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Should people still be wearing masks everywhere? Are they? (1 Viewer)


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Mar 25, 2010
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When you go out, what percentage of people do you see are still wearing masks?

Are you still wearing one when you go out? Do you think everyone should still be wearing them? Inside, outside, schools, other specific places?

Please discuss.

For me, I don't wear one anymore anywhere. I see a handful of people, maybe, when I'm out and about wearing them but it's pretty much over here.
I live in So. Cal., and from my observations, less than 10% are wearing them anymore, and I'm counting the people I see working at stores and restaurants who might still be required by their employers.
When you go out, what percentage of people do you see are still wearing masks?

I can't pretend I'd know a percentage, since prior to this question I never really looked. But IMO currently in my area it is a tiny fraction of a percent. Mostly in places like a hospital where staff may be doing it as an ongoing requirement. I do note there are some I see from time to time, but they stand out in their "fewness."

(1) Are you still wearing one when you go out? (2) Do you think everyone should still be wearing them? (3) Inside, outside, schools, other specific places?

1. No

2. No.

3. Maybe those in exceedingly high-risk facilities like hospitals, and/or places where masks have always been a requirement pre-Covid. But not in schools, or other common-use places, no.
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When you go out, what percentage of people do you see are still wearing masks?

Are you still wearing one when you go out? Do you think everyone should still be wearing them? Inside, outside, schools, other specific places?

Please discuss.

For me, I don't wear one anymore anywhere. I see a handful of people, maybe, when I'm out and about wearing them but it's pretty much over here.
I see mask wearing far more often than I would expect at this point. The people in my neighborhood seem quite accustomed to at least having masks with them, even while walking the streets, if not actually covering their breathing channels. Inside stores, they still put them on when they enter, and in bars and restaurants, only drop them when they've been served. But nobody complains about those who don't have, or don't wear them.

For me, as a considerate person who doesn't wish to spread it to some "high risk" individual, I always have one on me because I realize there's simply no way to know the instant I might come down with it myself, and pass it along to others.
Democrats don't need to wear them when kissing Joe on the face.
I'd say maybe one percent are wearing them around here at most. If i wore one in that situation, it wouldn't do much besides attract a militant anti-masker's attention. Masks work best when most people are wearing them. I have dropped the mask in most situations, but i still wear gloves, as my hands get cracked from washing them a lot.
Out here I see less than half wearing masks and most of those that are wearing them are the same ones that were wearing them in their car, alone, driving 45mph down the road. I've had a significant percentage of clients come in with a mask but only one asked me to wear one. For the most part I hear "underlying conditions" ass being their reason and one confessed to oral surgery for her reason.
When you go out, what percentage of people do you see are still wearing masks?

Are you still wearing one when you go out? Do you think everyone should still be wearing them? Inside, outside, schools, other specific places?

Please discuss.

For me, I don't wear one anymore anywhere. I see a handful of people, maybe, when I'm out and about wearing them but it's pretty much over here.
Same. I don't think it's necessary at the moment, but it could potentially become necessary if the number of cases starts to climb again.
The Internet doctors and scientists on this board have said that masks don't work. So why should people wear masks?
Here in Pittsburgh anywhere from 10 to 40 percent are wearing depending on the area.
Well seeing as people are still dying in large numbers from COVID, (rolling 7 day average of ~500 Americans/day according to NYT), everyone should and can do their own risk analysis. I tend not to wear a masked if not required to because I'm triple vaxxed, the area I live in has a high vaccine uptake rate, and I prefer not to wear one at the gym.

That being said, people who play it safe and wear a mask everywhere objectively deserve way less scorn than people who are unvaxxed and unmasked and pretend like the pandemic is over or never happened.
The Internet doctors and scientists on this board have said that masks don't work. So why should people wear masks?

Do you wear one everywhere?
When you go out, what percentage of people do you see are still wearing masks?

Are you still wearing one when you go out? Do you think everyone should still be wearing them? Inside, outside, schools, other specific places?

Please discuss.

For me, I don't wear one anymore anywhere. I see a handful of people, maybe, when I'm out and about wearing them but it's pretty much over here.
Many retirees live here, maybe a quarter of the people I see. There are younger folks wearing them- the ones I work with say they live with older relatives.... ✌️
Do you wear one everywhere?
why in the hell would anyone wear a mask for the common cold????

