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Should Vitamins Such As Vitamin C Have To Be Prescribed By A Doctor? (1 Viewer)

Youve Got To Be Kidding!

Active member
Jul 24, 2005
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Political Leaning
Thanks to the new bill CAFTA

You will soon need a prescription for vitamins and dietary/health supllements.
I would not see it crazy for someone to hold the FBI/DEA/POLICE at gun point saying "You can have my Vitamin C if you pry it from my dead stiff hands". That is just my opinion.

Im asking this to be a poll because id like to here what if any reason there would be for this.

I think Uncle Sam needs some therapy and a BIGGER Uncle to keep his ass in line.

Can someone please give me the reason for this?
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Thanks to the new bill CAFTA

You will soon need a prescription for vitamins and dietary/health supllements.
I would not see it crazy for someone to hold the FBI/DEA/POLICE at gun point saying "You can have my Vitamin C if you pry it from my dead stiff hands". That is just my opinion.

Im asking this to be a poll because id like to here what if any reason there would be for this.

I think Uncle Sam needs some therapy and a BIGGER Uncle to keep his ass in line.

Can someone please give me the reason for this?

I'm sorry. CAFTA? Central American Free Trade Agreement? There are a lot of problems with CAFTA, but I've never heard this. Source please?
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Thanks to the new bill CAFTA

You will soon need a prescription for vitamins and dietary/health supllements.
I would not see it crazy for someone to hold the FBI/DEA/POLICE at gun point saying "You can have my Vitamin C if you pry it from my dead stiff hands". That is just my opinion.

Im asking this to be a poll because id like to here what if any reason there would be for this.

I think Uncle Sam needs some therapy and a BIGGER Uncle to keep his ass in line.

Can someone please give me the reason for this?

To pad the coffers of the medical establishment. By charging people for prescriptions and the fact that more people will get sick from an improper diet but get around it some by taking vitamins. I thought that was just in Europe. Are you sure? I'll have to start eating my veggies. Does ketchup count? This is overboard. Some heads may roll over this. Too many people take vitamins. Including me. I'm 41. In perfect shape and have a terrible diet. I've been taking vitamins since 10 or so. I think there is something to them. Great for hangovers also. Take them at night with a gallon of water and your ALMOST fine the next morning. You'll see my conservative ass turn on the Republicans in a heartbeat if this gets through. But it takes some support from the Dems also. See what the money and lobbies do for us? Are you VERY sure? Now my panties are in a wad.
teacher said:
To pad the coffers of the medical establishment. By charging people for prescriptions and the fact that more people will get sick from an improper diet but get around it some by taking vitamins. I thought that was just in Europe. Are you sure? I'll have to start eating my veggies. Does ketchup count? This is overboard. Some heads may roll over this. Too many people take vitamins. Including me. I'm 41. In perfect shape and have a terrible diet. I've been taking vitamins since 10 or so. I think there is something to them. Great for hangovers also. Take them at night with a gallon of water and your ALMOST fine the next morning. You'll see my conservative ass turn on the Republicans in a heartbeat if this gets through. But it takes some support from the Dems also. See what the money and lobbies do for us? Are you VERY sure? Now my panties are in a wad.

Yes it passed 217-215
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
You will soon need a prescription for vitamins and dietary/health supllements.

Please tell me this isn't true. Are you sure you heard correctly?

I would not see it crazy for someone to hold the FBI/DEA/POLICE at gun point saying "You can have my Vitamin C if you pry it from my dead stiff hands".

You said it.

I think Uncle Sam needs some therapy and a BIGGER Uncle to keep his ass in line.

Yes, but if the "bigger uncle" is the UN, we'll end up needing a perscription for toilet paper. I have an idea: how about the bigger uncle is the American people.
im calling bullshit on this one. if a ban on OTC supplements went through i can guarantee id be one of the first to know about it since im an ex GNC employee and my best friend, sitting in the same room as me, manages one of the GNC's here in town and hasnt heard a thing. ive also done about 20 google searches on it as well and checked supplementwatch.com.

there is no reason for something like this whatsoever. if a bill like this passed though, id have to consider leaving my beloved USA.
Most nutritional supplements are unnecessary, and some are dangerous.

