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Should the kkk be able to practice? (1 Viewer)


Jul 13, 2005
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Shouldnt the klue kluxx Klan be able to able to able to practice there beliefs in America? I mean we do have the freedom of speach and of the practice of our religion? So why should they be cooped up and only let to think of there beliefs?
I was watching on the Tv afew days ago, in Ohio, a women was raped by a spanish person in a Klan naighboorhood. The goverment stepped in and told the Klan they couldnt do anything about it. And I dont quite know what to think about it. I want to know what others think.
With free speech comes responsibility. As in, dont be an arsehat.
ghost said:
Shouldnt the klue kluxx Klan be able to able to able to practice there beliefs in America? I mean we do have the freedom of speach and of the practice of our religion? So why should they be cooped up and only let to think of there beliefs?
As far as I know they enjoy the same rights as every other American o broadcast their stupidity. this is America. We're all free to be stupid.

ghost said:
I was watching on the Tv afew days ago, in Ohio, a women was raped by a spanish person in a Klan naighboorhood.
What's a Klan neighborhood? Is it like Harrison, Arkansas? Or do you have something more specific in mind?

ghost said:
The goverment stepped in and told the Klan they couldnt do anything about it.
"couldnt do anything about it" Anything or some specific things that the Klan members suggested?

ghost said:
And I dont quite know what to think about it. I want to know what others think.
There's not really enough info available to figure out what exactly happened and what exactly was said.
They aren't cooped up, they protest and demonstrate to this day. The police even protect them because they are the ones hated so much.

The goverment stepped in and told the Klan they couldnt do anything about it.
Uh..like be vigilantes and kill the man? The Klan is not superman in sheets, and they have no roll in law enforcement.
Well, it seems that this spanish guy raped a white women who was part of the kkk. And they burned a cross in front of his house. And I geuse he was in a gang or something. And now the spanish people in the area want the klan out. And the gover stepped in and told the kland that they couldnt light crosses on fire and everything.
And yes, the town has a large majority of the Klan. And thats why I said a Klan town.
ghost said:
Well, it seems that this spanish guy raped a white women who was part of the kkk. And they burned a cross in front of his house. And I geuse he was in a gang or something. And now the spanish people in the area want the klan out. And the gover stepped in and told the kland that they couldnt light crosses on fire and everything.
And yes, the town has a large majority of the Klan. And thats why I said a Klan town.
Did the govt tell them they couldn't light crosses in their own yards or just that they couldn't light them in other people's yards?

Could you just track down a link to a newstory about it? It's hard to form an opinion about something with so few facts.
ghost said:
goverment stepped in and told the Klan they couldnt do anything about it.

Now did the police officers tell the clan members that they, the officers, couldn't do anything about it or was it that they, the klan, couldn't do anything about it?

makes a big difference. It would be wrong for the police to not try and catch a criminal solely because of the victim's personal beliefs. But that said, even if they said the police couldn't do anything about it, maybe it's because of lack of evidence or leads, and not prejudice against the KKK.
ghost said:
Well, it seems that this spanish guy raped a white women who was part of the kkk. And they burned a cross in front of his house. And I geuse he was in a gang or something. And now the spanish people in the area want the klan out. And the gover stepped in and told the kland that they couldnt light crosses on fire and everything.
And yes, the town has a large majority of the Klan. And thats why I said a Klan town.

So, the Klan were told that they couldn't burn things in public streets or on other people's property, and that they aren't allowed to engage in vigilantism... And you think they're being persecuted? What, exactly, do you think persecution is?
ghost said:
Shouldnt the klue kluxx Klan be able to able to able to practice there beliefs in America? I mean we do have the freedom of speach and of the practice of our religion? So why should they be cooped up and only let to think of there beliefs?
I was watching on the Tv afew days ago, in Ohio, a women was raped by a spanish person in a Klan naighboorhood. The goverment stepped in and told the Klan they couldnt do anything about it. And I dont quite know what to think about it. I want to know what others think.

