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Should Russia and China be punished for supporting terrorism? (1 Viewer)

Should China and Russia be punished for supporting terrorism?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Sep 24, 2005
Reaction score
Whitewater, CO
Political Leaning
What do you folks think?

Vader said:
What do you folks think?


Hell yeah....BUT, how in the hell is that going to fly. In today's world of appeasement and whining, only the few would help us if it went to the military and quite frankly, the U. S. military is running out of gas.
GySgt said:
Hell yeah....BUT, how in the hell is that going to fly. In today's world of appeasement and whining, only the few would help us if it went to the military and quite frankly, the U. S. military is running out of gas.

Good point.
GySgt said:
Hell yeah....BUT, how in the hell is that going to fly. In today's world of appeasement and whining, only the few would help us if it went to the military and quite frankly, the U. S. military is running out of gas.
Gunny, what do you mean running out of gas?
thoracle said:
Gunny, what do you mean running out of gas?

There was a time when our military was built around the ability to fight two wars simultaneously. When that objective conflicted with Washington’s intent to cut defense spending, our objectives were scaled back. They continued to scale the military down over the years to what we have today. Through it all, the ruling class continues to demand more and more from our military. Deployments and re-deployments have been coming so frequently over the decade that Marines barely have enough time to catch a movie stateside before boarding another plane or ship. National Guardsmen and reservists are being used in unprecedented ways and for longer periods of time. With Active military presence in Afghanistan, Iraq, the HOA, the Far East, foreign natural disasters, and now performing natural disaster missions in our own country, their presence helps to masque the shortage of Active Duty personnel. Army and Marine Corps recruiters are unable to meet quotas while High Schools deny them access to graduating seniors. All the while the Air Force and Navy are still scaling back.

I have been re-asigned to a higher HQ level (MARFORLANT) for two reasons. One, because of my training as a planner and two, because I am burnt out from deployments and training. Anyway, when you hear on T.V.,with regards to these hurricanes, that 'NORTHCOM' is prepared for this or that ...that's what I do. My unit is responsible for meeting every FEMA request needed for these disasters. This means every piece of gear and personnel on the East coast (As far as Marines.) Our response to FEMA now is that we are "unable to support" for various reasons. IN OTHER WORDS, we are tapped.
GySgt said:
Hell yeah....BUT, how in the hell is that going to fly. In today's world of appeasement and whining, only the few would help us if it went to the military and quite frankly, the U. S. military is running out of gas.

Running out of gas? HA!!! One push of a button and Moscov will be wiped off the earth.
Running out of gas? HA!!! One push of a button and Moscov will be wiped off the earth.

Well of course with nukes we could off the whole world. But, Moscow has some nukes of their own to launch.

I really believe that there will be another Cold War, and it will revolve around the stupid Middle East.
GySgt said:
Well of course with nukes we could off the whole world. But, Moscow has some nukes of their own to launch.

I really believe that there will be another Cold War, and it will revolve around the stupid Middle East.

I have been doing extensive pondering and study on this situation. This is what it will come down to.

Russia although they have a very large arsenal of warheads they can only launch from air and land. They cant launch a direct hit from the air cause they dont have stealth technology as we do. This is what we have to attain the upper hand of any other power in this world. No one other than US has stealth technology in the sense that they cant even detect emissions. So becasue they can only launch from air and homleand we know where and when they would launch due to the fact we have a slew of satellites monitoring all their activity on the ground and air. In their attemt we would be able to use whats called the F22 Raptor to target 5-10 air targets simultaneously to wipe out any potential A2G ordinance that should hit. And we can use our ICBM's and Tomohawks to wipe out any G2G launch sites.

On the other hand, while Russia is getting pounded from the air, navy, and undersea(subs) we would be able to launch nukes from air(undetected), navy ships(who are heavily guarded), and subs who are virtually undetectable as well, and from ground installations such as alaska, and other bases which I cannot say.

From their mission accomplished. China and Russia will now be out of the picture. Any questions?
I have been doing extensive pondering and study on this situation. This is what it will come down to.

Russia although they have a very large arsenal of warheads they can only launch from air and land. They cant launch a direct hit from the air cause they dont have stealth technology as we do. This is what we have to attain the upper hand of any other power in this world. No one other than US has stealth technology in the sense that they cant even detect emissions. So becasue they can only launch from air and homleand we know where and when they would launch due to the fact we have a slew of satellites monitoring all their activity on the ground and air. In their attemt we would be able to use whats called the F22 Raptor to target 5-10 air targets simultaneously to wipe out any potential A2G ordinance that should hit. And we can use our ICBM's and Tomohawks to wipe out any G2G launch sites.

On the other hand, while Russia is getting pounded from the air, navy, and undersea(subs) we would be able to launch nukes from air(undetected), navy ships(who are heavily guarded), and subs who are virtually undetectable as well, and from ground installations such as alaska, and other bases which I cannot say.

