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Sheehan: Clinton killed more Iraqis than Bush (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York, NY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
In an interview with left-wing rag CounterPunch, Cindy Sheehan recently had this to say about #42:

"And about Bill Clinton . . . . You know, I really think he should have been impeached, but not for a blow job. His policies are responsible for killing more Iraqis than George Bush."

Those of you in the Sheehan camp...any thoughts on this?


(Of course, not being widely reported)
Oh no, the new leader of the democratic party (Sheehan) has betrayed the party martyr (Clinton). That's gotta hurt.
Perhaps she is not as much of a partisan hack as Repubs make her out to be?
scottyz said:
Perhaps she is not as much of a partisan hack as Repubs make her out to be?

You're mistaken. I don't think shes partisan, I think shes ****ing crazy. I knew that from the day she first opened her yap. I'm just wondering if now people on the left will start admitting that as well.
RightatNYU said:
You're mistaken. I don't think shes partisan, I think shes ****ing crazy. I knew that from the day she first opened her yap. I'm just wondering if now people on the left will start admitting that as well.

I liked that her protest caused people to look more closely into why we went to war since it has caused people to question this president's honesty. When I saw her on Chris Matthews, I saw a very intelligent, articulate woman. However, her continued protest started to become a drag.

My feelings are not remotely hurt, particuarly because, as scotty said, it shows that she may not be so partisan after all.
How could anyone not notice she is a ****ing nut?

Those pictures of her smiling as she wraps her arms around demagogue Jesse Jackson are priceless.
I thought she was a nut until I listened to an interview with her and libertarians from Free Talk live. Ever since then, I've changed my mind, though I don't agree with her methods. Although her tactics draw attention to the anti war movement, I believe they do so in a more negative then positive way.

It's just funny though how the more she talks, the more acceptable it becomes to attack the mother of a dead soldier.
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Is there a transcript of that Interview available?

I would be more than happy to read it.
FinnMacCool said:
I thought she was a nut until I listened to an interview with her and libertarians from Free Talk live. Ever since then, I've changed my mind, though I don't agree with her methods. Although her tactics draw attention to the anti war movement, I believe they do so in a more negative then positive way.

It's just funny though how the more she talks, the more acceptable it becomes to attack the mother of a dead soldier.

She sounds completely sane:

"The US government is now ruled by murderous hypocrites... criminals who should be arrested, charged appropriately, confined behind bars... In their secret hiding places, while celebrating newly won fortunes with their fellow brass, these men must surely congratulate themselves with orgies of carnal pleasure as they mock the dwindling multitudes who are yet so blind as to mistake them for God's devoted servants."

That sounds like someone who has a real grasp on reality.

And why on earth does she deserve special respect? It's been aok to attack her for her words and actions since day 1. Having a tragedy befall you does not give you carte blanche to say and do whatever you want without reproach.

She's an imbecile, a raving lunatic, a publicity slut, a complete fringe nutjob, and a pathetic excuse for a human being.
I wish she had given more detail into which policies she is talking about and how many Iraqis she thinks they killed.

FinnMacCool said:
It's just funny though how the more she talks, the more acceptable it becomes to attack the mother of a dead soldier.
If it was a pro-war mother of a dead soldier all those folk who attack Sheehan would be crying how evil it was to attack the mother of a dead soldier.
scottyz said:
If it was a pro-war mother of a dead soldier all those folk who attack Sheehan would be crying how evil it was to attack the mother of a dead soldier.

That's a good, if patently untrue generalization.
She's an imbecile, a raving lunatic, a publicity slut, a complete fringe nutjob, and a pathetic excuse for a human being.

Case in point.

And she doesn't sound like a raving lunatic to me, though I'm sure thats what you would have others think.

She sounds angry though

If you feel the need to sum up a whole persons life through a few sentences or a few quotes then go right ahead but you'll run straight into a brick wall if your looking for truth.

That's a good, if patently untrue generalization.

It is true. The only time it would be denied is when it starts to hurt you politically. Then you will slowly edge away like the democrats are doing with Cindy Sheehan.
FinnMacCool said:
Case in point.

And she doesn't sound like a raving lunatic to me, though I'm sure thats what you would have others think.

She sounds angry though

In their secret hiding places, while celebrating newly won fortunes with their fellow brass, these men must surely congratulate themselves with orgies of carnal pleasure as they mock the dwindling multitudes who are yet so blind as to mistake them for God's devoted servants.