If you need them for a specific therapeutic end, they should be prescribed by a doctor and your levels monitored. Food supplements are an industry which make a few people rich out of trading on peoples' gullibility.

As for making doctors and pharmaceutical companies rich out of yet more prescription medicines, this wouldn't happen if you had a fair system of socialist medicine, instead of the apalling big business, health care lottery you have in the US.
FiremanRyan said:
. if a bill like this passed though, id have to consider leaving my beloved USA.

There's a European welcome for your big fireman's hose.
Urethra Franklin said:
Most nutritional supplements are unnecessary, and some are dangerous.

If you need them for a specific therapeutic end, they should be prescribed by a doctor and your levels monitored. Food supplements are an industry which make a few people rich out of trading on peoples' gullibility.

As for making doctors and pharmaceutical companies rich out of yet more prescription medicines, this wouldn't happen if you had a fair system of socialist medicine, instead of the apalling big business, health care lottery you have in the US.

You can turn any subject into hate America can't you? I'm glad you're so figgin miserable. And wrong eh Dr. Franklin? And Bush has three more years of running this, the USA, the greatest nation ever on gods green earth. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Except spew vile hatred out your hole. Were gonna be around for a long, long, time. Maybe your country is next huh? And if you get sick and need SERIOUS medical treatment, where you gonna go? That's right. It just bugs the shi*t out of you don't it? Good.
Urethra Franklin said:
There's a European welcome for your big fireman's hose.

What part of Europe are you from?

The part whose ass we kicked? Or the part whose ass we saved?
teacher said:
You can turn any subject into hate America can't you? .

I don't hate America. It is a vast and wonderful continent containing some countries which I love: Brazil, Guiane, Mexico, Canada etc.

teacher said:
I'm glad you're so figgin miserable. .
Miserable? Honey life's swinging.

teacher said:
And Bush has three more years of running this, the USA, the greatest nation ever on gods green earth. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it. .

Would that be why United Statesian companies like Burger King have been forced to pull out of France due to falling sales of their disgusting "food" (and I use the term food very loosely)? Would that be why the Spanish had the sense to elect a decent government which immediately withdrew its support for Bush's murderous war of lies? You under-estimate the power of people power dear heart. We can't remove Bush, but we can make his life difficult.

teacher said:
Maybe your country is next huh?.

Oh please. You need us. That's why you send Condominium Rice over here on arse-licking expeditions. There are so many of you over here spending your weak dollars and whining how much you love our "fwah grahhh" You'd never give that up.

teacher said:
And if you get sick and need SERIOUS medical treatment, where you gonna go? .

Why I'd stay right here.
One of the nurses where I work was showing me an article in a French nursing journal ("Infirmière Magazine, juillet-août 2005 - not that you'll be educated enough to read it) about United Statesians having to travel to Colombian clinics for ophthalmic surgery because it's both cheaper AND more advanced than what the US can offer them. Boy, that's serious.

teacher said:
That's right. It just bugs the shi*t out of you don't it? Good.

Poor deluded United Statesian.

Now, I shall not respond to any more of your posts. You are going on my ignore list. I made a perfectly reasonable comment on what I think of the way of funding US medicine and you chose to make a personal attack on me. Needless to say, you got one back, but as far as I'm concerned it ends here. On some things we agree, on this one we don't. Be adult enough to accept that. Goodbye.
cnredd said:
What part of Europe are you from?

The part whose ass we kicked? Or the part whose ass we saved?

Neither of those places exist.
In which edition of the National Enquirer did you read about them?
Urethra Franklin said:
Neither of those places exist.
In which edition of the National Enquirer did you read about them?

Don't read the Enquirer...Too busy putting up my new signature...
cnredd said:
Don't read the Enquirer...Too busy putting up my new signature...

Oh, does that new signature mean you're an active queen rather than a passive queen?
Naughty Nurse said:
Oh, does that new signature mean you're an active queen rather than a passive queen?