I don't know about you but if you looked at michigan a few years ago in kalamazoo michigan I think the KKK were in downtown kalamazoo and they demonstrated. yes they are allowed to voice there beliefs. It also may be a shock to you the kkk still runs in every state of America. every state. There tactics are brutal and they demonstrate thinking that they can get the black community to bust and start fighting. but it dosen't work and it never will. So I think the kkk will eventually colapsebe cause they have a hopeless effort on their hands.
Sure, the KKK has not been a problem for many years now, and it's good to know the ignorant assholes are!;)
The L.A. Riots totally played into the hands of the KKK...negroes and mexicans doing exactly what the KKK complains about.
If by practicing their beliefs you mean hanging colored folk, I think not. Here the law distinctly overrules such practice. It is now our government's beliefs that must be curtailed; sending our young men into illegal combat and allowing them to be killed is distinctly forbidden by sane and rational people.

"When law is illegal, common folk suffer." --jws

ghost said:
Shouldnt the klue kluxx Klan be able to able to able to practice there beliefs in America? I mean we do have the freedom of speach and of the practice of our religion? So why should they be cooped up and only let to think of there beliefs?
I was watching on the Tv afew days ago, in Ohio, a women was raped by a spanish person in a Klan naighboorhood. The goverment stepped in and told the Klan they couldnt do anything about it. And I dont quite know what to think about it. I want to know what others think.
ghost said:
Shouldnt the klue kluxx Klan be able to able to able to practice there beliefs in America? I mean we do have the freedom of speach and of the practice of our religion? So why should they be cooped up and only let to think of there beliefs?
I was watching on the Tv afew days ago, in Ohio, a women was raped by a spanish person in a Klan naighboorhood. The goverment stepped in and told the Klan they couldnt do anything about it. And I dont quite know what to think about it. I want to know what others think.

Rape is very cruel, but that is why we have the POLICE, they'll investigate it, if some KKK members Knows who raped her, then they should tell the POLICE about it, and not take the law into their own hands.

as for another thing, I just can't quite understand how one becomes driven enough to be a-part of something that was formed by Murderers, something that is formed out of HATRED, VIOLENCE, and 'the dark side' (swg fans!).

I do not see the KKK as a religion, i see them as a gang of thugs, only that this gang excepts entire family members.
I quite agree with you, Rees!

I would add: All religions are run by gangs of thugs. If history tells us anything, it is that all wars are caused by religion zealots; the attitude that "my way is the 'true' god's way, therefore all other ways must be destroyed.

Does not the current zealot (in Washington) use religion the same way? Is this not a war on terror? Is not terrorism the tool of false god religions? Is not Bush's mantra, "We must make the world safe for my "true" god's people?

It is not fortunate that the woman who accused Bush of rape is no longer among the living? And now, the true god speaks to Bush and tells him who to invade next. What a wonderfully religious world we live in!:rofl

Fight the good fight, Rees!:smile:

rees said:
Rape is very cruel, but that is why we have the POLICE, they'll investigate it, if some KKK members Knows who raped her, then they should tell the POLICE about it, and not take the law into their own hands.

as for another thing, I just can't quite understand how one becomes driven enough to be a-part of something that was formed by Murderers, something that is formed out of HATRED, VIOLENCE, and 'the dark side' (swg fans!).

I do not see the KKK as a religion, i see them as a gang of thugs, only that this gang excepts entire family members.
The KKK should not be permited to practice. They're an agitator and violent group..just as a group called The Black Panthers shouldn't be allowed to practice because it's admission requires that you kill a white woman. My neighbor's daughter was a victim of this group.
vergiss said:
With free speech comes responsibility. As in, dont be an arsehat.

Are you implying that speach may only be "free" if it is sanctioned by the "majority",the media or the government of the day?
In other words are only those who are in accord with the aforesaid groups only "permitted" to voice their opinions?
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
The KKK should not be permited to practice. They're an agitator and violent group..just as a group called The Black Panthers shouldn't be allowed to practice because it's admission requires that you kill a white woman. My neighbor's daughter was a victim of this group.

