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Should heterosexuals be allowed to enter the USA? (1 Viewer)

Naughty Nurse

DP Veteran
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
The UK
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
(This one's for calm2chaos etc.)

I know that not all terrorists are heterosexual, but the vast majority are. Personally I can't tell the difference between a peace-loving heterosexual and a terrorist, so maybe it's time you guys over there just stopped letting them in?

Now, does that sound reasonable?

BTW - I haven't added a poll in case someone thinks this is a real poll!!
Agreed. There should be a homosexuals only immigration policy.
They're less likely to be terrorists. In fact, they're more likely to be nice. And it will lower the birthrate.
faminedynasty said:
Agreed. There should be a homosexuals only immigration policy.
They're less likely to be terrorists. In fact, they're more likely to be nice. And it will lower the birthrate.

And your interior decor will improve no end. :rofl I'm glad somebody over there has a sense of humour! :lol:
Oh please stop it. This needs a mod gavel.
And gay guys are always hotter. Just think how many new gyms will open!
faminedynasty said:
Agreed. There should be a homosexuals only immigration policy.
They're less likely to be terrorists. In fact, they're more likely to be nice. And it will lower the birthrate.

And that will help clear up the abortion issue.
Mmmm, looks like I've inadvertantly stumbled across the solution to all our problems.

Naughty for President!
Actually, no, but it is frivolous and pointless. But I guess that if teacher is allowed his stupidity thread here, this one should stay too.

I don't know, shouldn't people debate and not just intentially go off on people or get revenge for something posted in another thread (this thread was started for that exact reason). I don't know, can't we just debate actual topics.
I don't think it's revenge I just think they're having a good time. If it really bothers you, I could lock the thread?
AIDS is proberly killing more people than terrorism right now. Your more likely to have a gay terrorise your ass
ShamMol said:
Actually, no, but it is frivolous and pointless. But I guess that if teacher is allowed his stupidity thread here, this one should stay too.

I guess it has become frivolous and pointless, but that's not how it started.

ShamMol said:
I don't know, shouldn't people debate and not just intentially go off on people or get revenge for something posted in another thread (this thread was started for that exact reason). I don't know, can't we just debate actual topics.

This thread was not strted as revenge, or anything like that. Urethra started her "United Statesian" thread to point out how hateful the Muslim thread was. Certain people (and I won't say it's because they're American when in fact it's just because they're not very bright) were unable to get the point, so I started this thread in the hope that it might clarify it a bit. It was actually aimed more specifically at calm2chaos, or whatever he's called, who was calling Urethra's thread hateful.

So there.
mikhail said:
AIDS is proberly killing more people than terrorism right now. Your more likely to have a gay terrorise your ass

World wide there's more AIDS amongst heterosexuals. Gays have taken on board the safe sex message far more seriously, so in fact, your rates of sexually transmitted infections will plummet. Most of them also know how to spell "probably" correctly, and they understand when to use "you're" and not "your" appropriately.
And why would gays terrorise your donkey?
Gandhi>Bush said:
I don't think it's revenge I just think they're having a good time. If it really bothers you, I could lock the thread?

No, if it really bothers him he could juist not visit this thread, and spend the time getting a life and sense of humour instead.
I submit that there is always a place for mockery, and that in the right circumstances, it is a legitamate tactic of political discussion.
Wow, some of you are really no fun. Thread started out really funny, but then all of a sudden it turned really serious. Such a downer...

I don't support homosexuality, but who can say no to humor?
Urethra Franklin said:
No, if it really bothers him he could juist not visit this thread, and spend the time getting a life and sense of humour instead.

I wasn't really considering locking the thread.
This thread is total nonsense..........Why do you Modsallow it to continue?
Navy Pride said:
This thread is total nonsense..........Why do you Modsallow it to continue?

Mrs. Franklin suggested that the thread about Muslims not being allowed into the US was ridiculous. This is her way of showing it. Why is it that you think it should be removed?
Can we get back to the humor part of the thread, I need a good laugh.
Kelzie said:
And gay guys are always hotter. Just think how many new gyms will open!

What is it we women always say... The hot guys are either taken or gay!
HTColeman said:
Can we get back to the humor part of the thread, I need a good laugh.

Ah, we are not acceptable because of the "choice" you believe we make, but we are good enough to provide you with amusement?
OMG, do you hate me? I never said that you are not acceptable! I do not agree with some of the choices you make, I do not agree with some of the choices I make, I do not agree with some of the choice my friends make. I do not judge the person based on their choices.

BTW, everyone is good enough to provide me with amusement, I love jokes.

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