his buddies (that don't know any women) wondering why he can't get a date. Neo's that only associate with other neo's don't have a good grip on reality. Because they completely shut out the interests of half the population. That, is being unfit to hold public office.

Neo's would like it better if there were no liberals in the world. However, liberals don't think that of neo's. Now I ask you, who is really the danger to society's future?

The proof is in the pudding. Since the neo's took over, everything this country stood for, has been flushed down the toilet.
Billo_Really said:
I've got a better scenario. But its not all that funny. How about all these consevative only forums for neo's not showing a whole lot of mental health. Like a guy who lives with four of his buddies (that don't know any women) wondering why he can't get a date. Neo's that only associate with other neo's don't have a good grip on reality. Because they completely shut out the interests of half the population. That, is being unfit to hold public office.

Neo's would like it better if there were no liberals in the world. However, liberals don't think that of neo's. Now I ask you, who is really the danger to society's future?

The proof is in the pudding. Since the neo's took over, everything this country stood for, has been flushed down the toilet.

Wait, what? I'm so confused as to what you're saying....
galenrox said:
I dunno, Cannuck is pretty bad, but we've had far worse.
Anybody else remember libertarian, who came back as hetero defense league who made vague shut down the gay marriage forum just to get him to stop coming up with fake names to stalk Justine Credible?

Hahaha, that ****er was so annoying. He had I think 6 or 7 aliases and we were going nuts catching them all and banning them. Jesus.
RightatNYU said:
Hahaha, that ****er was so annoying. He had I think 6 or 7 aliases and we were going nuts catching them all and banning them. Jesus.

Not me man, I take getting band as a sense of pride just like on that nazi ass democraticunderground b.s., no one should be banned and whenever I over use my first amendment right and get banned I'll take that as a badge of honor.

damn the man save the Republic!
Personally...I find the posts of this member quite funny to read, often pointless yes, and there lies the humor. I would not Ban him though, as I like to reserve that fate for those who cant play nice in the sandbox. Likely I would have given him a few warning shots over the Bow by now, but there are quite a few in here that would have recieved the same for far more than lack of intellect.

Guess its a good thing I dont Mod here....heh

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