So much for "tolerance".
The multicultural society has been imposed upon all the lands of the Aryan and any attempt to resist the invasion of our lands[for that is what it is] is labelled by the power brokers as "hate".The masses[and that includes posters on forums like this] have been conditioned from childhood onwards to respond in certain ways to certain key words.
It is ironic that those who use the term "hate" against their political enemies are often the ones that hate the most.
A few thoughts as I see it. . . .

The KKK is scorned and condemned by most people because of its overt and blatant racism, prejudice, bigotry, and violence against various races and religions. It also professes and holds up some principles of which most of us might agree.

The Black Panthers gets its bad name from violent acts and lawless behavior that I would guess none of us would condone, yet its greatest legacy is an efficient and effective social services organization to provide food, clothing, shelters, medical care, and security for embattled groups of people of color. (It is ludicrous to believe that admission to the Black Panthers requires murder of a white woman by the way.)

The white supremacists (Aryan Nation, the skinheads, et al) are anathema to all people who value human dignity and rights and deplore their terrorist activities, yet they strike a responsive chord with all who believe multiculturalism is tearing our nation apart.

In a free society there is no law against prejudice, bigotry, hatred, or stupidity. All the groups I mentioned and any like them should of course be allowed to believe, think, say, or practice whatever they choose, but they should not be allowed to break the law by violating personal or property rights of any others through intimidation, assault, violence, or by any other means. And it is our right not to love em, like em, condone em, or live next door to them if we don't want to, but we can't deny them the right to be who they are.
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Aryan Imperium said:
So much for "tolerance".
The multicultural society has been imposed upon all the lands of the Aryan and any attempt to resist the invasion of our lands[for that is what it is] is labelled by the power brokers as "hate".The masses[and that includes posters on forums like this] have been conditioned from childhood onwards to respond in certain ways to certain key words.
It is ironic that those who use the term "hate" against their political enemies are often the ones that hate the most.

I have no tollerance for murder. No multicultural society has been "imposed" aryans have integrated it into their own culture. But if you want to live in the stone age thats fine with me.
Napoleon's Nightingale said:
I have no tollerance for murder. No multicultural society has been "imposed" aryans have integrated it into their own culture. But if you want to live in the stone age thats fine with me.

I am struggling to make sense of your syntax.
At no time since 1945 when the multicultural society began to take root in the Aryan lands has the Aryan race ever been given an opportunity to make a decision on this issue.Therefore I contend that multiculturalism has been imposed upon our people with all the backing and force of the state.
In certain countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany the race laws are so draconian that any attempts to voice dissent can result in imprisonment for "hate crime".Yet you have the temerity to tell me that it has not been imposed upon us.:confused:
whats your problem with race anyways...
you can't stop multiculturalism in our continualy globalizing world. Its impossible because the ideas in one place can easily infiltrate another place half way around the world in a matter of seconds.
Aryan Imperium said:
I am struggling to make sense of your syntax.
At no time since 1945 when the multicultural society began to take root in the Aryan lands has the Aryan race ever been given an opportunity to make a decision on this issue.Therefore I contend that multiculturalism has been imposed upon our people with all the backing and force of the state.
In certain countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany the race laws are so draconian that any attempts to voice dissent can result in imprisonment for "hate crime".Yet you have the temerity to tell me that it has not been imposed upon us.:confused:

So... do you want to have a vote? That way people could choose to be tolerant and acceptant? That's what would happen. Would that make you feel as if these horrific ideas of unity and brotherhood were not imposed on you?
nkgupta80 said:
whats your problem with race anyways...

I don`t have a "problem" with race,only with those who would seek to bastardise us out of existence.
Racialism is a Weltanschauung that truly respects diversity.Multiculturalism on the other hand is the enemy of diversity as it seeks to mongrelise humanity rather than preserve racial distinctions.
Gandhi>Bush said:
So... do you want to have a vote? That way people could choose to be tolerant and acceptant? That's what would happen. Would that make you feel as if these horrific ideas of unity and brotherhood were not imposed on you?

What do you mean "do I wan`t to have a vote"?:confused:
What I object to is the way in which aliens have been allowed to flood our lands without any pretence of seeking the permission of the indigenous peoples of the lands that they are invading.

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