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Should Muslims be kicked out & sent back to Mecca ? (1 Viewer)


Feb 12, 2006
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They go on about a Muslim brotherhood & that non Muslims aren't their brothers. They protest in London with hatefull banners. They don't accept our culture & they want to change it. It's colonisation through the back door.
I'm all in favour of forced re patriation. Including the ones born here. They can go back to where their parents came from. They breed like mice. Send the Bas***s back home I say.
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Dodgy_Geezer said:
They go on about a Muslim brotherhood & that non Muslims aren't their brothers. They protest in London with hatefull banners. They don't accept our culture & they want to change it. It's colonisation through the back door.
I'm all in favour of forced re patriation. Including the ones born here. They can go back to where their parents came from. They breed like mice. Send the Bas***s back home I say.

Immigrants are vital to our economy dodgy. Do you know what would happen if we just took every person that is different from us ethically and shape them off. Our country would literally fall apart. They do the jobs that we hate doing. I don't forget we asked them to come.

They don't accept our culture & they want to change it. It's colonisation through the back door.

Funny since when we colonised places we didn't accept anyones culture and we certainly tried to change it. In fact we went one better and massacred people.

Britain is more than a country it is an empire of old, and empire than spanned all races and cultures. And I'm proud of it.
GarzaUK said:
Immigrants are vital to our economy dodgy. Do you know what would happen if we just took every person that is different from us ethically and shape them off. Our country would literally fall apart. They do the jobs that we hate doing. I don't forget we asked them to come.

Funny since when we colonised places we didn't accept anyones culture and we certainly tried to change it. In fact we went one better and massacred people.

Britain is more than a country it is an empire of old, and empire than spanned all races and cultures. And I'm proud of it.
How many Muslims have you seen demonstrating against the London bombings committed by their extremist Muslim brothers ?
How many have you seen demonstrating against a few cartoons ?
Their religion is so ingrained they see u & I as inferior.
Dodgy_Geezer said:
How many Muslims have you seen demonstrating against the London bombings committed by their extremist Muslim brothers ?
How many have you seen demonstrating against a few cartoons ?
Their religion is so ingrained they see u & I as inferior.

What I seen was a group of radical crazy Islamic people whom the majority of the British Islamic community (and rightly so) condemned.

You can't paint everyone with the same brush.
Do the maths.
They have four or five sproggs. We have two.
Every generation they double in population.
Now there's 2 million.
18 years 4 million.
36 years 8 million
54 years 16 million
72 years 32 million.
It's a freekin nightmare mate.
Dodgy_Geezer said:
Do the maths.
They have four or five sproggs. We have two.
Every generation they double in population.
Now there's 2 million.
18 years 4 million.
36 years 8 million
54 years 16 million
72 years 32 million.
It's a freekin nightmare mate.

A modern nation is multicultral. I'm not quite sure of the demograhics of the UK, so I checked the CIA factbook.

white (English 83.6%, Scottish 8.6%, Welsh 4.9%, Northern Irish 2.9%) 92.1%, black 2%, Indian 1.8%, Pakistani 1.3%, mixed 1.2%, other 1.6% (2001 census)

Only 8.9% is not of white origin. The United Kingdom is a mongrel nation, yeah the white population of the UK is a mix of Saxons, Vikings, Romans, Normans, Picts, Scots, Irish, Welsh, Mercians, Angles and god knows what else.

Even if other ethnics over-populate the UK, I'llw ager that fish and chips will still be served, football will still be popular and pubs will still be up and running.
As long as the UK remains democratic and secular, I don't care. Britishness isn't a question of race or religion for me.
GarzaUK said:
A modern nation is multicultral. I'm not quite sure of the demograhics of the UK, so I checked the CIA factbook.

white (English 83.6%, Scottish 8.6%, Welsh 4.9%, Northern Irish 2.9%) 92.1%, black 2%, Indian 1.8%, Pakistani 1.3%, mixed 1.2%, other 1.6% (2001 census)

Only 8.9% is not of white origin. The United Kingdom is a mongrel nation, yeah the white population of the UK is a mix of Saxons, Vikings, Romans, Normans, Picts, Scots, Irish, Welsh, Mercians, Angles and god knows what else.

Even if other ethnics over-populate the UK, I'llw ager that fish and chips will still be served, football will still be popular and pubs will still be up and running.
As long as the UK remains democratic and secular, I don't care. Britishness isn't a question of race or religion for me.
You'll be a regarded as scum when the Muslims turn UK into a Muslim state so stop being an idealist.
yes that was a joke
I have no problem with anybody who comes here legally
and becomes a productive member of society
whether they are an engineer or a floor sweeper
we are in a war on Terrorists. Not Muslims in general
and Bush went out of his way many many many times to make that distinction
Such an action is the US would be very difficult and would be greeted by a great outcry. Muslims in the US have a history of immigration of over 100 years. In the early part of the 20th century mosques could be found all over the midwest where Muslims from Lebanon, Turkey, Bulgaria and even Poland had settled. they are now in the fourth generation here. They can't be sent back to anywhere.

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