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Should normal females be forced to compete against female-to-male transgenders in all sports? (1 Viewer)

Should normal females be forced to compete against female-to-male transgenders in all sports?

  • no

  • yes

  • other

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DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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Political Leaning

Another question:​

Should normal females be forced to compete against female-to-male transgenders in all sports?​

I voted for: NO!
Should trans be forced to compete against only same trans?

Another question:​

Should normal females be forced to compete against female-to-male transgenders in all sports?​

I think you meant "male-to-female". Yes?
Should trans be forced to compete against same trans?
Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything but trans persons should have their own category. They can then choose fairly like everyone else.
It depends on whether the ftm is taking performance enhancing hormones. If not, then it doesn't matter. There is no reason to segregate people for sports based on "gender identity."
3 out of 3 say: NO!
Should trans be forced to compete against same trans?
Not forced - but trans should be the only possibility for other transes to compete.
They should just end sports discrimination based on gender altogether. Then the ladies would have nothing to complain about re equality/equal pay. EVERYTHING would be equal...and how can that be a bad thing?
Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything but trans persons should have their own category. They can then choose fairly like everyone else.
I think sports should be regulated by weight and height, and co ed. That way this shit won't matter. It's archaic to separate based on sex.

Girls are playing touch football, and boys are cheerleaders. If height and weight are an advantage in certain sports then let's just deal with that problem. Try to make it as "fair" as possible.
I think sports should be regulated by weight and height, and co ed. That way this shit won't matter. It's archaic to separate based on sex.

Girls are playing touch football, and boys are cheerleaders. If height and weight are an advantage in certain sports then let's just deal with that problem. Try to make it as "fair" as possible.
It's not quite that simple. In many sports lung capacity and the length of limbs play in as well as muscle mass.
It's not quite that simple. In many sports lung capacity and the length of limbs play in as well as muscle mass.
Then that's going to get difficult, keeping things even Steven.
Then that's going to get difficult, keeping things even Steven.
It isn't about evenness it is about overall safety and fairness in competitive sports. With no sex class there is no women's sports. The end of Title IX and women's sports has been on the agenda for the right wing for as long as Title IX has existed. The difference now is that the "other side" is on board either wittingly or unwittingly.
Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything but trans persons should have their own category. They can then choose fairly like everyone else.
Well, never say never, we finally agree on something;)

Another question:​

Should normal females be forced to compete against female-to-male transgenders in all sports?​

Yes. All women should be forced to compete against female-to-male transgenders. I don't care if you even play sports.
All this problems could be solved by: "No sports, please!"
Imagine using "female" as a noun instead of an adjective.
Do you mean sexually?
Not forced - but trans should be the only possibility for other transes to compete.

You just said what they must do to compete, which is being forced. You're being forced to play in a category, trans, in order to play at all. If trans tries to and insist on competing as a female, they will be forced to leave. That's being forced in both cases.

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