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shocking-black-hole-triggered-gigantic-cosmic-bang (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 8, 2017
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new zealand.
Political Leaning
Astronomers spot the biggest, strangest black hole collision ever found

MORE THAN SEVEN billion years ago, two immense black holes circled each other until they collided and merged, a cataclysm so intense that it sent ripples soaring through the fabric of space-time. In the early morning hours of May 21, 2019, Earth trembled from the vibrations sent off by this distant carnage, cluing in astronomers to the biggest cosmic bang they’d ever detected—and one that defies theoretical expectation.

Researchers estimate that two black holes 66 and 85 times more massive than our sun spiraled into each other, uniting to form a black hole 142 times more massive than our sun.

That amount of energy is like setting off more than a million billion atomic bombs every second for 13.8 billion years, the age of the observable universe.

Is there a limit to how big a black hole can get?
I doubt it.
I'd love to know more details as to exactly "how" the Earth "trembled".

Detectable gravity waves were produced by the collision in the early galaxy, and they have just now reached us when we were fortunate to have the technology to detect them.

Yes. I stayed in a Holiday Inn last night!
Detectable gravity waves were produced by the collision in the early galaxy, and they have just now reached us when we were fortunate to have the technology to detect them.

Yes. I stayed in a Holiday Inn last night!

That's what I was wondering about...that is exactly what I was wondering about.
At least now I know why I was snookered into thinking I'd lost twenty-one pounds back then instead of fourteen.
Musta been those damn gravity waves tricking me.
I doubt it.
I'd love to know more details as to exactly "how" the Earth "trembled".

Gravity waves emanating from the collision.

The effect is not exactly dramatic, we're talking subatomic-scale vibrations. Had to build very, very specialized equipment to even detect them. Like trying to hear the soundwaves from an explosion that was thousands of miles away, the event was very large but the distances involved make it hard to pick out from background noise.

Exactly Yes, there is a limit to how big a black hole can get.

I found these things out as a from residual effect when I went out of my body and marched beyond the stars giving my bloops orders to explore.

We could call it the Exquisitor or soylentgreen constant.

It's about the mass of the Universe take or give some charge and spin.

There is another constant; mass to condense.

When even one black hole passes the expansion limit and condenses anywhere in the entire fractal pattern of a Creation, the Creation is upturned over its nether shore and dumped down the pit.

Don't try to go charging across the bottom of the pit because after you pass the lip, you will fall backward and forever be marching out of the jagged back leaning cliffs.

At the center of the Causal planet is a conglomeration of black holes called the fish or frog eggs.

These black holes have filled up to where incoming mass does not create enough new event horizon to admit more mass.

A certain number of these constitute a causal big bang or condensation.

Climbing in succession one encounters larger and larger Universes outside the Cosmic Manifestation, Compound and Creation.

On the Astral and Causal planets the distance between features is so far that if you had all the energy of one compound or Creation, it would not propel you to the next.

Compounds filter some light, Creation Seals cut off every pathway of the Godhead.

The Cosmic Manifestation arises from a compound called the Kettle after dust has accumulated from successive big bangs to form its outer wall.

Three critical masses inhabit the Cosmic Manifestation.

Gravity slows down time, but the tiny has more time, so an observer in a black hole may experience a short or long time until the big bang.

Singularity has a radius and is likely a shell like electrons neutrons and protons.

You already know the neutron is half a proton and an negative shell at three times the diameter of the proton.

The interior of the singularity is the pathway of the Godhead from when He began infinitely tiny that He no longer goes.

The Son rules from the singularity to the electron.

At the electron the Godhead expanded Himself.
Exactly Yes, there is a limit to how big a black hole can get.

I found these things out as a from residual effect when I went out of my body and marched beyond the stars giving my bloops orders to explore.

We could call it the Exquisitor or soylentgreen constant.

It's about the mass of the Universe take or give some charge and spin.

There is another constant; mass to condense.