“It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponised as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump,” Limbaugh said on his Monday show. “Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks."
why in the hell would anyone wear a mask for the common cold????

“It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponised as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump,” Limbaugh said on his Monday show. “Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks."

So do you wear one everywhere?
So do you wear one everywhere?
why in the hell would i wear a mask for the common cold that is only an East Coast, big city liberal problem????
why in the hell would i wear a mask for the common cold that is only an East Coast, big city liberal problem????

Is there a reason why you can't answer seriously?
When you go out, what percentage of people do you see are still wearing masks?
On the street it's a very small percentage; I'd say maybe 5% of people. In stores and public places that percentage has dropped as well over the past few months and I'd say it's about 30-40%. Most stores I go to still have a large percentage of people wearing masks. Cases have been creeping up locally due to the new Omicron variant (BA.2), so I suspect that might increase mask usage.

Are you still wearing one when you go out?
When I am outside, no. I haven't done that since the very early days of the pandemic. I still wear one inside stores and other public places. I've been monitoring case counts throughout the pandemic and have been waiting for case counts to get to where they were last summer before ditching protective measures.

Do you think everyone should still be wearing them?
Depends what the case count is in your respective areas. They're a good idea in high density population areas if case counts are rising.

Inside, outside, schools, other specific places?
Same answer as above.
On the street it's a very small percentage; I'd say maybe 5% of people. In stores and public places that percentage has dropped as well over the past few months and I'd say it's about 30-40%. Most stores I go to still have a large percentage of people wearing masks. Cases have been creeping up locally due to the new Omicron variant (BA.2), so I suspect that might increase mask usage.

When I am outside, no. I haven't done that since the very early days of the pandemic. I still wear one inside stores and other public places. I've been monitoring case counts throughout the pandemic and have been waiting for case counts to get to where they were last summer before ditching protective measures.

Depends what the case count is in your respective areas. They're a good idea in high density population areas if case counts are rising.

Same answer as above.
Are you 'double shotted'??? ✌️
Is there a reason why you can't answer seriously?
why would anyone were a mask? as the experts here have stated, COVID was over in late 2020.
Sees maybe 20% wearing masks.
If you are medically compromised, i.e. diabetes, heart or lung conditions, etc., I would definitely be wearing one.
Research shows that about 40% of the deaths from covid occurred in people with diabetes.
Covid is not over and the vaccines and boosters give you a much better chance of not developing life threatening conditions if you do contract covid.
But if I had any kind of underling medical condition I would certainly be wearing a mask.
When you go out, what percentage of people do you see are still wearing masks?

Are you still wearing one when you go out? Do you think everyone should still be wearing them? Inside, outside, schools, other specific places?

Please discuss.

For me, I don't wear one anymore anywhere. I see a handful of people, maybe, when I'm out and about wearing them but it's pretty much over here.
Should they? That's a choice of an individual. Do they really need to wear a mask? NO! The democrats and the current President keep pushing it but then they don't wear masks themselves. The recent celebration of Kentanji Brown to the SCOTUS exhibited how masks are not needed. The President and The new Scotus didn't bother and they were extremely close as were most all the guest. The same is true of President Obama's recent trip to the White House, practically nobody wore masks.

If a person has a fear, wear a mask. If they have some serious health issues that makes them at greater than normal risks, then wear a masks. Please democrats, stop the hypocricy.
Should they? That's a choice of an individual. Do they really need to wear a mask? NO! The democrats and the current President keep pushing it but then they don't wear masks themselves. The recent celebration of Kentanji Brown to the SCOTUS exhibited how masks are not needed. The President and The new Scotus didn't bother and they were extremely close as were most all the guest. The same is true of President Obama's recent trip to the White House, practically nobody wore masks.

If a person has a fear, wear a mask. If they have some serious health issues that makes them at greater than normal risks, then wear a masks. Please democrats, stop the hypocrisy
I travel a good deal and am seeing fewer and fewer masks in my travels. Most of this is in large venues and with large numbers of people. I haven't heard of any mass spread of covid cases in the locations I've been too.

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