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should the burning of holy books , national flags be banned ? (1 Viewer)

should the burning of holy books , national flags be banned ?

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DP Veteran
Oct 9, 2011
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Political Leaning
it doesnt seem different than witch hunt to me.

every kind of violence caused by extremists ,bigots and haters causes provocations in a society and creates its opposite
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Absolutely not.

Freedom of speech is much more important than those who take it to extremes.
it doesnt seem different than witch hunt to me.

The English and American missionaries burnt the African gods..eradicated their heritage..clothed them..and ordered them to worship JC..!!!
Let's focus on those who harm people instead of paper, instead, shall we?
radical monsters who kill people

Of course I don't think you support radical monsters who kill people.

Where on Earth did that notion come from?
Absolutely not.
Of course I don't think you support radical monsters who kill people.

Where on Earth did that notion come from?

from your post :mrgreen:

l know you didnt refer to me ,but l needed to say something about it
from your post :mrgreen:

l know you didnt refer to me ,but l needed to say something about it

I think he's saying that burning a book comes no where near close to being as bad as the lengths some groups of people will go to by actually killing people, rioting, etc. because of it.

If you notice, that doesn't happen in the United States when someone from another country burns our flag and/or an effigy of our president, and chant death to America, etc.
Nope. They're just paper. Nothing "holy" about paper.
it doesnt seem different than witch hunt to me.

every kind of violence caused by extremists ,bigots and haters causes provocations in a society and creates its opposite

Marduc already put it best, but I'll just chime in with the same.

Burning your own property does not effect anyone else in any way, so it should not be illegal.
I think he's saying that burning a book comes no where near close to being as bad as the lengths some groups of people will go to by actually killing people, rioting, etc. because of it.

If you notice, that doesn't happen in the United States when someone from another country burns our flag and/or an effigy of our president, and chant death to America, etc.

yes chris l really see what gardner means

but such provocations create much more killings in my opinion

yes l hate islamists who attack people ,foreigners who dont respect their own beliefs in the name of god

but l dont approve any act of violence either
yes chris l really see what gardner means

but such provocations create much more killings in my opinion

yes l hate islamists who attack people ,foreigners who dont respect their own beliefs in the name of god

but l dont approve any act of violence either

Burning a book is not an act of violence. It is a symbolic form of expression which has existed since BC times.
Burning a book is not an act of violence. It is a symbolic form of expression which has existed since BC times.

not that simple because we dont live in BC times

so lets approve everything that applies to BC times ?
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from your post :mrgreen:

l know you didnt refer to me ,but l needed to say something about it

You misunderstood my post, then.

Justice systems should be based upon those things people do that cause actual harm to others, and not the indulging in symbolic protests against an idea.
You misunderstood my post, then.

Justice systems should be based upon those things people do that cause actual harm to others, and not the indulging in symbolic protests against an idea.

but criticism of a religious belief may be presented in more civilized ways

if the ones who protest it claim to be more civilized
not that simple because we dont live in BC times

so lets approve everything that applies to BC times ?

Exactly. That's why the reaction to it by these extremists is unacceptable. They need to join us in this century, no? We should not let them intimidate us and make laws against certain things they might find to be offensive. After all, babying them and giving into their silly demands is not going to help them make any progress, and it does absolutely nothing to maintain safety and order.

Do you actually believe that because one man is prevented from burning some books, the extremists will cease with the violent ways? No, no, no, book burning is NOT the issue here.
it doesnt seem different than witch hunt to me.

every kind of violence caused by extremists ,bigots and haters causes provocations in a society and creates its opposite

Burning books or flags is a form of protest. It doesn't harm anyone. As long as you're burning your own property and take caution not to spread the fire to someone else's property, I see nothing wrong with this form of protest. Is it a provocation? Of course. There's no point in protesting if it has no effect at all. How people react to the provocation is a very clear indicator on how civilized they are. The more civilized, advanced societies do not respond with death threats, violence and murder to a harmless form of protest.
It shouldn't be banned but it shouldn't be encouraged either.
it doesnt seem different than witch hunt to me.

every kind of violence caused by extremists ,bigots and haters causes provocations in a society and creates its opposite


Why? Because no one cares save for ONE group.

I could burn the bible - no one would die. I could burn Canada's flag - and they won't turn on their own people in ire.
Burning books or flags is a form of protest. It doesn't harm anyone. As long as you're burning your own property and take caution not to spread the fire to someone else's property, I see nothing wrong with this form of protest. Is it a provocation? Of course. There's no point in protesting if it has no effect at all. How people react to the provocation is a very clear indicator on how civilized they are. The more civilized, advanced societies do not respond with death threats, violence and murder to a harmless form of protest.

civilized ones dont burn anything either

civilized west shouldnt act like those who have inferior culture >?

you know what l mean

such images seem so psychotic


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