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Should Porn be taxed like cigarettes or alchohol? (1 Viewer)

Interesting, I am sure we could fund several wars with that kind of income coming in!:shock:
I already pay for porn....

Some call it "television".
The bill is actually to tax internet porn, a part of the adult industry, that as of yet, has little regulation on distribution.
I have the same objections to taxing porn that I have to taxing everything else, so, why the hell not?

No, I don't think that it will give the industry anymore validation and respect than it already has. These things aren't dependent on govt taxation.
Taxing porn will make more people respect it?

Uh, the only way to make all of America to respect porn is:
Remove naked bodies
Castrate all male porn stars
Make porn into a word meaning "cotton candy festival".

....that or make everyone a man. Instant respect for porn. :mrgreen:
Moderator's Warning:

Moved to US politics as there was no assocated poll.

I would have not issues with taxing the porn industry.
Violent societies enforce the commission of violence by promoting violence and supressing pleasure sources.

Since erotica depicts physical pleasure and lands positively on humans pleasure receptors in our brains, it does not suprise me that the incredibly violent American society would want to tax porn but not violence.
Why yet another tax? So the gov will have more money to waste? Personally, I found smoking just as nasty before it was heavily taxed as I do now. Besides, isn't untaxed streaming video of 2 guys and a girl doing it with a chicken delivered into the privacy of ones own home what this country is all about?
Sure. A specific tax on porn is no different that a specific tax on cigarettes or alcohol. I think before any further taxes are put in place, the revenues from them should have some pre determined designation (i.e. 25% of all cigarette tax should be diverted into social programs to assist people in quitting smoking). I am not sure what the designation from porn taxes should be...but it should definitely be for some social purpose. I got it, plastic surgery for aging porn stars. That would make the world a better place.
Sorry about forgetting the Poll part. Got sidetracked at work. :)

As for diverting the money for social programs that deal with the issue, if you did that with smokers, you'd be losing money. The money from internet porn should be used for schools, welfare programs and what not.

"Why yet another tax? So the gov will have more money to waste? Personally, I found smoking just as nasty before it was heavily taxed as I do now. Besides, isn't untaxed streaming video of 2 guys and a girl doing it with a chicken delivered into the privacy of ones own home what this country is all about?" Quoted from Fu_Chick

The tax system does need a serious overhaul. But freedom is never free, whether you pay in blood or money. Our government does need money to take care of our interests (theoretically). The proceeds of an internet porn tax could be used to increase salaries of teachers or police officers. CNN did a report on the pornography industry and found that is generated an estimated 10 BILLION dollars. The majority of that coming from internet websites. Even if the tax is only a 2 or 3 percent, that is a major chunk of revenue.
jallman said:
Sure. A specific tax on porn is no different that a specific tax on cigarettes or alcohol. I think before any further taxes are put in place, the revenues from them should have some pre determined designation (i.e. 25% of all cigarette tax should be diverted into social programs to assist people in quitting smoking). I am not sure what the designation from porn taxes should be...but it should definitely be for some social purpose. I got it, plastic surgery for aging porn stars. That would make the world a better place.
AIDS research, perhaps?
As for diverting the money for social programs that deal with the issue, if you did that with smokers, you'd be losing money. The money from internet porn should be used for schools, welfare programs and what not.

Yeah, I agree you would lose money in the tax itself, but you would save money in the long run on healthcare expenses that get written off. I dont think any "sin" tax is really meant to last, just to boost tax revenue for a short time (like 10-15 years maybe to encourage social reform of the "sin").

And rudy, I agree, AIDS research would be a good start. I was just being (or attempting to be) funny about the plastic surgery bit.
jallman said:
And rudy, I agree, AIDS research would be a good start. I was just being (or attempting to be) funny about the plastic surgery bit.
Don't worry, I saw the humor there. :lol:
Datamonkee said:
The proceeds of an internet porn tax could be used to increase salaries of teachers or police officers.

Yeah, I bet that's exactly what it will be used for. :roll: It would be fitting for them to use the porn industry as just one more way to bend us over the barrel.
What does AIDS have anything to do with heterosexual porn?! Why not tax male homosexuality, after all, they are the predominant AIDS group.

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