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Should this new tape afford Mike (Brownie) Brown an apology? (1 Viewer)

Do we as a country owe Mike Brown an apology?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2005
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Political Leaning
With the revelation of this new tape, does this country in fact own Mike (Brownie) Brown an apology? I certainly think so, it would appear that he was doing all he could to prepare the appropriate government agencies for the worst possible scenario. I think we owe this man a sincere apology, we attacked his professionalism, his competence, and him personally, seems he was the only one who had it right. It seems the the DHS got a pass on this, and that he was indeed the scapegoat!
I see there is no great stampede to correct ourselves, and acknowledge that we all allowed ourselves to be fooled, and place the blame where it did not belong!

Sad, really sad people!:(
Not really. If he was preparing for the worst before the storm ever hit, and FEMA still ****ed up as badly as it did, that doesn't say a lot for his managerial skills.
Kandahar said:
Not really. If he was preparing for the worst before the storm ever hit, and FEMA still ****ed up as badly as it did, that doesn't say a lot for his managerial skills.

But you didn't do your homework sir, it was the responsibility of the DHS, we saw Mr. Chertac on that tape as well, Brown was adamant about the severity of the storm, Bush and his HLS leader did nothing, his hands were obviously tied. But feel free to continue to blame him, that's what the administration wants you to do, be a good sheep now, and follow the herd!:doh
Deegan said:
With the revelation of this new tape, does this country in fact own Mike (Brownie) Brown an apology? I certainly think so, it would appear that he was doing all he could to prepare the appropriate government agencies for the worst possible scenario. I think we owe this man a sincere apology, we attacked his professionalism, his competence, and him personally, seems he was the only one who had it right. It seems the the DHS got a pass on this, and that he was indeed the scapegoat!

Mike Brown ?
Never heard of either , and I hate acronyms !
Is DHS the unnecessary Dept. of Homeland Security ???
What is wrong with the old Dept. of Defense ??
Added bureaucracy does not solve problems, it creates them !
Deegan said:
But you didn't do your homework sir, it was the responsibility of the DHS, we saw Mr. Chertac on that tape as well, Brown was adamant about the severity of the storm, Bush and his HLS leader did nothing, his hands were obviously tied. But feel free to continue to blame him, that's what the administration wants you to do, be a good sheep now, and follow the herd!:doh

FEMA is part of the DHS, and is the agency most responsible for dealing with this kind of thing. So if Michael Brown was shouting the sky is falling for days prior to the storm, FEMA should've been on the ball...unless he's completely incompetent. How were his hands tied? Are you saying that Bush and Chertoff told him specifically to do nothing?

Bush and Chertoff certainly didn't earn any medals in this saga either, but Michael Brown certainly deserves his share of the blame.
earthworm said:
Mike Brown ?
Never heard of either , and I hate acronyms !
Is DHS the unnecessary Dept. of Homeland Security ???
What is wrong with the old Dept. of Defense ??
Added bureaucracy does not solve problems, it creates them !

Yeah Bush created the Department of Homeland Security.. :3oops:

Kandahar in the tape Brownie was doing the most he possibly could to solve the problem with Chertoff and the BA did not... it's not his fault, he failed but only because of the incompetency of his higher authorities.
Synch said:
Yeah Bush created the Department of Homeland Security.. :3oops:

Kandahar in the tape Brownie was doing the most he possibly could to solve the problem with Chertoff and the BA did not... it's not his fault, he failed but only because of the incompetency of his higher authorities.

Exactly, this was a white wash, and we should not be so easily swayed, it's a sad day when we don't put the blame where it squarely needs to be!

We were all fooled, and we owe this man an apology, end game!!!!
Synch said:
Yeah Bush created the Department of Homeland Security.. :3oops:

Kandahar in the tape Brownie was doing the most he possibly could to solve the problem with Chertoff and the BA did not... it's not his fault, he failed but only because of the incompetency of his higher authorities.

All I see in this tape is Michael Brown warning a few higher-ups of the dangers the storm posed. It's his job to kick asses at FEMA to make sure things get done.