From their mission accomplished. China and Russia will now be out of the picture. Any questions?

No questions. Well said. It is a solid military action. Once again, we are on the same page.
GySgt said:
No questions. Well said. It is a solid military action. Once again, we are on the same page.

Ok good. I know you know more about ground tactics and logistical matters that pertains to your envirnments. Like I said I am a war nut as I know you prolly are as well. If I say we can beat an opposing opposition then we can. The information and facts are there in whose got wha and it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure these things out. Unless I am a rocket scientist? All it takes is the attainment of this information and how to use what we have to decimate the enemy.

If we are soo weak as peolle exclaim then how come these nations havent already tried to oppose? Its a question thats well presented. And you have to ask yourself why? Well this is why. If any nation has the balls to step to us it will be a very quick and painless death and defeat. Everyone in this country thought that going against the 4th largest arsenal and military in the world would mean insurmountable casualties. But we did it in 4 days and with 7 deaths initially. Now of course these other nations are much more gaurded but with the help of buttons sending warheads it wont be that hard. The logistics will be the hardest thing.
Can I ask what terrorism are they supporting? As I recall Russia has been fighting a Chechen Islamic terrorist insurgency for a decade now.
and haven't the chinese had their fare share of muslim rebels in their western regions?
and haven't the chinese had their fare share of muslim rebels in their western regions?

Can I ask what terrorism are they supporting? As I recall Russia has been fighting a Chechen Islamic terrorist insurgency for a decade now.

Well these are all good questions. However, your not a expert on these countries affairs as I am not either. So I cannot say whether or not they directly supported terrorism in the sense of al qaeda. But what I do know is they do alot of business in regards to weapons trafficing. So I wouldnt be suprised that both countries have done plenty of business with terrorist organizations. But I cant say for sure.
The Chinese are worried about Islamic separatist sentiment in its vast and mostly Muslim western province of Xinjiang. The Russians have there problems with Chechnya. Their positive involvement with Arab terrorism is weapons and resources. Russia has close ties with Iran. China has had it's eyes fixed on Taiwan for an expansion of their brand of communism.
so shouldn't we have been punished when we supported Iran and Iraq at times in the last few decades. Shouldnt we be punished since we support Saudi Arabia and Pakistan....they do it not cause they support terrorism, but because of economic interest.
GySgt said:
No questions. Well said. It is a solid military action. Once again, we are on the same page.

Count me in Gunny!

I think the world hates us because they're all jealous!

God bless America and HOORAAHHH!!!!

nkgupta80 said:
so shouldn't we have been punished when we supported Iran and Iraq at times in the last few decades. Shouldnt we be punished since we support Saudi Arabia and Pakistan....they do it not cause they support terrorism, but because of economic interest.

Maybe we should support the Chechnian rebels by supplying them with the means and the opportunity to build nuclear weapons.

Also ... we did not give them nukes... we gave them machine guns and hand grenades.

That is a FAR CRY from helping a known terrorist supporter like Iran to develop nuclear technology.

Iran wants to be a nuclear power... plain and simple.

If Iran gets nukes ... Bin Laden will get nukes.

wow wow wow What about the US?

Funded Al-Queida in the 1980's, funded and still funds the IRA? Hmmmm.
nkgupta80 said:
so shouldn't we have been punished when we supported Iran and Iraq at times in the last few decades. Shouldnt we be punished since we support Saudi Arabia and Pakistan....they do it not cause they support terrorism, but because of economic interest.

Sure. That's one way to look at it. We should nuke ourselves and let the security of the world reside with the EU and the UN....good luck.
All i am saying is that we have supported various groups in the past that would be considered "bad" just as China and Russia and any other country does --- all for ulterior interests and gains. So I don't see why they should be punished.

Also ... we did not give them nukes... we gave them machine guns and hand grenades.

thus allowing al-queda and the taliban to runover afghanistan, eventually allowing them to set off attacks all around the world including 9/11....

both sides have done equally wrong things, we just shouldn't point fingers. Even at this moment we're supporting countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Why? BEcause for the US government the prospect of economic/strategic gain through these alliances outweighs the fact that we are ultimately financing muslim extremism in these countries.
nkgupta80 said:
All i am saying is that we have supported various groups in the past that would be considered "bad" just as China and Russia and any other country does --- all for ulterior interests and gains. So I don't see why they should be punished.

thus allowing al-queda and the taliban to runover afghanistan, eventually allowing them to set off attacks all around the world including 9/11....

both sides have done equally wrong things, we just shouldn't point fingers. Even at this moment we're supporting countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Why? BEcause for the US government the prospect of economic/strategic gain through these alliances outweighs the fact that we are ultimately financing muslim extremism in these countries.

It's easy to say this while looking back. It's not our fault some of these bastards that we have helped turned around and abused our generosity. The only way to avoid this would be to help no one....but that's not really the right thing to do either is it?

