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Sheeple: Why the status of gay rights and abortion will never change.. (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jul 25, 2005
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You do realize that these divisive issues are tools to keep us voting for one side or the other, and so we think we have a choice, but really its all the same govt. They are hearding us like sheeple.

A great magician creates a perfect distraction while he secretly works behind the scenes. Its really quite brilliant what is going on in Washington.

You must realize this now that the Republican right wing has FULL control of govt in all 3 branches... I mean they used this anti-abortion/ anti-gay rights platform to divide gullable people along these touchy cultural issues (so did democrats) BUT, now the Right has total control of the govt and yet abortion is always going to be legal, Roe v. Wade will never be overturned no matter what these liars tell you. And there will not be any federal legislation which is anti-gay rights. (Notice all talk of this ended after Bush got elected again)This was phantom legislation they used as bait. Politicians lie, its what they do, but its our job to stop voting for those who prove they are consistant liars. Mainstream politicians of today all are horrible liars and corrupted by corporate money, and almost none of them deserve political office.

My point is this: both sides use these issues to stay elected, meanwhile people are oblivious to the fact that this is one big government. This is one ruling body that is owned by corporations and is working for their wealthy owners rather than the American common man.

Whatever you do, please think about this. If you see any grain of truth in what I have said here, please think about this long and hard. The world needs informed people. Dont be another mindless drone.
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Certainly the media is partly to blame here. A handful of mega corporations that control the mainstream media have a huge vested intrest in keeping the same legislators in office for financial reasons. Legislation can either help or hurt an industry. So corporations pay to get people re-elected, and they get their pet legislation pushed through in long tedious appropriation bills (that Congress says themselves they do not read b/c they say it would be too tedious, they say they read the main bill normally and then just vote on that).

So clearly the corporate media does its role in pumping up these issues and increasing the current trend of hyper partisan politics. The media is considered by many as the 4th branch of govt, since they are meant tell people what to think about, and what to think is worth discussing. Thus they set the public agenda along with the government.

So its not just that people are too stupid, that is part of it, but its really more that they have never talked to anyone who understands what is really happening today, its because the corporate mainstream media controls the flow of public discussion.
People use these issues until they can no longer control them. See the civil rights movement, or the movement for womens rights, slavery, drugs, poverty, etc. No political lie can stand the test of time, none. What will happen is their "fixing" will be delayed for a long time, until gays and women march and get a good public speaker, or someone smart enough to seize the opportunity decides to use them as a launching pad for their political careers. The issue will not be in an indefinite stalemate. It'll just take longer than it should.
I think your basic ideas of government are fairly skewed. Essentially you've used a lot of rhetoric and little to no proof of any corporate conspiracy to run the government as a whole. I agree with you- business has a ton to do with the government. I'm not sure it would be better to turn our country into a communist-run anarchy though, either. It's not the system that is flawed, it's the people within the system.
Who are you talking to? In any case, all the proof one needs is the massive, 100% visible "corporate lobby" in America. They shamelessly control the legislature. Though I agree that a communist-run anarchy would be disaster.
Laoghaire said:
I think your basic ideas of government are fairly skewed. Essentially you've used a lot of rhetoric and little to no proof of any corporate conspiracy to run the government as a whole. I agree with you- business has a ton to do with the government. I'm not sure it would be better to turn our country into a communist-run anarchy though, either. It's not the system that is flawed, it's the people within the system.

Who mentioned anything about communism or anarchy? It seems anything that doesn't stink of blind patriotism is equated with anti-american policy. That is a sad yet predicitable response, and a great casualty of the Cold War.

Look, this is the greatest country on earth, but that doesn't mean we don't have lots of work to do.

If you need an example of blatant corporate greed influencing politics and damaging our nation, just look at the prescription drug situation in America. We are charged insane prices for our drugs (prices have risen 3.5x in the past 5 years), and we are told by the President we cannot import these same exact drugs from the exact same manufacturers in Canada. And he has the nerve to tell us its for saftey reasons, when its the exact same drugs from the exact same companies. Some states like Illinois have created a state wide prescription importation website, so that citizens can import drugs from canada with state approval. Clearly its an issue of the federal govt. being influenced by the pill lobby (they have 8 lobbyists for every senator in Washington!!!)

So why does Canada have cheaper prescription drugs? Because their government isn't in bed with the Pharmaceutical companies. Also they have 10% of the population of America, so the market isn't as lucrative anyway.

Clearly these drugs companies are corrupt, although that is a much longer discussion. (Even Micheal Moore is doing his next movie on the pill lobby, and you know that its an easy target if that chump is covering it).

Its not just the people that are the problem, b/c the people in office constitute the health of the system, so its the system as a whole that is broken. The poster below you understands how corporations use government and vice versa.

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