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Should porn be banned? (1 Viewer)

Should porn be banned?

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May 2, 2016
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New Hampshire
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Basically: are you a fascist or not?

Out of the 38 countries that ban porn, 27 (71%) are authoritarian dictatorships, and 38 (100%) are not full democracies.

Countries that ban porn


Democracy Index 2015

"The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen." ~ Tommy Smothers
I do not know. Can anyone of us be certain that we will not suffer for thousands of years?
Certain kinds should be, like pedo porn, sex with animals porn...other than that, no, porn should not be banned.
Unless you're talking about kiddy porn or snuff porn or things like that, then no, absolutely not. So long as it doesn't harm anyone, what business is it of yours what anyone does with their time?
Certain kinds should be, like pedo porn, sex with animals porn...other than that, no, porn should not be banned.

Yeah, I'm discounting the obvious ones here that otherwise violate currently existed laws, filmed or not.
Basically: are you a fascist or not?

Out of the 38 countries that ban porn, 27 (71%) are authoritarian dictatorships, and 38 (100%) are not full democracies.

Countries that ban porn


Democracy Index 2015


Now check the computers in those countries where it is banned. Guess what you'll find in the searches.
Yeah, I'm discounting the obvious ones here that otherwise violate currently existed laws, filmed or not.

What's obvious to you and me isn't so obvious to others. There are folks out there that actually advocate for that kinda stuff so I wanted to make sure to differentiate.
If you ban one thing, it will likely lead to two additional problems, and probably three more regulations...
No of course not that silly. Theres already laws that take care of things without relating them to porn. Rape?assult whether its adult, child or animal is already illegal so thats covered.
No of course not that silly. Theres already laws that take care of things without relating them to porn. Rape?assult whether its adult, child or animal is already illegal so thats covered.

Sure, there are laws that effectively illegalize the original production of such porn that don't relate directly to it, but not so much the consumption, distribution, sharing, duplication, sale, etc... the prohibition of which would be specific to a comprehensive ban.
Sure, there are laws that effectively illegalize the original production of such porn that don't relate directly to it, but not so much the consumption, distribution, sharing, duplication, sale, etc... the prohibition of which would be specific to a comprehensive ban.

Yes those laws already exist too. Maybe not nationally for "all" but they exists. The point is make the law about those things, using the word porn is not needed. Reminds me of failed gun laws that actually have to do with criminals.
Yes those laws already exist too. Maybe not nationally for "all" but they exists. The point is make the law about those things, using the word porn is not needed. Reminds me of failed gun laws that actually have to do with criminals.

First of all, the question isn't concerned with any particular country. Second, I think you're far too hung up on the word 'porn'. Wanting a ban on such forms of porn in this context doesn't necessitate legislation that utilizes the word, it is a desire for a framework of law and enforcement which comprehensively forbids and criminalizes it.
First of all, the question isn't concerned with any particular country. Second, I think you're far too hung up on the word 'porn'. Wanting a ban on such forms of porn in this context doesn't necessitate legislation that utilizes the word, it is a desire for a framework of law and enforcement which comprehensively forbids and criminalizes it.

I don't care what others do so much in there country, I'm answering for mine, it would be pompous for me to think I should answer for others. It's a poor frame work that would have a broken foundation. Basing it on porn is very poor legislation, base it on the crime.

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