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Should celebs express views? (1 Viewer)

Can a person of influence to others moraly express their views?

  • No- only parents should express their views to their kids.

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May 4, 2005
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Should people of influence (musicians, actors, teachers - any one thats not in politics) moraly be able to express thier views, regardless of political alignment, to the people/children that look up to them? (Keep in mind this is not a matter of law, but whether you think that it is moraly correct or not)
Sure, why not? If Barbara Streisand or Britney Spears wants to spew their democratic/republican views, go ahead. At the same time, I can choose to ignore them as well.

I mean, if Vanilla Ice wants to get all jiggy and support Bush. Go for it. If I disagree with Ice's politics enough, I won't support his next movie.
This, to me, doesn't make much sense.. why shouldn't they be able to express their views? Are they not citizens with just publicity. The definition of a "Celebrity" is "a famous person", doesn't that also include Cele's, like President George W. Bush?

If you notice my signature, it shows a band by the name of "Anti-Flag", they're a big political band. I respect the actions they press, not only through their songs, but also physically marching in a rally for things they believe in.

Would that be you in the red shirt Shua? Haha, just playing man.
There won't be any surprise in my view. I think they should keep their mouth shut during a public performance. What they do on their own dime is of no concern to me, but if I pay, (which I would never do) to hear or see them perform, I expect only one thing. That which they know something about. If they insist on spewing forth hate for Republicans, during a show in or out of the country, they shouldn't be outraged when people react negatively. Children look up to some of these people, and get a warped view of the world by listening to their propaganda.
Arch Enemy said:
Would that be you in the red shirt Shua? Haha, just playing man.
Nah, I could never pull a buffalo stance that rad.
Squawker said:
There won't be any surprise in my view. I think they should keep their mouth shut during a public performance. What they do on their own dime is of no concern to me, but if I pay, (which I would never do) to hear or see them perform, I expect only one thing. That which they know something about. If they insist on spewing forth hate for Republicans, during a show in or out of the country, they shouldn't be outraged when people react negatively. Children look up to some of these people, and get a warped view of the world by listening to their propaganda.

That's why I don't like this poll, it doesn't specify whether if celebs should keep their mouth shut on stage, or off-stage. I agree on stage they've got to do what they're there for, but if they decide to go to a Republican Convention, I have no problem with that.. they're using their talents to express their opinions.
they decide to go to a Republican Convention, I have no problem with that.. they're using their talents to express their opinions.
It doesn't take any talent to go on a rant about how much they hate Republicans. Why do you suppose they really dislike Republicans? Does it have anything to do with religion and people judging their behavior?
I was talking about in favor for the Republicans, going to their convention in order to entertainment the crowd and to show their support for the political party.
You honestly think that if someone's political stance is due to their favorite actors, that they actually have enough knowledge of the subject to create their own opinion?
I was talking about in favor for the Republicans, going to their convention in order to entertainment the crowd and to show their support for the political party.
OIC, you mean all four of them?
You honestly think that if someone's political stance is due to their favorite actors, that they actually have enough knowledge of the subject to create their own opinion?
I believe that people/children who are not informed can be swayed/brainwashed into believing their propaganda. We (meaning involved posters) forget that the majority of the population has no interest in politics, and their news is a 30 minute part of their lives (with ads) and a quick read of the paper in the morning.
other - I believe everyone has a voice, but it should be used in the correct medium.
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Before you make a damn fool of yourself, maybe you should read the poll more clearly archenemy, you said:

"The definition of a "Celebrity" is "a famous person", doesn't that also include Cele's, like President George W. Bush?"

When I said below the poll question:

Should people of influence (musicians, actors, teachers - any one thats not in politics) moraly be able to express thier views, regardless of political alignment, to the people/children that look up to them? (Keep in mind this is not a matter of law, but whether you think that it is moraly correct or not)
Mariah Carey talking about Ethiopia: "I would love to be that skinny, without all that death and stuff!"
Enough Said.

To Celebrities: "Entertain me, don't persuade me!"
Other. - I will go to a hippie concert if I enjoy the music. The senseless political ranting should be left in another forum. The dixie chicks kicked their own faces in when they were on top of the world for example. They would still be making hot money if they had kept their views in the correct forum.
I agree that celebrities should censor themselves as far as time/place/manner. For instance, if Streisand wants to talk about her agenda and Larry King invites her to do so, great, but leave it out of the show (that I wouldn't be at cause she's a hack).
I do think though that it is high comedy to see a celebrity go with talking points of their favorite political party, it's basically parroting and you can tell that these people have already pre-fabricated their discussion. Sometimes, however, you do get guys like Ted Nugent and Bono who actually do have something going on upstairs, while I disagree with Bono and feel he whines too much, I have to say that he is a critical thinker.
I appreciate hearing anyone's views.

Music should get a pass...it's always been a form of social comment and criticism...hate to see that end.

If you're at a concert and the performer takes a moment to express their political views..so what?

Don't like their views? Don't buy their cd or spend money at their concert.

I see nothing wrong with celebrities using their influence to sway political opinion...more power to 'em.
The problem has been though Hoot, that when we as consumers did exercise that right to not buy their crap they turned around and started accusing everyone of denying them their right to freedom of speech. We're talking about a bunch of spoiled adult children who don't realize that their careers depend on their popularity and that there are consequences to shooting your mouth off. I believe the revised Websters will have a new definition for that, getting "Dixie Chicked".
LaMidRighter said:
The problem has been though Hoot, that when we as consumers did exercise that right to not buy their crap they turned around and started accusing everyone of denying them their right to freedom of speech. We're talking about a bunch of spoiled adult children who don't realize that their careers depend on their popularity and that there are consequences to shooting your mouth off. I believe the revised Websters will have a new definition for that, getting "Dixie Chicked".

Oh, I don't know...Mel Gibson is a republican, but that wouldn't stop me from seeing one of his films...I like hearing where celebrities stand on the issues. Perhaps the real problem is 'most' celebrities seem to lean to the left?

Maybe that's what you don't like? Just wondering?
Squawker said:
There won't be any surprise in my view. I think they should keep their mouth shut during a public performance. What they do on their own dime is of no concern to me, but if I pay, (which I would never do) to hear or see them perform, I expect only one thing. That which they know something about. If they insist on spewing forth hate for Republicans, during a show in or out of the country, they shouldn't be outraged when people react negatively. Children look up to some of these people, and get a warped view of the world by listening to their propaganda.
You might be surprised, but I somewhat agree with you, in a show-type setting where they are performing their role, they should not express their political views. On the other hand, if they want to go to rallies, go on the Today show, I believe that is their right to do so. And by the same token, it is not only Republican bashing that they are doing. Someone I admire a lot went onto the Today show and supported them (schilling).

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