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Should the U.S. Build a Wall Across the Southern Boarder? (1 Viewer)

Should the U.S. build a wall along the Southern Boarder?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 40.0%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Trajan Octavian Titus
Should we build a wall across the Mexican border? Frankly I don't see any drawbacks to this proposition. Hay we can even have the illegals build it for us.
You can build a 12 foot wall around the entire United States and it would take less than a minute for someone to figure out they need a 13 foot ladder.
Billo_Really said:
You can build a 12 foot wall around the entire United States and it would take less than a minute for someone to figure out they need a 13 foot ladder.

not if you have barbed wire on top of it with guard stations around it every 1/2 mile; furthermore, tell that to the Berliners and the Mongolians.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Should we build a wall across the Mexican border?

No, we shouldn't.

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Frankly I don't see any drawbacks to this proposition.

I can. It keeps immigrants out.
Originally Posted by Trajan Octavian Titus
not if you have barbed wire on top of it with guard stations around it every 1/2 mile; furthermore, tell that to the Berliners and the Mongolians.
More proof that the United States is a prison colony.

Do you know what the inscription says under the Statue of Liberty?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
furthermore, tell that to the Berliners and the Mongolians.

A city wall is slightly different than a 2,000 mile long wall on the Mexican border. And as for the Great Wall of China, it was ridiculously expensive for the net military benefit.
Billo_Really said:
More proof that the United States is a prison colony.

Do you know what the inscription says under the Statue of Liberty?

Flip it over because I'm pretty sure on the back it says: "but for Christ's sakes don't let people in who want to blow up this statue."

Furthermore; a prison colony would imply that the wall would to keep us in not to keep others out.

I have no problem with immigrants coming into this country, I have a problem with people doing so illegally, not only does it take away jobs but it also isn't fair to those who go through the proper channels to get in this country legally.

Honestly Billo are you coming out on the side of unregulated immigration?
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Wont work they would just go under it.
And besides 2k miles long?...:lol:
Originally Posted by Trajan Octavian Titus
Flip it over because I'm pretty sure on the back it says: "but for Christ's sakes don't let people in who want to blow up this statue.
I could see Gunny saying something like this.
Kandahar said:
A city wall is slightly different than a 2,000 mile long wall on the Mexican border. And as for the Great Wall of China, it was ridiculously expensive for the net military benefit.

but it worked; furthermore, if we hired illegal immigrants to build it it would be pretty cheap, :lol: also, this isn't a problem comparable to the China situation you can't do a cost-benefit analysis comparing a pre-industrialized nation to the United States.
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cherokee said:
Wont work they would just go under it.
And besides 2k miles long?...:lol:

It's not to long consider it like building the interstate highway that crosses the entire country, it's definately possible for the U.S. to do it, and as for them going under it that's why you put a chainlink fence down appx ten feet into the ground, haven't you ever tried to keep your dog in your yard?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
but it worked;

For a ridiculous amount of money, yes. I'm sure someone could engineer a satellite to scratch my ass with a laser beam from space too.

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
furthermore, if we hired illegal immigrants to build it it would be pretty cheap, :lol: also, this isn't a problem comparable to the China situation you can't do a cost-benefit analysis comparing a pre-industrialized nation to the United States.

China used slave labor to build theirs, and it still costed a ridiculous amount. We wouldn't even have that luxury.

Just how much do you think it would cost the taxpayers for this wall?
Kandahar said:
For a ridiculous amount of money, yes. I'm sure someone could engineer a satellite to scratch my ass with a laser beam from space too.

China used slave labor to build theirs, and it still costed a ridiculous amount. We wouldn't even have that luxury.

Just how much do you think it would cost the taxpayers for this wall?

Not as much as the net loss that the tax payers get from the lowering of wages due to illegal workers.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Flip it over because I'm pretty sure on the back it says: "but for Christ's sakes don't let people in who want to blow up this statue."

Oh I didn't realize the Islamists had gained a foothold in the madrasses of Mexico. :doh

Should I assume that you want a 5,500 mile wall along the Canadian border too, to keep terrorists out?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Not as much as the net loss that the tax payers get from the lowering of wages due to illegal workers.

And you're basing that on what?

Let's not forget about the gains that the taxpayers get from cheaper products and more jobs.

If we didn't have any minimum wage laws there wouldn't be any incentive for employers to hire illegal immigrants over American citizens. Why take the risk of getting in trouble with the law when you can pay both the same wage?
Kandahar said:
Oh I didn't realize the Islamists had gained a foothold in the madrasses of Mexico. :doh

Should I assume that you want a 5,500 mile wall along the Canadian border too, to keep terrorists out?

No but the Islamists can easily get into the country through the southern boarder.
Kandahar said:
And you're basing that on what?

Let's not forget about the gains that the taxpayers get from cheaper products and more jobs.

If we didn't have any minimum wage laws there wouldn't be any incentive for employers to hire illegal immigrants over American citizens. Why take the risk of getting in trouble with the law when you can pay both the same wage?

I'm not saying to put an end to immigrant workers altogether what I'm saying is build the wall so we can institute a guest worker program that will actually work.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
No but the Islamists can easily get into the country through the southern boarder.

But crossing the border in Montana is out of the question, right?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I'm not saying to put an end to immigrant workers altogether what I'm saying is build the wall so we can institute a guest worker program that will actually work.

Want to reduce illegal immigration? End the minimum wage. Simple as that. It would help the American economy and wouldn't cost the taxpayers an arm and a leg, unlike this wall.
Originally Posted by Trajan Octavian Titus
No but the Canadian boarder problem isn't anywhere near as bad as the one in Mexico.
So your saying snow-backs are not as big a problem as wet-backs?
Kandahar said:
Want to reduce illegal immigration? End the minimum wage. Simple as that. It would help the American economy and wouldn't cost the taxpayers an arm and a leg, unlike this wall.

I don't really understand your reasoning, this is how it works the illegal immigrants come in here and they are willing to work for far less money, regardless if it is above or below the minimum wage, than American workers on the same job and the fact that there are so many illegal workers is what drives down the average wage, how would ending the minimum wage help to solve this? Are you saying that we should simply pay American workers less money?
So we build a fat wall on the border. And then they can't get here. So what? You want them to be able to get here? Big fat wall, they can't get here. The problem with that is?...You want them to get here. Why? Just answer the friggin questions. Bet you can't.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
No but the Canadian boarder problem isn't anywhere near as bad as the one in Mexico.

You implied that building a fence along the Mexican border would keep terrorists out. How is the Canadian border "nowhere near as bad" in this sense? It's WORSE, because it's larger, less populated, and doesn't have armies of redneck vigilantes patrolling it for illegal immigrants. If I was a terrorist I'd cross into Montana or North Dakota, not Texas.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I don't really understand your reasoning, this is how it works the illegal immigrants come in here and they are willing to work for far less money, regardless if it is above or below the minimum wage, than American workers on the same job and the fact that there are so many illegal workers is what drives down the average wage, how would ending the minimum wage help to solve this? Are you saying that we should simply pay American workers less money?

If the market wage is less than the minimum wage, yes, we should absolutely pay American workers less money.

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