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Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Trump? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 1, 2010
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Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico, is polling in double digits against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a new Monmouth University poll. In the potential three-way race, Johnson garnered 11 percent of the vote, and, perhaps surprisingly, had a (slightly) more detrimental effect on Clinton than on Trump.

Gary Johnson Polling in Double-Digits Against Trump and Hillary - Christine Rousselle
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico, is polling in double digits against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a new Monmouth University poll. In the potential three-way race, Johnson garnered 11 percent of the vote, and, perhaps surprisingly, had a (slightly) more detrimental effect on Clinton than on Trump.

Gary Johnson Polling in Double-Digits Against Trump and Hillary - Christine Rousselle

I would like to see them all in a debate.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico, is polling in double digits against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a new Monmouth University poll. In the potential three-way race, Johnson garnered 11 percent of the vote, and, perhaps surprisingly, had a (slightly) more detrimental effect on Clinton than on Trump.

Gary Johnson Polling in Double-Digits Against Trump and Hillary - Christine Rousselle

Absolutely, include him.

Since neither major party has a candidate that people can actually support other than to say that he/she is the only one who can beat (the other party's candidate), maybe a libertarian could have a chance this time around.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

I would like to see them all in a debate.

Unfortunately what we want won't matter. What the DNC & RNC want is what matters and they are terrified of letting 3rd parties in.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

Unfortunately what we want won't matter. What the DNC & RNC want is what matters and they are terrified of letting 3rd parties in.

I know ......if wishes were fishes and all that. Its sad that a successful governor like Gary Johnson cant get traction. Mr. Veto by all accounts was a very good governor.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico, is polling in double digits against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a new Monmouth University poll. In the potential three-way race, Johnson garnered 11 percent of the vote, and, perhaps surprisingly, had a (slightly) more detrimental effect on Clinton than on Trump.

Gary Johnson Polling in Double-Digits Against Trump and Hillary - Christine Rousselle

If he continues to poll above 10% in an aggregate of major polls, I'd say he should be on the debate stage.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

Trump and Sanders being anti-establishment are the third and forth party candidates even though they are running under the established parties.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

I went to Gary Johnson's website.

He stands in the middle of the road on most of the issues.

He's not for me.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

I went to Gary Johnson's website.

He stands in the middle of the road on most of the issues.

He's not for me.

in the middle of what road?


Gary Johnson on the Issues
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

It takes 15%, but I expect a rule change if Gary Johnson gets above 15%.

CPD: The Commission on Presidential Debates: An Overview


In that case, I amend my comment. If he can manage 15% he should be on stage. If they attempt to raise that number, after the presidential season has already begun, than that is dirty pool and I would oppose it. If he can't reach that number, then that's on him.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

on the middle of what road?


Gary Johnson on the Issues

Based on your graph, middle of the Left Liberal / Right conservative road...though based on that it looks like he's a tad right of center by about two marks.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

I went to Gary Johnson's website.

He stands in the middle of the road on most of the issues.

He's not for me.

Whatever the hell that means! Specifically non-specific. I think the non-interventionist foreign policy is your problem. Most so-called, proclaimed conservatives love foreign wars, wounded warriors and trillions of $ in war debt.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico, is polling in double digits against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a new Monmouth University poll. In the potential three-way race, Johnson garnered 11 percent of the vote, and, perhaps surprisingly, had a (slightly) more detrimental effect on Clinton than on Trump.

Gary Johnson Polling in Double-Digits Against Trump and Hillary - Christine Rousselle

The level is set at 15% specifically to keep out third parties and this will ne no exception. Even if it's Clinton v. Trump, the Republocrat party will want no one else in the debates. They take this seriously. Badnarik and Cobb (the Libertarian and Green party candidate) were arrested when they tried to serve legal Show Cause Order outside the Presidential debates between Bush and Kerry.

Land of the free? Don't know many Land of the Free's that arrest political candidates outside official debates.

Same here. Won't matter what Gary polls at, the Republocrats are not willing to allow political competition, it could threaten their power base.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

Based on your graph, middle of the Left Liberal / Right conservative road...though based on that it looks like he's a tad right of center by about two marks.

He's at 90 of 100 on the economic scale which is far right and he's at 70 of 100 on the social scale which is pretty solidly liberal. That's not in the middle of any road.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

Trump and Sanders being anti-establishment are the third and forth party candidates even though they are running under the established parties.

He's <Libertarian presidential candidate, Johnson>at 90 of 100 on the economic scale which is far right and he's at 70 of 100 on the social scale which is pretty solidly liberal. That's not in the middle of any road.
As Excon pointed out, Crovax, traditional party politicians aren't cutting it for the voters this time around. Notice I mentioned traditional, non-compromising politicians aren't cutting it. Neither voters nor traditional politicians have flip flopped. Voters just demand politicians that represent them more fully.

Another non-traditional politician running for president? The donor class's heads are going to explode!
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Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

Unfortunately what we want won't matter. What the DNC & RNC want is what matters and they are terrified of letting 3rd parties in.

That' the crux of the matter: The RNC and the DNC have far too much power.
Re: Should Gary Johnson Be Included InThe Media National Debates Against Hillary & Tr

I will not be distracted by a spoiler 3rd party candidate.

I will cast my Presidential Vote to defeat who ever the Democrat is...


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