When even one black hole passes the expansion limit and condenses anywhere in the entire fractal pattern of a Creation, the Creation is upturned over its nether shore and dumped down the pit.

Don't try to go charging across the bottom of the pit because after you pass the lip, you will fall backward and forever be marching out of the jagged back leaning cliffs.

At the center of the Causal planet is a conglomeration of black holes called the fish or frog eggs.

These black holes have filled up to where incoming mass does not create enough new event horizon to admit more mass.

A certain number of these constitute a causal big bang or condensation.

Climbing in succession one encounters larger and larger Universes outside the Cosmic Manifestation, Compound and Creation.

On the Astral and Causal planets the distance between features is so far that if you had all the energy of one compound or Creation, it would not propel you to the next.

Compounds filter some light, Creation Seals cut off every pathway of the Godhead.

The Cosmic Manifestation arises from a compound called the Kettle after dust has accumulated from successive big bangs to form its outer wall.

Three critical masses inhabit the Cosmic Manifestation.

Gravity slows down time, but the tiny has more time, so an observer in a black hole may experience a short or long time until the big bang.

Singularity has a radius and is likely a shell like electrons neutrons and protons.

You already know the neutron is half a proton and an negative shell at three times the diameter of the proton.

The interior of the singularity is the pathway of the Godhead from when He began infinitely tiny that He no longer goes.

The Son rules from the singularity to the electron.

At the electron the Godhead expanded Himself.
Wow dude; you been smokin that martian pot? How'd ya get it past customs? :shock:
Wow dude; you been smokin that martian pot? How'd ya get it past customs? :shock:

Dude, my State gave me my medical marijuana over a Week ago I entered the promise land.

I wove the data in a patent, a short book, here and soon on my website.

What about the truth makes it seem like I'm on drugs?

Pot grown on Mars is not auspicious, you've contaminated the dust.

Stay Off of Mars

Jaya! All glories to the mighty Shiva plant!

Jah Rastafari!
Last edited:

What idiot scientists... 66 + 85 = 151

NOT 142.



The extra mass was converted into gravitational waves instantly in the merger which is why it was called a massive explosion.
That's 9 suns worth of material instantly being converted into energy so rather a lot.

But, yeah the scientists are obviously idiots and you know better than them so well done you.

From what I understand, not really. There are supermassive black holes in the center of most galaxies, including our own. The supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy Messier 87 is so huge that astronomers could see it from 55 million light-years away. It's 24 billion miles across and contains the same mass as 6 1/2 billion suns!
Exactly Yes, there is a limit to how big a black hole can get.

I found these things out as a from residual effect when I went out of my body and marched beyond the stars giving my bloops orders to explore.

We could call it the Exquisitor or soylentgreen constant.

It's about the mass of the Universe take or give some charge and spin.

There is another constant; mass to condense.

When even one black hole passes the expansion limit and condenses anywhere in the entire fractal pattern of a Creation, the Creation is upturned over its nether shore and dumped down the pit.

Don't try to go charging across the bottom of the pit because after you pass the lip, you will fall backward and forever be marching out of the jagged back leaning cliffs.

At the center of the Causal planet is a conglomeration of black holes called the fish or frog eggs.

These black holes have filled up to where incoming mass does not create enough new event horizon to admit more mass.

A certain number of these constitute a causal big bang or condensation.

Climbing in succession one encounters larger and larger Universes outside the Cosmic Manifestation, Compound and Creation.

On the Astral and Causal planets the distance between features is so far that if you had all the energy of one compound or Creation, it would not propel you to the next.

Compounds filter some light, Creation Seals cut off every pathway of the Godhead.

The Cosmic Manifestation arises from a compound called the Kettle after dust has accumulated from successive big bangs to form its outer wall.

Three critical masses inhabit the Cosmic Manifestation.

Gravity slows down time, but the tiny has more time, so an observer in a black hole may experience a short or long time until the big bang.

Singularity has a radius and is likely a shell like electrons neutrons and protons.