At issue here is not whether he anticipated the storm ahead of time, it's his total incompetence after it hit.
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Kandahar said:
All I see in this tape is Michael Brown warning a few higher-ups of the dangers the storm posed. It's his job to kick asses at FEMA to make sure things get done.

At issue here is not whether he anticipated the storm ahead of time, it's how he could be so incompetent after it hit.

You could have done so much better huh?

**** you and your assumptions, you arrogant asshole, sorry, but you act as if you can control the necessary agencies, he could not, and no one else could......screw this, what a crock a ****......:roll:
Kandahar said:
All I see in this tape is Michael Brown warning a few higher-ups of the dangers the storm posed. It's his job to kick asses at FEMA to make sure things get done.

At issue here is not whether he anticipated the storm ahead of time, it's how he could be so incompetent after it hit.

Placed under the DHS, it added a new level of burearacracy to FEMA, he couldn't kick *** because the Bush administration weakend it by placing it under the DHS, it had less power.. he needed more power, so he asked it from his superiors, and he didn't get it.

He was made incompetent by Chertoff, Brownie shouldn't have been fired, Chertoff should.

I have a changed view of Brownie, instead of seeing him as a failure, he was really a scapegoat..
Deegan said:
You could have done so much better huh?

Better than Michael Brown? Probably. But I don't need to speculate, since I haven't accepted a job at FEMA.

Deegan said:
**** you and your assumptions, you arrogant asshole, sorry, but you act as if you can control the necessary agencies, he could not, and no one else could......screw this, what a crock a ****......:roll:

If he couldn't control his agency, then perhaps he shouldn't have been leading it. Just a thought.
Synch said:
Placed under the DHS, it added a new level of burearacracy to FEMA, he couldn't kick *** because the Bush administration weakend it by placing it under the DHS, it had less power.. he needed more power, so he asked it from his superiors, and he didn't get it.

He was made incompetent by Chertoff, Brownie shouldn't have been fired, Chertoff should.

I have a changed view of Brownie, instead of seeing him as a failure, he was really a scapegoat..

Great news, you see the obvious, these other assholes just can't take back their angry knee jerk reactions....................:roll:
Kandahar said:
Better than Michael Brown? Probably. But I don't need to speculate, since I haven't accepted a job at FEMA.

If he couldn't control his agency, then perhaps he shouldn't have been leading it. Just a thought.

It wasn't his fault that he couldn't control it.. If he did have the power to help more, don't you think he could've?

Watch the tape, Bush said he was fully prepared... :3oops: he doesn't ask any questions.

Bush was overconfident, Brownie didn't have the powers to handle the situation because FEMA did not have enough powers, Bush assured him everything was fine(god damnited read the ****ing news), he lied... so Brown got fried..
Synch said:
It wasn't his fault that he couldn't control it.. If he did have the power to help more, don't you think he could've?

Watch the tape, Bush said he was fully prepared... :3oops: he doesn't ask any questions.

Bush was overconfident, Brownie didn't have the powers to handle the situation because FEMA did not have enough powers, Bush assured him everything was fine(god damnited read the ****ing news), he lied... so Brown got fried..
Who ever thought we would be on the same side of an issue.....praise the Lord!;)
what tape? Am I missing something?
Deegan said:
You could have done so much better huh?

**** you and your assumptions, you arrogant asshole, sorry, but you act as if you can control the necessary agencies, he could not, and no one else could......screw this, what a crock a ****......:roll:

I apologize, I was drinking last night, and that was uncalled for, and inappropriate.:3oops:
Well, Deegan, at least it's nice to know you realize how great of a man we have running our country.
My synopsis of this fiasco:

FEMA has been somewhat castrated by its incorporation into DHS.

Brown did not have the experience to work the system in washington, let alone to handle a true emergency.

Chertoff did not prioritize FEMA as the primary responder to this disaster (here is the biggest mistake), and did not take warnings seriously.

