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Should Muslims be permitted to enter the United States (1 Viewer)

Should Muslims be permitted within the United States?

  • Yes

    Votes: 82 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 18 16.1%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 8 7.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 3.6%

  • Total voters
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Missouri Mule

DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Political Leaning
I know that this is controversial and "profiling" is considered to be politically incorrect but perhaps it is time to look at the elephant in the room that most people continue to ignore. Is it time to consider closing our borders, airports and other entry points to Muslims in particular? While not all Muslims are terrorists, virtually all terrorists are Muslims. Should we wait for the nuclear cloud or should we take action before that happens?
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Might wanna lock the doors when you see Timothy Mcvey and Terry Nichols and Eric Rudolph coming too

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I sayed undecied as the is U.S. is in danger but really have to many muslim friends to say yes
You dont shut out an entire type of people for some of their member's acts, thats discrimination, you just have security. That is what the U.S. is, a country with all types of people from all nations coming together in one big pot... or i think the newer saying is some type of salad... dont rememeber tho :mrgreen:
Provita said:
...That is what the U.S. is, a country with all types of people from all nations coming together in one big pot... or i think the newer saying is some type of salad... dont rememeber tho :mrgreen:

Canada is the melting pot U.S. is the salad just thought I'd clear that up lol
yeah lol, the U.S. used to be the melting pot but they changed it, maybe canada wanted to be the melting pot... so we though of some food..... pizza would sound better to me, it contains all the food groups :mrgreen:

well.. except sweets
I say yes. We should make security the priority over civil liberties of people who don't even live in this country. The terreorists who attacked us and want to attack us are Muslims. You could argue theres non-Muslim terrorists, but the vast majority who will attack us are Muslims. By not allowing Muslims in we can feel more secure at home, without sacrificing too much. Its either that or a suicide bomber in a major city in the U.S. At that point, WE would have to give up some civil liberties. I choose giving up the civil liberties of people who don't even live in this country rather than give up our own.
KevinWan said:
I say yes. We should make security the priority over civil liberties of people who don't even live in this country. The terreorists who attacked us and want to attack us are Muslims. You could argue theres non-Muslim terrorists, but the vast majority who will attack us are Muslims. By not allowing Muslims in we can feel more secure at home, without sacrificing too much. Its either that or a suicide bomber in a major city in the U.S. At that point, WE would have to give up some civil liberties. I choose giving up the civil liberties of people who don't even live in this country rather than give up our own.

You know this means muslims living inside the U.S. too. If it weren't there would be major riots and I'm beting that the huge muslim population in Canada would march down on the U.S. and riot too. I should have said yes
I think it would if you put only a few bacon bits in a sald which are small it tastes why better and deporting 5 million and some possibly being terrorists would really be a messy job. Also alot of European countries who apossed the war would become even more angry oh and Canada as well as american liberals.
*and I'm conservative so this is not a liberal view
Okay, picture the U.S. suddenly becomes a 3rd world country (obviously u must use ur imagination :mrgreen: ) and its near countries at war, and u want to leave that country for ur safety.... but because of idiots of ur race, u cant leave that country.... sucks huh?
I went with maybe because I too have many muslim friends here, they are honest people who came here to get an education and are extremely nice, however, it's the not so nice one's that want to harm my fellow americans that make me not want to say yes absolutely. I think that because of the hightened risk of terror at the moment we should at least have a check to make sure that those entering the country aren't on FBI/CIA suspect lists and at most ask a few simple questions to better determine intent, if it is to settle here and make a better life for themselves or better their situation upon returning home I say great, I would deny no one a chance for happiness.
Provita said:
Okay, picture the U.S. suddenly becomes a 3rd world country (obviously u must use ur imagination :mrgreen: ) and its near countries at war, and u want to leave that country for ur safety.... but because of idiots of ur race, u cant leave that country.... sucks huh?

all of that I get except the last part. It's true though that many muslims come from 3rd world countries and are trying to find a better life. We would be taking that away from them and is that truly right and we really can't do that without casualties
well said, although we should have done that even when security level is low.... hey LMR, i remember u from the "HI" section :mrgreen:

ANYONE FROM ANYWHERE should be allowed access to this country, unless they are a security risk, no matter their race
LaMidRighter said:
I went with maybe because I too have many muslim friends here, they are honest people who came here to get an education and are extremely nice, however, it's the not so nice one's that want to harm my fellow americans that make me not want to say yes absolutely. I think that because of the hightened risk of terror at the moment we should at least have a check to make sure that those entering the country aren't on FBI/CIA suspect lists and at most ask a few simple questions to better determine intent, if it is to settle here and make a better life for themselves or better their situation upon returning home I say great, I would deny no one a chance for happiness.

we are completely on the same page :mrgreen:
so who owns the book?
We need to improve relationships with muslims, not shut them out of our society.
i was joking.... they said they were on the same page... bah... forget it, lol
Provita said:
i was joking.... they said they were on the same page... bah... forget it, lol

sorry I just didn't really get it after you said it. :(
Gandhi>Bush said:
We need to improve relationships with muslims, not shut them out of our society.

Sorry but that will probably never happen.
its okay lol, im not that funny :)
Provita said:
You dont shut out an entire type of people for some of their member's acts, thats discrimination, you just have security. That is what the U.S. is, a country with all types of people from all nations coming together in one big pot... or i think the newer saying is some type of salad... dont rememeber tho :mrgreen:
I don't believe it's a matter a fairness but rather a matter of self preservation. If you know for a fact that there are muslims that are intent on killing you but can't identify which ones, then you have an obligation to minamize the threat by putting a a ban on any muslim coming into this country. We are at war after all. Maybe if we could come to a peaceful resolution to this conflict then we could reconsider.
lol I knew you would say that. I have so many muslim friends they hate america more then just skin deep. It has been taught to them by their parents and it will be hard to make them stop hating even if they are not sure why it will take alot of time.
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