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Should President Zelenskyy leave Kiev for Lviv to lead the Govt? (1 Viewer)

Should President Zelenskyy leave Kiev for Lviv to lead Govt?

  • Yes - Lead the Govt - He is the face of the Ukrainian people

  • No

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Should President Zelenskyy leave Kiev for Lviv to lead Govt?
Yes - Lead the Govt - He is the face of the Ukrainian people
I would like to see him stay alive to continue to lead his people through the invasion and after the invasion and evacuate to where ever he needs to go to ensure that he lives. I do not think martyrdom would help his people as well or as long as his staying alive,
I'd like him to stay, if possible; I do not want him to be a martyr. As of yet, I'm not convinced staying will absolutely result in martyrdom; time will tell.
I'd like him to stay, if possible; I do not want him to be a martyr. As of yet, I'm not convinced staying will absolutely result in martyrdom; time will tell.
If he stays he is not coming out alive
Is he more of an enemy to Putin, dead or alive?
Every day on world news as the devastation in Ukraine continues, he changes the world balances against Russia.
If he stays he is not coming out alive
Is he more of an enemy to Putin, dead or alive?
Every day on world news as the devastation in Ukraine continues, he changes the world balances against Russia.

I am not convinced of this, nor am I convinced the Russians will take Kyiv.

In fact, I believe they've gotten ahead of their supply lines. In addition, we are seeing more & more weaponry coming into Ukraine for its defense & resistance.

Putin will only take Kyiv, I believe, if he can establish supply lines; something he has not yet been able to do. All his success has only come in border areas with supply access.
I am not convinced of this, nor am I convinced the Russians will take Kyiv.

In fact, I believe they've gotten ahead of their supply lines. In addition, we are seeing more & more weaponry coming into Ukraine for its defense & resistance.

Putin will only take Kyiv, I believe, if he can establish supply lines; something he has not yet been able to do. All his success has only come in border areas with supply access.

This. Right here. The war isn't lost yet.
Now that Rubio and Daines have live leaked his location during he-is secure zoom call, i would say yes, move. They need arresting.
I am not convinced of this, nor am I convinced the Russians will take Kyiv.

In fact, I believe they've gotten ahead of their supply lines. In addition, we are seeing more & more weaponry coming into Ukraine for its defense & resistance.

Putin will only take Kyiv, I believe, if he can establish supply lines; something he has not yet been able to do. All his success has only come in border areas with supply access.
Kiev is very close to being encircled

Consider you may be wrong - what are some of the ramifications?
Govt in exile leaderless
Govt in exile - infighting

Many will believe President Zelenskyy was executed by the Russians
Others will ask for proof

In the event you are wrong - Zelenskyy is dead
How does that help the Ukrainian people?
If he leaves how does that harm the message for the world
If he leaves how does that harm the message for the world
What is your opinion on this? Imo, and because I wish to remain optimistic even if I'm being unrealistic, I think he has proved himself to be extraordinarily brave and dedicated to doing the best for his people and country. I don't believe his image will be harmed if he leaves. I do not think Ukrainians will think he has betrayed them or let them dowm.
What is your opinion on this? Imo, and because I wish to remain optimistic even if I'm being unrealistic, I think he has proved himself to be extraordinarily brave and dedicated to doing the best for his people and country. I don't believe his image will be harmed if he leaves. I do not think Ukrainians will think he has betrayed them or let them dowm.
I voted yes
Now that Rubio and Daines have live leaked his location during he-is secure zoom call, i would say yes, move. They need arresting.

Extraordinarily reckless.

The Donbas separatists during their war managed to kill a Ukrainian commander. The story goes is that someone called the commanders mother, told her the commander was wounded. She called him on his cell phone and somehow, they targeted his aprox. location and let loose an artillery barrage.
I voted yes
I meant what is your opinion on your question I quoted in post #9. Does his leaving harm the message to the world. Maybe I misunderstood your post #8.
Now that Rubio and Daines have live leaked his location during he-is secure zoom call, i would say yes, move. They need arresting.

You probably heard the WWII story of a US Congressman telling the newspapers how US subs were evading Japanese depth charges, very soon thereafter the Japanese adjusted their depth settings and US sub sinkings went up.
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Should President Zelenskyy leave Kiev for Lviv to lead Govt?
Yes - Lead the Govt - He is the face of the Ukrainian people
I would have to say that is a choice only he can make.
Extraordinarily reckless.

The Donbas separatists during their war managed to kill a Ukrainian commander. The story goes is that someone called the commanders mother, told her the commander was wounded. She called him on his cell phone and somehow, they targeted his aprox. location and let loose an artillery barrage.

It's almost as if they want him dead. Like the congresswoman giving a live commentary on the location of the Speaker of the House during the failed insurgency!
It's almost as if they want him dead. Like the congresswoman giving a live commentary on the location of the Speaker of the House during the failed insurgency!
Never assume a sinister intent when STUPIDITY is more than likely.
I'd like him to stay, if possible; I do not want him to be a martyr. As of yet, I'm not convinced staying will absolutely result in martyrdom; time will tell.
One doe not preclude the other. One thing we know about Putin. His political enemies get peculiar lethal illnesses all over the globe.
If Zelensky leaves now, it's over for the Ukraine.

He is the inspiration among many of the fighters............... every bit as much as their general contempt for Putin.
I am not convinced of this, nor am I convinced the Russians will take Kyiv.

In fact, I believe they've gotten ahead of their supply lines. In addition, we are seeing more & more weaponry coming into Ukraine for its defense & resistance.

Putin will only take Kyiv, I believe, if he can establish supply lines; something he has not yet been able to do. All his success has only come in border areas with supply access.
Yeah sieging a city is a little tricky if your own forces can’t maintain the siege.
When your supply convoy runs out of fuel & food, that does sound a bit ominous!
Something doesn’t add up with this stalled convoy. How does a “supply convoy” run out of supplies?
Kiev is very close to being encircled

Consider you may be wrong - what are some of the ramifications?
Govt in exile leaderless
Govt in exile - infighting

Many will believe President Zelenskyy was executed by the Russians
Others will ask for proof

In the event you are wrong - Zelenskyy is dead
How does that help the Ukrainian people?
If he leaves how does that harm the message for the world

What's makes you believe I do not consider various ramifications of my opinion, before I present it?

Zelensky vows to stay, and along with what I believe I see - I give additional deference to his judgement in the situation.

Currently, it is being reported the U.S. is in talks with Poland to supply Poland with U.S. military jets, so Poland can give its own jets to Ukraine, as the Ukrainians apparently use many of the same jets as Poland, and therefore Ukrainian pilots are already trained on the Polish equipment. In other words, Poland will give the Ukraine its jets, and the U.S. will replace Polands jets with U.S. made jets.

Actually, and serendipitously, Blinken just appeared in a CNN interview while I was typing, confirming the 'jets swap'! And not just for jets, which he named specifically, but also for missiles and other higher-end hardware. So basically, using Poland as a conduit, NATA/U.S. armament lines are shifting from the Polish border to Ukraine. I find this an amazing development, quite honestly.

Also, I believe the West & the U.S. are likely sending far more armament & resources into Ukraine, particularly through Putin's vehement arch-enemy Poland, than is publicly admitted.

Given the above, I believe the fall of Ukraine, and Kyiv, is not as eminent as some believe.
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What's makes you believe I do not consider various ramifications of my opinion, before I present it?

Zelensky vows to stay, and along with what I believe I see, I give deference to his judgement in the situation.
I asked that you consider it. Nothing more than that
No offence was meant or intended

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