I was wondering if someone was going to "go there"...I didn't expect it to be that quick, though.;)

above is an editorial written by John Hammell


an article written after the EU passed the measure in 2002


the article on the CAFTA vote. I wonder if the original poster to this thread confused CAFTA and CODEX. From what I understand... CODEX is one who wants limited dosages of vitamins on store shelves.. with the higher dosages only available by prescription. Hope this helps (it's really all I could find at the moment)
debate_junkie said:

above is an editorial written by John Hammell


an article written after the EU passed the measure in 2002


the article on the CAFTA vote. I wonder if the original poster to this thread confused CAFTA and CODEX. From what I understand... CODEX is one who wants limited dosages of vitamins on store shelves.. with the higher dosages only available by prescription. Hope this helps (it's really all I could find at the moment)

No you uninformed gimp. This is hidden in the 10,000 page CAFTA Bill.
Why dont you do your own reearch before cutting others down.
Urethra Franklin said:
There's a European welcome for your big fireman's hose.

thanks ms. franklin haha.

im actually very pleased with the way our OTC medicine and supplement system works. no government regulations on things that dont need it. i dont know what id do if i needed a prescription for things i buy all the time like multi-vitamins, whey protein or energy supps. just seems unnecessary.
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I hate to be siding with someone named 'Urethra Franklin' but the plain simple fact is that the combined GDP of all the countries in the EU are greater than the GDP of the United States. You can call them whiny, or declining, or whatever, but the simple fact is that one day they're going to get their act together, look past their petty 20th century differences and become a real superpower rival to the United States. I guess that's partially why us liberals do care what europeans think. The arrogance of the conservative movement in the United States will be putting its foot in its mouth sometime in the next 50 years.


(Add up the GDP of the top 20 European states and you'll find it's around 11.8 for last year, while America's was 11.6. And that's excluding Turkey, who's admittance into the EU is still pending. That's still only the top 20. There's another million in the smaller countries alone.)
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Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
No you uninformed gimp. This is hidden in the 10,000 page CAFTA Bill.
Why dont you do your own reearch before cutting others down.
Wow. Just...wow.
debate_junkie said:
I wonder if the original poster to this thread confused CAFTA and CODEX.
He was merely speculating whether you confused two somewhat similar acronyms. You are a very defensive person.

Your first sentence refers to debate_junkie as an "uninformed gimp". Your third sentence asks him to "do [his] own reearch before cutting others down".
A) He didn't "cut you down". He speculated that you might have made a mistake.
B) You clearly didn't notice the three links he posted quite clearly indicating he did some research (or you chose to ignore them). How about you look at his entire post?

I find it odd that you don't take the time to notice the links he posts (or ignore them for the sake of insulting him), read a speculation as a direct attack, then go on to directly attack him. Like I said, incredibly defensive.

Interesting topic, though. If it is true, many people will be up in arms. I don't have time right now (a girl I haven't seen in weeks just got back, and I really wanna go say hi), but I'll try and look into it sometime.
FiremanRyan said:
thanks ms. franklin haha.

im actually very pleased with the way our OTC medicine and supplement system works. no government regulations on things that dont need it. i dont know what id do if i needed a prescription for things i buy all the time like multi-vitamins, whey protein or energy supps. just seems unnecessary.

Babe, have you ever seen people in liver failure due to "herbal remedies" or even vitamin A overdose? It ain't a pretty sight.

Think of the money you'd save not taking those unnecessary vitamins? I'm sure you know how to eat right?
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
No you uninformed gimp. This is hidden in the 10,000 page CAFTA Bill.
Why dont you do your own reearch before cutting others down.

Touchy. Touchy. Did I strike a nerve? I would reinsert my entire post. However, you missed a few BIG words at the end of my post. It was all I could find... AT THE MOMENT.

Wow.. and this is the part of the political climate that makes me crazy. People who get defensive and resort to junior high school name calling.. when someone wonder's if they've confused the issue, not out of stupidity, but out of being human.

I would return the name calling. But you've made more of a point with your "intellectuality" (or lack there of) than I ever could.

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