You already know the neutron is half a proton and an negative shell at three times the diameter of the proton.

The interior of the singularity is the pathway of the Godhead from when He began infinitely tiny that He no longer goes.

The Son rules from the singularity to the electron.

At the electron the Godhead expanded Himself.


Yes, the visions were dark and maddening.

From the scene at the end of the compound, to the pit, to the astral compounds, to the singularity, to being trapped on the far side of the hump, to He and his people taking their Father, Son and Holy Ghost and jumping through a Black Hole to have all their Thronerooms stripped to the Noon, to the wound of the False Prophet, to the shelter for your feet at the bottom of the Lake of Fire; all dear nether visions.

They kind of grow on you and you learn to like it there.
The extra mass was converted into gravitational waves instantly in the merger which is why it was called a massive explosion.
That's 9 suns worth of material instantly being converted into energy so rather a lot.

But, yeah the scientists are obviously idiots and you know better than them so well done you.

At least I can add... and they are not taking into account alternate dimensions.
From what I understand, not really. There are supermassive black holes in the center of most galaxies, including our own. The supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy Messier 87 is so huge that astronomers could see it from 55 million light-years away. It's 24 billion miles across and contains the same mass as 6 1/2 billion suns!

Then why is the center of the galaxy so bright? Scientists obviously didn't think that one through.
Exactly Yes, there is a limit to how big a black hole can get.

I found these things out as a from residual effect when I went out of my body and marched beyond the stars giving my bloops orders to explore.

We could call it the Exquisitor or soylentgreen constant.

It's about the mass of the Universe take or give some charge and spin.

There is another constant; mass to condense.

When even one black hole passes the expansion limit and condenses anywhere in the entire fractal pattern of a Creation, the Creation is upturned over its nether shore and dumped down the pit.

Don't try to go charging across the bottom of the pit because after you pass the lip, you will fall backward and forever be marching out of the jagged back leaning cliffs.

At the center of the Causal planet is a conglomeration of black holes called the fish or frog eggs.

These black holes have filled up to where incoming mass does not create enough new event horizon to admit more mass.

A certain number of these constitute a causal big bang or condensation.

Climbing in succession one encounters larger and larger Universes outside the Cosmic Manifestation, Compound and Creation.

On the Astral and Causal planets the distance between features is so far that if you had all the energy of one compound or Creation, it would not propel you to the next.

Compounds filter some light, Creation Seals cut off every pathway of the Godhead.

The Cosmic Manifestation arises from a compound called the Kettle after dust has accumulated from successive big bangs to form its outer wall.

Three critical masses inhabit the Cosmic Manifestation.

Gravity slows down time, but the tiny has more time, so an observer in a black hole may experience a short or long time until the big bang.

Singularity has a radius and is likely a shell like electrons neutrons and protons.

You already know the neutron is half a proton and an negative shell at three times the diameter of the proton.

The interior of the singularity is the pathway of the Godhead from when He began infinitely tiny that He no longer goes.

The Son rules from the singularity to the electron.

At the electron the Godhead expanded Himself.

So you're the person that stole my drugs?
Then why is the center of the galaxy so bright? Scientists obviously didn't think that one through.

Stars orbiting the Black Hole make the center of the Galaxy bright.
So you're the person that stole my drugs?

You really don't want to do that to yourself.

No, nobody knows how to do much more than what's been done.

Even after you give it to them they don't want to do it.

They say, "Make it smooth for me like ice cream." But no, it is rough and scouring.
Then why is the center of the galaxy so bright? Scientists obviously didn't think that one through.

Take a class or read a book about it. It’s fascinating stuff.

If you find that you are disagreeing with scientists, usually you are best off assuming they know something you don’t. Usually that ends up being a very fruitful approach.
Black Holes suck in the light...

Not everything within a gravitational field gets sucked in. Otherwise our planet and the whole rest of the Milky Way should be getting sucked into the sun.

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