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Shoudl we get rid of the board of miseducation? (1 Viewer)

Should we keep the Board of Non-Education?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters

Youve Got To Be Kidding!

Active member
Jul 24, 2005
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Before 1953 americans where well educated in respect to other coutnries. Obivously somthing happend I think it was the board of education. Lets do away with it.
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
I think it was the board of education.

Ah, a well reasoned argument. You think it was the board of education. That's conclusive. I don't know. I haven't seen the board of education do anything blatantly wrong (I haven't been looking all that closely at them either). I haven't seen any statistics on the issue, nor have I seen really any other facts. So, I'll vote to keep them, at the moment. If you have any more information, I'll be glad to look it over.
ncallaway said:
Ah, a well reasoned argument. You think it was the board of education. That's conclusive. I don't know. I haven't seen the board of education do anything blatantly wrong (I haven't been looking all that closely at them either). I haven't seen any statistics on the issue, nor have I seen really any other facts. So, I'll vote to keep them, at the moment. If you have any more information, I'll be glad to look it over.

I will say that AMERICA was FIRST in all categories in education, math and science by far russia long behind in second. In 1953 the board of education was formed and ever since then It went downhill FAST. I dont know where I can get proof of this but I know its so. I read 2 books on it about a year ago. Dont remember the books.
The national average annual amount spent on K-12 students is in excess of $10,000. The return on this investment is an abomination.

Improvement cannot possibly take place so long as the Unions and the ACLU have a stranglehold on the public education system.

Here are the facts. I apologize for the lack of formatting.

Civic Report November 2001

High School Graduation Rates in the United States

Table 2: Ranking of Graduation Rates by State
State Ranking Graduation Rate
Georgia 51 54%
Nevada 50 58
Florida 49 59
District of Columbia 48 59
Arizona 47 59
Tennessee 46 60
South Carolina 45 62
Mississippi 44 62
Alabama 43 62
North Carolina 42 63
New Mexico 41 65
Texas 40 67
Oregon 39 67
Alaska 38 67
California 37 68
Colorado 36 68
Louisiana 35 69
Hawaii 34 69
Washington 33 70
New York 32 70
New Hampshire 31 71
Kentucky 30 71
Arkansas 29 72
Rhode Island 28 72
Delaware 27 73
Indiana 26 74
Oklahoma 25 74
Virginia 24 74
Missouri 23 75
Connecticut 22 75
Michigan 21 75
Massachusetts 20 75
Maryland 19 75
New Jersey 18 75
Kansas 17 76
Ohio 16 77
Illinois 15 78
Idaho 14 78
Maine 13 78
South Dakota 12 80
Wyoming 11 81
Utah 10 81
Pennsylvania 9 82
West Virginia 8 82
Minnesota 7 82
Montana 6 83
Vermont 5 84
Nebraska 4 85
Wisconsin 3 85
North Dakota 2 88
Iowa 1 93
Does anybody else appreciate the irony that should is spelled shoudl? I know, I know a typo. Still funny.

"An all-time high 85 percent of U.S. adults age 25 and over had completed at least high school in 2003, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Also in 2003, 27 percent of adults age 25 and over had a college degree, another record.

The percentage of non-Hispanic whites (89 percent) and blacks (80 percent) who had a high school diploma or higher marked new highs. The proportion of blacks rose by 10 percentage points from 1993 to 2003, while non-Hispanic whites saw an increase of 5 percentage points in this category"

source. Sounds like things aren't going all that bad.
Kelzie said:
Does anybody else appreciate the irony that should is spelled shoudl? I know, I know a typo. Still funny.

"An all-time high 85 percent of U.S. adults age 25 and over had completed at least high school in 2003, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Also in 2003, 27 percent of adults age 25 and over had a college degree, another record.

The percentage of non-Hispanic whites (89 percent) and blacks (80 percent) who had a high school diploma or higher marked new highs. The proportion of blacks rose by 10 percentage points from 1993 to 2003, while non-Hispanic whites saw an increase of 5 percentage points in this category"

source. Sounds like things aren't going all that bad.
It's difficult to compare an apple with an orange.

Census data is gathered by asking questions, recording answers, and then tabulating results. It pre-supposes that all answers will be truthful, recorded correctly, and tabulated accurately.

The data I furnished was gathered by Jay P. Greene, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute. The lengthy report, including tables, is quite revealing and may be found here: http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/cr_baeo.htm

With respect to accuracy, if I had to bet money, I'd bet on Jay Greene.

To determine how bad things are going, one need only speak with a person whose job includes interviewing young adults for employment.
Kelzie said:
Does anybody else appreciate the irony that should is spelled shoudl? I know, I know a typo. Still funny.

"An all-time high 85 percent of U.S. adults age 25 and over had completed at least high school in 2003, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Also in 2003, 27 percent of adults age 25 and over had a college degree, another record.

The percentage of non-Hispanic whites (89 percent) and blacks (80 percent) who had a high school diploma or higher marked new highs. The proportion of blacks rose by 10 percentage points from 1993 to 2003, while non-Hispanic whites saw an increase of 5 percentage points in this category"

source. Sounds like things aren't going all that bad.

You are missing the point. The point is that we are now Behind other countries in education. Our education IS CRAP we suck and it has gone down ever since 1953 when we where leading the world now we are behind it.
To say things are doing pretty good is verry disgusting with all due respect.. Our education level and system is disgustingly pathetic.

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