Read that again. That doesn't sound like a raving lunatic to you? I live a block from a homeless shelter. I don't hear **** as crazy as this even from the guy who pisses himself on a daily basis.

If you feel the need to sum up a whole persons life through a few sentences or a few quotes then go right ahead but you'll run straight into a brick wall if your looking for truth.

How about you look at the person rather than what you've been told and see what a liar she is?

June, 2004. She meets with Bush.

June 24, 2004. Just days later, interviewed in paper, says President Bush was "...sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis...I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."

March 2005. Writes letter chock full of anti-Semitism, saying that her son "was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel" and that he "joined the Army to protect America, not Israel."

July 5th 2005. Describes meeting Bush the first time as "one of the most disgusting experiences I ever had and it took me almost a year to even talk about it." (If by year, you mean a few days.)

August 2005. Tells Chris Matthews she would not have reacted differently at all if her son had died in Afghanistan. "Sheehan argued that the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan was "almost the same thing" as the Iraq war"

August 11 2005. "We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect." - "Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins."

August 12 2005. Husband files for divorce, citing irreconciliable differences.

September 16, 2005. Claims that the national guard troops in NOLA are the same as US troops in Iraq, calls for an end to "occupied New Orleans"

Sep 24, 2005. While the US is being hit by Hurricane Rita, she gripes about the amount of coverage dedicated to the hurricane. I am watching CNN and it is 100 percent rita [sic] ... even though it is a little wind and a little rain... it is bad, but there are other things going on in this country today... and in the world! ...the media will cover anything else besides the war." (Anything that takes away from your spotlight MUST be bad...)

Nov 2, 2005. "The people that are being killed in Iraq are not terrorists."

She is nuts. Her world view is so skewed that its laughable. Its that simple.

It is true. The only time it would be denied is when it starts to hurt you politically. Then you will slowly edge away like the democrats are doing with Cindy Sheehan.

Actually, its not true. If someone is grieving, I say leave them to it. If they want to take their grief and use it to get in front of the cameras and become spokespersons for advocacy, they lose every bit of that sympathy. On either side.
Interesting RightatNYU, I never knew all that about Ms Sheehan.

I still thought she was nuts though.

This just proves it to me.
I think if you go back on the threads here about her, most people were defending her RIGHT to say what she said, not the CONTENT, but of course the cons will twist it like a pretzel.

It's funny that the cons condemned her every move, but will quote her when she says something that they think they can use to defame the other side.

It's kinda like on Monday, the cons will denounce The NY TImes as a liberal rag, piece of junk. Tuesday, there's a favorable article and it's quoted all over the place. Which is it? Liberal, conservative, moderate or none of the above?

I love the humor..LOL ;)
Read that again. That doesn't sound like a raving lunatic to you? I live a block from a homeless shelter. I don't hear **** as crazy as this even from the guy who pisses himself on a daily basis.

What's there to say that hasn't already been said? She's not a politician.

Actually, its not true. If someone is grieving, I say leave them to it. If they want to take their grief and use it to get in front of the cameras and become spokespersons for advocacy, they lose every bit of that sympathy. On either side.

Is that so? Then surely you must have ill feelings towards the parents of Columbine victims?
RightatNYU said:
She's an imbecile, a raving lunatic, a publicity slut, a complete fringe nutjob, and a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Don't forget fugly...

They never did with Katherine Harris, Linda Tripp, or Harriett Miers...:shrug:

RightatNYU said:
Read that again. That doesn't sound like a raving lunatic to you? I live a block from a homeless shelter. I don't hear **** as crazy as this even from the guy who pisses himself on a daily basis.
I didn't know you lived near galen...:cool:
As far as I'm concerned, when she made herself a public person, she invited response. If she had restricted her rhetorec to grieving for her son, and only talked from the angle of wanting to reduce the loss of life, I would agree that people might be too rough on her. The thing is -- she's doing a LOT more than just that, and so she's fair game as a result.

