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Should American have Compulsory voting? (1 Viewer)

Should American have Compulsory voting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • No

    Votes: 30 88.2%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I definitely think this is the path we need to go.

22 countries already have compulsory voting.

I think a small civil penalty of $25 is quite fair and a $25 tax credit every time you do vote would be generous.
I definitely think this is the path we need to go.

22 countries already have compulsory voting.

I think a small civil penalty of $25 is quite fair and a $25 tax credit every time you do vote would be generous.


Is it better to have fewer well informed/interested voters or greater numbers of less informed/less interested voters?
I definitely think this is the path we need to go.

22 countries already have compulsory voting.

I think a small civil penalty of $25 is quite fair and a $25 tax credit every time you do vote would be generous.

I've dabbled in this idea, but ultimately rejected it because the right to boycott an election should, in my mind, be rolled into the first amendment.

The central problem isn't people not wanting to vote. It's people wanting to vote and coming up against an array of obstacles that make it more difficult or even impossible to do so.
Is it better to have fewer well informed/interested voters or more less informed/less interested voters?

I'd say its better to have fewer but well informed voters...I meet lots of people....particularly young people that have no clue what they are even voting for...

As far as making it compulsory? HELL NO! This is the United States....not some other sorry ass country! Freedoms first! You want to be a non-voter??? so be it!
But remember.....if you don't vote....don't bitch when you don't like how something is.
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I've dabbled in this idea, but ultimately rejected it because the right to boycott an election should, in my mind, be rolled into the first amendment.

The central problem isn't people not wanting to vote. It's people wanting to vote and coming up against an array of obstacles that make it more difficult or even impossible to do so.

How are there ever obstacles to voting???? You go to the polls....wait your turn....go up to the machine.... and vote! I've been doing it every election for 40 years....never seen even a tiny obstacle to casting my vote.
How are there ever obstacles to voting???? You go to the polls....wait your turn....go up to the machine.... and vote! I've been doing it every election for 40 years....never seen even a tiny obstacle to casting my vote.

I'm happy to introduce you to a new word: "solipsism."
I'm happy to introduce you to a new word: "solipsism."

How about you introduce us to an answer to the question instead???
I definitely think this is the path we need to go.

22 countries already have compulsory voting.

I think a small civil penalty of $25 is quite fair and a $25 tax credit every time you do vote would be generous.

No. If anything people should have to pay to vote, and be paid not to.
I think people should have to show a minimal understanding of the issues before they are allowed to vote.
I definitely think this is the path we need to go.

22 countries already have compulsory voting.

I think a small civil penalty of $25 is quite fair and a $25 tax credit every time you do vote would be generous.

No. It's bad enough that we bend over backwards to get people to voluntarily vote when they couldn't even identify the country on a map, and we put referenda on ballots for people to vote on when they haven't even read them, let alone understand what the hell they're voting for. If people can't even be bothered to vote voluntarily, then their opinion doesn't matter.
I definitely think this is the path we need to go.

22 countries already have compulsory voting.

I think a small civil penalty of $25 is quite fair and a $25 tax credit every time you do vote would be generous.

Absolutely not .. Rights of citizens restrict government with what they can do, and voting is a foundational right of a majority of United States citizens.
Voter ID: A previous years Federal tax return.
I've dabbled in this idea, but ultimately rejected it because the right to boycott an election should, in my mind, be rolled into the first amendment.

The central problem isn't people not wanting to vote. It's people wanting to vote and coming up against an array of obstacles that make it more difficult or even impossible to do so.

As I am not an American, I would like you to inform me as to the obstacles to voting in America. Thanks.
As I am not an American, I would like you to inform me as to the obstacles to voting in America. Thanks.

Register to vote before a certain period of time. This probably so they can probably find your designated polling place locations so you don't try voting at multiple polling places. After a few weeks they send you a voter registration card that shows your designated polling place.
When its election day you show up to a designated polling place. Wait in line for your turn to vote. If you want to vote early instead of election like everybody else does then you go to a county election board office(the lines there are usually pretty long compared to the designated polling place that are open on election day). States with common sense you present your state issued ID or driver's license to the poll worker so that he or she knows that you are who you say you are.They hand you a ballot.You go to one of the cardboard or metal voting booths and fill out your ballot.You then insert your ballot into a machine near the entrance/exit of the designated polling place.
I definitely think this is the path we need to go.

22 countries already have compulsory voting.

I think a small civil penalty of $25 is quite fair and a $25 tax credit every time you do vote would be generous.

The best argument against democracy is a 5-minute conversation with a typical voter.
I definitely think this is the path we need to go.

22 countries already have compulsory voting.

I think a small civil penalty of $25 is quite fair and a $25 tax credit every time you do vote would be generous.

No. No country should have it. Do you really want people putting their X just anywhere without thought as to whom they would want to get in just to avoid a fine?
I definitely think this is the path we need to go.

22 countries already have compulsory voting.

I think a small civil penalty of $25 is quite fair and a $25 tax credit every time you do vote would be generous.

Good God. Let the idiots who don't want to vote, not vote. You can't force someone to vote unless you live in a Communist country.
I definitely think this is the path we need to go.

22 countries already have compulsory voting.

I think a small civil penalty of $25 is quite fair and a $25 tax credit every time you do vote would be generous.

Mandatory voting in a free country. Anybody see the irony in that?
As I am not an American, I would like you to inform me as to the obstacles to voting in America. Thanks.

No to forced voting.

If 22 countries have it, then that means 170+ countries do not. They win this vote.
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I definitely think this is the path we need to go.

22 countries already have compulsory voting.

I think a small civil penalty of $25 is quite fair and a $25 tax credit every time you do vote would be generous.
No. Most people who vote are ignorant as **** when it comes to politics its why we have the dirt bags who been in office for 20 plus years that we got now. Compulsory voting will make that worse.Forcing someone to vote will not make them go on the internet and research the candidates they are voting for.Nor will it force them to research the costs of the issues they want. It will just mean more ignorant people voting.

If anything we should be weeding out those who are ignorant when it comes to politics. But neither side can be trusted to keep it neutral.
While we are at it we need a poll tax and literacy test. Wait, the Democrats already tried that.

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