Besides all of this, American interest is at the heart of our actions. Should it not be?
You may certainly bomb my homeland. China as well. All countries harboring terrorists should be punished. Countries that do stuff like the:
-Funding Iran-Contras.
-Arming Afghan rebels in Soviet-Afghan war.
-Sponsering of Pinochet.
-Support of Israels terrorist organizations
-Forced and sponsered coups in Syria, Greece, Iran, British Guyana, Guatemala, South Vietnam, Haiti, Laos, South Korea, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Brazil, Bolivia, Zaire, Ghana, Cambodia, El Salavador, Chile, Australia, Liberia, Chad, Grenada, Fiji
-Supporting a brutal dictatorship in Haiti
-Supporting the killing of thousands of dissidents on Cheju Island
-Overall trade and cooperation with countries with poor human rights records, history of genocide, even Nazi Germany.
V.I. Lenin said:
You may certainly bomb my homeland. China as well. All countries harboring terrorists should be punished. Countries that do stuff like the:
-Funding Iran-Contras.
-Arming Afghan rebels in Soviet-Afghan war.
-Sponsering of Pinochet.
-Support of Israels terrorist organizations
-Forced and sponsered coups in Syria, Greece, Iran, British Guyana, Guatemala, South Vietnam, Haiti, Laos, South Korea, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Brazil, Bolivia, Zaire, Ghana, Cambodia, El Salavador, Chile, Australia, Liberia, Chad, Grenada, Fiji
-Supporting a brutal dictatorship in Haiti
-Supporting the killing of thousands of dissidents on Cheju Island
-Overall trade and cooperation with countries with poor human rights records, history of genocide, even Nazi Germany.

Dude, you should get a hobby.

What are the stories behind those sponserships? Were they sponserships of stability? Were they sponserships of a rebellion to overthrow a dictatorship? Were they sponserships where our hypocritical European "friends" have benifitted? Were they sponserships to offer a stability for the greater good? Were they sponserships to support a fighting force against the spread of communism?

The problem with these stupid countries is that it doesn't matter who is in charge as long as there is stability, because they all wind up killing each other anyway. We support an uprising against a brutal dictator, that uprising now becomes the brutal regime that takes it's place.

Israel has the right to protect themselves. Retaliation is not terrorism. Since Israel has left the Gaze strip to the stupid Palestinians, they have been attacked repeatedly. Israel's response was to launch a rocket in retaliation and they killed an extremists leader and a few others. I guess this was one of those acts of terrorism too...right?

As far as Iran/Contra, it's too bad our politicians discovered it and got involved. If it was successful, would we even have to worry about nukes in Iran today?

Sponsering a regime does not mean that we sponser their actions. We are allies with Europe. Does that mean we sponser the 35,000 elderly and uprotected deaths that died as a result of their government's callousness and neglect in the 2003 heat wave that swept Europe, (15,000 in glorious France alone)?
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GySgt said:
Dude, you should get a hobby.

Says the man who comes up with fictional military plans.

What are the stories behind those sponserships? Were they sponserships of stability? Were they sponserships of a rebellion to overthrow a dictatorship? Were they sponserships where our hypocritical European "friends" have benifitted? Were they sponserships to offer a stability for the greater good? Were they sponserships to support a fighting force against the spread of communism?
The publicly told story? They were all for "democracy" and to stop "communism". The real story? For companies to expand there, for corporations to set up shops there. To stop anti-American governments from being created.

The problem with these stupid countries is that it doesn't matter who is in charge as long as there is stability, because they all wind up killing each other anyway. We support an uprising against a brutal dictator, that uprising now becomes the brutal regime that takes it's place.
Perhaps we could just keep our noses out of it?

Sponsering a regime does not mean that we sponser their actions. We are allies with Europe. Does that mean we sponser the 35,000 elderly and uprotected deaths that died as a result of their government's callousness and neglect in the 2003 heat wave that swept Europe
Means we should've done something.

GySgt...you and I will get along jussssst fine. :mrgreen:
V.I. Lenin said:
Says the man who comes up with fictional military plans.

The publicly told story? They were all for "democracy" and to stop "communism". The real story? For companies to expand there, for corporations to set up shops there. To stop anti-American governments from being created.

Perhaps we could just keep our noses out of it?

Means we should've done something.

GySgt...you and I will get along jussssst fine. :mrgreen:

What fictional plans? It's not a hobby. It's a job.

I see you focus on only the negative.

I prefer to act instead of "keeping our noses out of it." If something good comes from it, great. This whole conspiracy for corporation thing is way over done. Of course it happens, it's a product of war. Keeping our noses in it is what has provided us with our lifestyle - Like it or not. If people get liberated along the way and dictators fall, we've done a great thing. It's only when dictators are replaced by "hind sight" dictators, people focus on "America's Tyranny." You can condemn it all day, but ultimately, if you live in America, you enjoy living under what it provides. If you are from another country, your government still has benifitted in some way. Don't pretend to be so clean.
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