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Should Racists be Allowed to Hold Government Positions? (1 Viewer)

Should Racists be Allowed to Hold Government Positions?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • No

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • Only those who hold positions that I support

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York, NY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Let's take a look at two news items from today:

1) Illinois Gov. expresses support for Nation of Islam member even during controversy.

A Jewish member of the state's hate crimes commission resigned Thursday rather than serve with a Nation of Islam official appointed by Gov. Rod Blagojevich's administration.

On Wednesday, Blagojevich expressed support for Claudette Marie Muhammad, director of community outreach for the Nation of Islam, a black Muslim group led by the Rev. Louis Farrakhan. But Blagojevich said he did not know he had appointed Muhammad until learning about it from news reports.

Nasatir and Muhammad joined the commission in August. It was created in 1999 to foster education and help implement anti-discrimination laws.

Muhammad recently invited commission members to attend a Farrakhan speech in which he accused "Hollywood Jews" of "promoting lesbianism, homosexuality" and other "filth."

Blagojevich, a Democrat, said Farrakhan's comments are no reason to dismiss Muhammad as long as she believes in the panel's goals.

2) County Prosecutor fired for attending "White Preservationist" conference.
A Southern Tier attorney was fired from his job as a county prosecutor Thursday over his attendance at a conference of "white preservationists."

Michael Regan was terminated following an investigation by his boss, Allegany County District Attorney Terrence Parker, who said he had received numerous e-mails expressing concern about the assistant district attorney's presence at a meeting of the New Century Foundation in northern Virginia last week.

"It has become clear that his recent activities will continue to significantly disrupt and impair his effectiveness as an assistant district attorney and the operations of the entire district attorney's office," Parker said.

So here we have two government officials who are members/supporters of racist ideologies. One is fired, one is not. Seems like there should be some consistency to me.
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Unbelievable liberal double standard..


The NOI just just plain silly, it's amazing some people take it seriously.

Malcom X said:
Thoughtful white people know they are inferior to black people. Even Eastland knows it. Anyone who has studied the genetic phase of biology knows that white is considered recessive and black is considered dominant

:lol: :lol: :lol:
if its an elected position, racists should legally be allowed to hold the position, and no one should ever vote for them.
Two different states, two different governors, two different set of rules, maybe.
While it's ironic that someone on a hate-crimes commission would have anything at all to do with Farrakhan, not sure that makes the jewish one who resigned any better, although I could see why they left. Just that that action shows as much intolerance as following Farrakhan might. Oh well....
I voted yes.........Hell we have a rascist in the Senate in Robert KKK Byrd.....
star2589 said:
if its an elected position, racists should legally be allowed to hold the position, and no one should ever vote for them.


I also think that they should be allowed to be appointed, and that those who appoint them should face the consequences in the polls.
Just a correction, Rod is my headache, he is the Gov. of my fine state, Illinois, and once again he is pandering to the black vote, no big surprise.:roll:
Yes, racists should be allowed to hold government positions. No, they shouldn't be allowed to adopt racist policies.
Navy Pride said:
I voted yes.........Hell we have a rascist in the Senate in Robert KKK Byrd.....

Yeah, I was going to ask if this poll was a push to get rid of Byrd.

If they get elected, they've been elected. It's the will of the people, after all.
I think that if they have been convicted of a racist crime then sure. racists are twats
Navy Pride said:
I voted yes.........Hell we have a rascist in the Senate in Robert KKK Byrd.....

For the record, Byrd hasn't been a member of the KKK for decades and claims it was a horrible mistake. He also says he was never racist even when he was a member (although given some of his writings, I find that claim hard to believe).

There are plenty of reasons to dislike Robert Byrd, but I think the time to criticize his participating in the KKK in the 1940s is long past. There's no evidence he committed any crimes while a member, and it's possible for people to change their mind over sixty years.
The assistant district attorney should sue.As long as his private behaviour doesn't bias his work. He should be left alone.
Kandahar said:
For the record, Byrd hasn't been a member of the KKK for decades and claims it was a horrible mistake. He also says he was never racist even when he was a member (although given some of his writings, I find that claim hard to believe).

There are plenty of reasons to dislike Robert Byrd, but I think the time to criticize his participating in the KKK in the 1940s is long past. There's no evidence he committed any crimes while a member, and it's possible for people to change their mind over sixty years.

That is your opinion, a leapord can't change his spots...Once a rascist always a rascist..........
Navy Pride said:
That is your opinion, a leapord can't change his spots...Once a rascist always a rascist..........

That's just silly. People can and do change their minds about things all the time. Lots of people were racist in the 1940s who aren't racist today.
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
Yeah, I was going to ask if this poll was a push to get rid of Byrd.

If they get elected, they've been elected. It's the will of the people, after all.

I wasn't even thinking aout Byrd when I wrote the post. The way I see it, hes been out for so long its not really an applicable point. I meant more along the lines of people who actively participate in racist groups being elected/appointed to gov positions.
Willoughby said:
I think that if they have been convicted of a racist crime then sure. racists are twats

They're "twats"? Hmmmm ... that would be a sexist comment, Mr. anti-racist.
alphamale said:
They're "twats"? Hmmmm ... that would be a sexist comment, Mr. anti-racist.


star2589 said:
if its an elected position, racists should legally be allowed to hold the position, and no one should ever vote for them.

my thoughts exactly
anybody should be allowed to run, but they should not be electable
Kandahar said:
That's just silly. People can and do change their minds about things all the time. Lots of people were racist in the 1940s who aren't racist today.

Byrd was a leader in the KKK, you just don't turn that kind of rascism on and off.....
Navy Pride said:
Byrd was a leader in the KKK, you just don't turn that kind of rascism on and off.....

It's possible to overcome it (although I don't claim to know whether or not he actually has). Sixty years is a long time...
Kandahar said:
It's possible to overcome it (although I don't claim to know whether or not he actually has). Sixty years is a long time...

Its pretty obvious you have never spent any time in the deep south........I have and there is still plenty of rascism there.....
Navy Pride said:
Its pretty obvious you have never spent any time in the deep south........I have and there is still plenty of rascism there.....

Yes, but not nearly as much as there used to be. America is getting better about this, little by little.
Kandahar said:
Yes, but not nearly as much as there used to be. America is getting better about this, little by little.

My point is some people can't turn it on and off as you contend.......
Navy Pride said:
Its pretty obvious you have never spent any time in the deep south........I have and there is still plenty of rascism there.....

Well I'm in the deep south, you really cant go much further south without floating...lol
But I dont see the rascism you talk of...:confused: ..

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