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Should George Zimmerman testify? (1 Viewer)

If you were the Defense team would you have Zimmerman testify?

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DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2009
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Political Leaning
Having heard a week plus now, should Zimmerman take the stand?
Only if he is going to the stand to admit to being a dumbass.
No way. It would be royally stupid for him to testify.
Absolutely not. He's already testified via the walkthrough video, Hannity interview, 911 calls, etc. There is no way in hell I would allow him on the stand to be cross examined.
Virtually ALL of the state's witnesses have testified for him.

Heck, I'm not sure I'd even PRESENT a case, if I was the defense.
Unless something changes, it might be best for the Defense to call no witnesses at all, just rest and take the stance the Prosecution did not make a case to defend against.
No. We have seen the prosecution present the GZ testimony already. There is no mystery about what GZ's version of events was. The prosecution has not presented any evidence to support a murder 2 charge. Putting GZ on the stand accomplishes nothing.
I voted no.

the defense can explain the issues the prosecution has presented through witness tesimony other than GZ.
He shouldn't have too. The case has not been made he did anything wrong. This judge is incompetent political hack for not dismissing this already.

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