Bush placed people in positions based on criteria which had nothing to do with qualifications, or experience.

The combination of these things, and the failures on a local level led to undo death and suffering for the American People.

there is plenty of blame to go around but, when all is said and done the release of recent information makes it clear to me where the buck stops, and I honestly think Bush needs to accept responsibility for making extremely poor descisions which allowed this failure to happen. Unfortunately....he will not, and the current power structure in this country is incapable of forcing the issue.
I think it is Bush who deserves the appology

Fri Mar 03 2006 19:48:29 ET
AP press release from yesterday

"Clarification: Katrina-Video story

WASHINGTON (AP) _ In a March 1 story, The Associated Press reported that federal disaster officials warned President Bush and his homeland security chief before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could breach levees in New Orleans, citing confidential video footage of an Aug. 28 briefing among U.S. officials.

The Army Corps of Engineers considers a breach a hole developing in a levee rather than an overrun. The story should have made clear that Bush was warned about floodwaters overrunning the levees, rather than the levees breaking.

The day before the storm hit, Bush was told there were grave concerns that the levees could be overrun. It wasn't until the next morning, as the storm was hitting, that Michael Brown, then head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said Bush had inquired about reports of breaches. Bush did not participate in that briefing."
Synch said:
It wasn't his fault that he couldn't control it.. If he did have the power to help more, don't you think he could've?

Sure...if he had the power to help more. If I had the power to be a great movie star and pull in a seven-figure salary, I would. That doesn't mean I belong in Hollywood any more than Michael Brown belonged in FEMA.

Synch said:
Watch the tape, Bush said he was fully prepared... :3oops: he doesn't ask any questions.

Bush is hardly the MVP of this whole affair. That doesn't excuse Michael Brown's actions or lack thereof.

Synch said:
Bush was overconfident, Brownie didn't have the powers to handle the situation because FEMA did not have enough powers, Bush assured him everything was fine(god damnited read the ****ing news), he lied... so Brown got fried..

Michael Brown was the head of FEMA. A simple "all is well" assurance from higher-ups is not sufficient if you're the person in charge of emergency management. Bush didn't tell him NOT to do anything, did he? I mean, who did Michael Brown think was going to make sure that everything was fine, if not FEMA?
As a citizen of Louisiana I know there is plenty of blame to go around for everybody involved in this disaster but that is a different subject.

Should Mike Brown get an apolgy? First who apoligies? If I remember correctly (correct me if I am wrong) it was the so called mainstream media who wanted his head in the first place. Ask yourself when is the last the media apoligized to anybody for their scewups. They are usally just sorry they got caught.
Deegan said:
I apologize, I was drinking last night, and that was uncalled for, and inappropriate.:3oops:

No worries, it's all good. :smile:
As I said in your other thread I think he is owed an apology. He wasn't doing a great job, but he was doing better than Chertoff or the Whitehouse. He seemed to be trying to get things done while Chertoff and the Whitehouse were simply passive about the whole situation. I still think they should have picked a FEMA director with real experience.
Kandahar said:
Sure...if he had the power to help more. If I had the power to be a great movie star and pull in a seven-figure salary, I would. That doesn't mean I belong in Hollywood any more than Michael Brown belonged in FEMA.

Bush is hardly the MVP of this whole affair. That doesn't excuse Michael Brown's actions or lack thereof.

Michael Brown was the head of FEMA. A simple "all is well" assurance from higher-ups is not sufficient if you're the person in charge of emergency management. Bush didn't tell him NOT to do anything, did he? I mean, who did Michael Brown think was going to make sure that everything was fine, if not FEMA?

Stupid analogy, he couldn't have done it because he didn't have the experience, + the failure of his superiors to listen to him, no one could've done it without major experience and help from the media to pressure chertoff, who was even more incompetent, to take action.

Bush lied and Brownie got fried....

Bush didn't ask any question and failed during times of crisis, just like Chertoff, Brown was scrambling to get things together. The local failure of Governer Blanco and Mayor Nagin also contributed to the problem.

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