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Shares Of The Country Voting (1 Viewer)

Moderate Right

DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
New proposed voting method (by me). We take the previous year's tax return which is filed on April 15th of the election year and you get one share of the country for every dollar you paid in federal income taxes (actually paid, not owed). When the election comes around in November then you are allowed to vote the number of shares of the country that you own. So, if you paid zero in federal income taxes then you don't get to vote at all. If you paid $100 you get 100 votes, $1000 you get 1000 votes, and so on. Since we are basically voting a lot on how federal income tax dollars are spent then it makes sense to me that only those actually paying federal income taxes should vote. This may disqualify both low income Democrats and Republicans and, as the left claim, any of the rich not paying any federal income taxes, can't vote either. The only ones who get to vote are the ones who actually have skin in the game.
So, just to be clear, right now Massachusetts has 11 electoral votes and Kentucky has 8. But you're suggesting that since Mass paid $120B in federal taxes in FY19 and Kentucky paid $35B, Massachusetts should get 3.5x the say that Kentucky has?

Look at this guy, he proposes an outright oligarchy and is proud because he thinks he invented it. Hard pass, I'll stick with democracy.
New proposed voting method (by me). We take the previous year's tax return which is filed on April 15th of the election year and you get one share of the country for every dollar you paid in federal income taxes (actually paid, not owed). When the election comes around in November then you are allowed to vote the number of shares of the country that you own. So, if you paid zero in federal income taxes then you don't get to vote at all. If you paid $100 you get 100 votes, $1000 you get 1000 votes, and so on. Since we are basically voting a lot on how federal income tax dollars are spent then it makes sense to me that only those actually paying federal income taxes should vote. This may disqualify both low income Democrats and Republicans and, as the left claim, any of the rich not paying any federal income taxes, can't vote either. The only ones who get to vote are the ones who actually have skin in the game.

So paying federal taxes is the ONLY skin one has in the game as an American? Not a soldier, not a firefighter, not law enforcement, etc. Pretty petty if you ask me but then I expect no decent suggestions to come from a Trump supporter.
New proposed voting method (by me). We take the previous year's tax return which is filed on April 15th of the election year and you get one share of the country for every dollar you paid in federal income taxes (actually paid, not owed). When the election comes around in November then you are allowed to vote the number of shares of the country that you own. So, if you paid zero in federal income taxes then you don't get to vote at all. If you paid $100 you get 100 votes, $1000 you get 1000 votes, and so on. Since we are basically voting a lot on how federal income tax dollars are spent then it makes sense to me that only those actually paying federal income taxes should vote. This may disqualify both low income Democrats and Republicans and, as the left claim, any of the rich not paying any federal income taxes, can't vote either. The only ones who get to vote are the ones who actually have skin in the game.
So then old people on Social Security don't get to vote? And Soldiers/Sailors/Marines/Airmen in war zones get either no vote or less voting power because why now?

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New proposed voting method (by me). We take the previous year's tax return which is filed on April 15th of the election year and you get one share of the country for every dollar you paid in federal income taxes (actually paid, not owed). When the election comes around in November then you are allowed to vote the number of shares of the country that you own. So, if you paid zero in federal income taxes then you don't get to vote at all. If you paid $100 you get 100 votes, $1000 you get 1000 votes, and so on. Since we are basically voting a lot on how federal income tax dollars are spent then it makes sense to me that only those actually paying federal income taxes should vote. This may disqualify both low income Democrats and Republicans and, as the left claim, any of the rich not paying any federal income taxes, can't vote either. The only ones who get to vote are the ones who actually have skin in the game.

Well originally only white men of property could vote

We are far past those days and aren't going back
New proposed voting method (by me). We take the previous year's tax return which is filed on April 15th of the election year and you get one share of the country for every dollar you paid in federal income taxes (actually paid, not owed). When the election comes around in November then you are allowed to vote the number of shares of the country that you own. So, if you paid zero in federal income taxes then you don't get to vote at all. If you paid $100 you get 100 votes, $1000 you get 1000 votes, and so on. Since we are basically voting a lot on how federal income tax dollars are spent then it makes sense to me that only those actually paying federal income taxes should vote. This may disqualify both low income Democrats and Republicans and, as the left claim, any of the rich not paying any federal income taxes, can't vote either. The only ones who get to vote are the ones who actually have skin in the game.
I’ll stick with our Constitution.
A counter proposal. Votes should be based on education.