She really doesn't necessarily represent the left IMO, because a sizeable chunk of the left can't stand her, either. She only represents that authoritarian uber-left fringe that has left liberality far behind -- folks like A.N.S.W.E.R. and the various "solidarity" movements. She's waaaaaay out there, and that's why she is attacking Clinton. In the groupthink of many of these A.N.S.W.E.R. type "antiwar" people (an oxymoron, since they support terrorism) anything that doesn't conform completely with their rigid ideology is a sellout. These are the fundamentalists of the left, and a similar spot on the right might land you on top of somebody like Fred Phelps. All you get with either extreme is dogma dogma dogma.
She is a reckless lunatic because of her brash and false statements. I would be pleasantly surprised if she backed up her inane statements. This recent one, although no greatly viewed by the general media, seems to be the most extreme one. Although I am a strong supporter of the Bill Of Rights and the Constitution of the United States, we should seriously consider censoring her, for the better of this world.
aps said:
I liked that her protest caused people to look more closely into why we went to war since it has caused people to question this president's honesty. When I saw her on Chris Matthews, I saw a very intelligent, articulate woman. However, her continued protest started to become a drag.

My feelings are not remotely hurt, particuarly because, as scotty said, it shows that she may not be so partisan after all.

Oh she's partisan allright, against America in general that treacherous bitch recently went to Venezuela to meet with our enemy one Hugo the tyrant Chavez.
BWG said:
I think if you go back on the threads here about her, most people were defending her RIGHT to say what she said, not the CONTENT, but of course the cons will twist it like a pretzel.

It's funny that the cons condemned her every move, but will quote her when she says something that they think they can use to defame the other side.

It's kinda like on Monday, the cons will denounce The NY TImes as a liberal rag, piece of junk. Tuesday, there's a favorable article and it's quoted all over the place. Which is it? Liberal, conservative, moderate or none of the above?

I love the humor..LOL ;)

My point in bringing up this quote wasn't to say "LOOK CLINTON WAS WORSE THAN BUSH" but rather to say "Look, those of you on the left who idolized her blindly because she was attacking Bush, do you still think she's the greatest thing in the world, or do you now understand that she's just a publicity seeking opportunist?"

And no, I think you're mischaracterizing the general attitude toward Cindy Sheehan. I can remember pretty much every single post on DU regarding her for months that was littered with "GO CINDY!" "STAND UP TO BULSHITLER" "IF ONLY WE HAD SENATORS LIKE HER" "CINDY FOR PRESIDENT" and the such. I, and every (semi-literate) conservative I know would agree that she has the right to say whatever she wants. I would have just expected that people on the left would have seen her for what she was eventually.

It's like if you're a kid on the playground, watching a bully pick on another kid you don't like. You egg him on because hey, its not you getting picked on, no matter how wrong it is. That just makes it a bit more funny when the bully gets tired of the first kid and punches you in the face too.
FinnMacCool said:
What's there to say that hasn't already been said? She's not a politician.

Not for lack of trying, certainly.

Is that so? Then surely you must have ill feelings towards the parents of Columbine victims?

If the Columbine victims had gotten up, lambasted Clinton, claimed that it was his fault the kids got guns, and then launched a months long crusade against the Clinton administration, I would have called them assholes too.

So there's your answer. Anything else?
Gardener said:
As far as I'm concerned, when she made herself a public person, she invited response. If she had restricted her rhetorec to grieving for her son, and only talked from the angle of wanting to reduce the loss of life, I would agree that people might be too rough on her. The thing is -- she's doing a LOT more than just that, and so she's fair game as a result.

She really doesn't necessarily represent the left IMO, because a sizeable chunk of the left can't stand her, either. She only represents that authoritarian uber-left fringe that has left liberality far behind -- folks like A.N.S.W.E.R. and the various "solidarity" movements. She's waaaaaay out there, and that's why she is attacking Clinton. In the groupthink of many of these A.N.S.W.E.R. type "antiwar" people (an oxymoron, since they support terrorism) anything that doesn't conform completely with their rigid ideology is a sellout. These are the fundamentalists of the left, and a similar spot on the right might land you on top of somebody like Fred Phelps. All you get with either extreme is dogma dogma dogma.

That's my point. I guess my pipe dream of a wish was that people in the mainstream - liberal left who didnt know much about her and thought she was okay would see this and realize that she was crazy.

Silly me, hoping to impact someone.:doh
RightatNYU said:
That's my point. I guess my pipe dream of a wish was that people in the mainstream - liberal left who didnt know much about her and thought she was okay would see this and realize that she was crazy.

Silly me, hoping to impact someone.:doh

Not in this country or on this forum, everyone's already got their minds made up and no matter the amount of evidence they won't be swayed, in their minds Bush is evil and anyone who doesn't like him is a saint even people like Chavez.

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