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Should public restrooms still be segregated by gender? (1 Viewer)

Should public restrooms still be segregated by gender?

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Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2010
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I fully support trans people using the restroom of the gender they identify with (and present as) and I oppose these recent reactionary laws trying to prevent that, but I still think it right to divide bathrooms between gender. I don't think it wrong, bigoted, paranoid or hateful for women to be uncomfortable with men in their bathroom.
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Not sure, and I still think we are making way too much out of this issue.
It is an engineering problem, not ideological. Build separate entries to every seat, and be done with this nonsense.
I fully support trans people using the restroom of the gender they identify with (and present as) and I oppose these recent reactionary laws trying to prevent that, but I still think it right to divide bathrooms between gender. I don't think it wrong, bigoted, paranoid or hateful for women to be uncomfortable with men in their bathroom.

Gender is what you are, not what you say you are. Don't believe me?

Then, go to the SBA and apply for a loan for your Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) to get preferential treatment. When they nail your ass for lying, tell them that on the day of application you felt you were a woman and tell us what they said. When you get charged with a felony, look for the word "fraud".

"You" is editorial because I don't know your gender.
Gender is what you are, not what you say you are. Don't believe me?

Then, go to the SBA and apply for a loan for your Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) to get preferential treatment. When they nail your ass for lying, tell them that on the day of application you felt you were a woman and tell us what they said. When you get charged with a felony, look for the word "fraud".

"You" is editorial because I don't know your gender.
They are talking about transgender people who identify with the gender that they feel like they are. Sure, they are not biologically the gender they choose to identify as, but that's what they feel like they are, and that's what they choose to identify as.
Gender is what you are, not what you say you are. Don't believe me?

Then, go to the SBA and apply for a loan for your Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) to get preferential treatment. When they nail your ass for lying, tell them that on the day of application you felt you were a woman and tell us what they said. When you get charged with a felony, look for the word "fraud".

"You" is editorial because I don't know your gender.

What I've learned on DP is that "gender" is much more of a fluid (no pun intended) concept than biological sex.
They are talking about transgender people who identify with the gender that they feel like they are. Sure, they are not biologically the gender they choose to identify as, but that's what they feel like they are, and that's what they choose to identify as.

They, the feds?
What I've learned on DP is that "gender" is much more of a fluid (no pun intended) concept than biological sex.
Yes, gender refers to being male or female with reference to social and cultural differences, rather than biological ones.

A person's sex is where the biological aspects take place.
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I fully support trans people using the restroom of the gender they identify with (and present as) and I oppose these recent reactionary laws trying to prevent that, but I still think it right to divide bathrooms between gender. I don't think it wrong, bigoted, paranoid or hateful for women to be uncomfortable with men in their bathroom.

I think every bathroom needs two guards armed with HCAR assault rifles.
What I've learned on DP is that "gender" is much more of a fluid (no pun intended) concept than biological sex.

I connected with your OP. Can you please connect with mine and comment on my claim that lying about your gender can be a felony?
They are talking about transgender people who identify with the gender that they feel like they are. Sure, they are not biologically the gender they choose to identify as, but that's what they feel like they are, and that's what they choose to identify as.

Exactly, I used the term "gender" for a reason. I may not believe a person can change their biological sex, but, though I don't fully understand it, I'm willing to accept that folks can change their "gender". Once they've done that, they should be able to use the bathroom that fits their gender.
I think every bathroom needs two guards armed with HCAR assault rifles.
And they should do routine genital checks so they can stop all of the transgender pedophiles from going into the Women's bathroom. [emoji12]
I connected with your OP. Can you please connect with mine and comment on my claim that lying about your gender can be a felony?

Ok, someone who is not actually trans, claiming they're a woman when they're not, would be fraud no different than if I claimed to be black (I'm not) to get a particular scholarship.
And they should do routine genital checks so they can stop all of the transgender pedophiles from going into the Women's bathroom. [emoji12]

You are taking it too far... :roll:
I'm willing to accept that folks can change their "gender".

I am not. Did MJ become a "honky" by bleaching his skin? And the difference between that pathetic gay and Caitlyn is what exactly? Please DO NOT tell me that one was about race and the other about gender. I already know that.
I think every bathroom needs two guards armed with HCAR assault rifles.

That is ridiculous... what about people's rights? :roll:
I am not. Did MJ become a "honky" by bleaching his skin? And the difference between that pathetic gay and Caitlyn is what exactly? Please DO NOT tell me that one was about race and the other about gender. I already know that.
MJ was not gay(nor was he trans) FYI. And who cares if you don't want to here it? One is about RACE and the other is about GENDER.
What I've learned on DP is that "gender" is much more of a fluid (no pun intended) concept than biological sex.
So is 'reality'....
Ok, someone who is not actually trans, claiming they're a woman when they're not, would be fraud no different than if I claimed to be black (I'm not) to get a particular scholarship.

How would a clerk at the SBA know if you are a trans or if you are lying to get the loan that you would otherwise not get?

Mike Tyson walks in and says, I feel I am a woman. Get I get a loan?

You are the clerk as the SBA. What do you do?

Same with an application for a passport. In my case, it says right there under "sex": M. Would you write F because you feeeeel like a woman that day? You know what would happen on your return trip, when the HS agents looked at your unshaven face and your passport. You probably would not be sleeping in your own bed that day.

All that gender-is-what-I-feel crap is a feel-good crap for kids and marginally confused people. It leads to nothing simple or good if you get past the childish discussions on forums like this one. Government contract, witness credibility in courtrooms, Olympic games and professional sports, etc. The list is endless where true gender matters.

Finally, my strong advice for the guys playing Caitlyn: never go on a date with a real guy. You may end up dead after he discovers your true gender after a sixpack.
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I am not. Did MJ become a "honky" by bleaching his skin? And the difference between that pathetic gay and Caitlyn is what exactly? Please DO NOT tell me that one was about race and the other about gender. I already know that.

One was about race and one was about gender. :2razz:

I don't think Michael J ever expressed any intent to be accepted as a white person. Even assuming he "bleached his skin" (which I really don't know) that doesn't mean he was trying to be white any more than someone getting a tan is trying to be black.

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