The barrier to vote will be a minimum Masters of Science in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Engineering.

PhD's in Math and Physics get a 100X multiplier, PhD in Chemistry a 75X Multiplying, PhD in biology a 50X multiplier, and a PhD in Engineering a 25X multiplier.

A counter proposal. Votes should be based on education.

The barrier to vote will be a minimum Masters of Science in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Engineering.

PhD's in Math and Physics get a 100X multiplier, PhD in Chemistry a 75X Multiplying, PhD in biology a 50X multiplier, and a PhD in Engineering a 25X multiplier.

Only if education is free to all up to those levels. Such a system could easily be scammed by those in upper wealth tiers to ensure they got those degrees while leaving out those in the lowest income levels.

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New proposed voting method (by me). We take the previous year's tax return which is filed on April 15th of the election year and you get one share of the country for every dollar you paid in federal income taxes (actually paid, not owed). When the election comes around in November then you are allowed to vote the number of shares of the country that you own. So, if you paid zero in federal income taxes then you don't get to vote at all. If you paid $100 you get 100 votes, $1000 you get 1000 votes, and so on. Since we are basically voting a lot on how federal income tax dollars are spent then it makes sense to me that only those actually paying federal income taxes should vote. This may disqualify both low income Democrats and Republicans and, as the left claim, any of the rich not paying any federal income taxes, can't vote either. The only ones who get to vote are the ones who actually have skin in the game.

What's really sad is that somewhere in that head of yours, you actually said "This is such a great idea, let me post it". :lamo
New proposed voting method (by me). We take the previous year's tax return which is filed on April 15th of the election year and you get one share of the country for every dollar you paid in federal income taxes (actually paid, not owed). When the election comes around in November then you are allowed to vote the number of shares of the country that you own. So, if you paid zero in federal income taxes then you don't get to vote at all. If you paid $100 you get 100 votes, $1000 you get 1000 votes, and so on. Since we are basically voting a lot on how federal income tax dollars are spent then it makes sense to me that only those actually paying federal income taxes should vote. This may disqualify both low income Democrats and Republicans and, as the left claim, any of the rich not paying any federal income taxes, can't vote either. The only ones who get to vote are the ones who actually have skin in the game.

LOL welcome to 1775.
Only if education is free to all up to those levels. Such a system could easily be scammed by those in upper wealth tiers to ensure they got those degrees while leaving out those in the lowest income levels.

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We could consider restructuring the costs of University. But Academic Dishonesty and Cheating would then be capital offenses. And...the TA gets to shoot the offenders.


But right now, at least in Math and Physics, grad school is free. You even get paid. Not a lot, and you have to teach or do research along with your normal class work. But I didn't pay for Grad School at all. Chemistry and Biology may have more competition for TA/RA slots, but only because those subjects are much easier so they have more folk.
We could consider restructuring the costs of University. But Academic Dishonesty and Cheating would then be capital offenses. And...the TA gets to shoot the offenders.


But right now, at least in Math and Physics, grad school is free. You even get paid. Not a lot, and you have to teach or do research along with your normal class work. But I didn't pay for Grad School at all. Chemistry and Biology may have more competition for TA/RA slots, but only because those subjects are much easier so they have more folk.
There's also the issue that people are not all the same and its not fair to say that people who can't get those degrees or don't want those degrees, should be less worthy than those who can get or want those degrees.

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There's also the issue that people are not all the same and its not fair to say that people who can't get those degrees or don't want those degrees, should be less worthy than those who can get or want those degrees.

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Well it's not like people without advanced degrees in Science and Engineering can just be shot or anything....unless caught for Academic Dishonesty. It just that...well, the intellectual elite should be the ones making decisions. I mean, if one can't do math or science, then perhaps they're better off just leaving the decisions to those who can.

So paying federal taxes is the ONLY skin one has in the game as an American? Not a soldier, not a firefighter, not law enforcement, etc. Pretty petty if you ask me but then I expect no decent suggestions to come from a Trump supporter.

Ummmmmmmmmmm, my guess is that the huge majority of the ones you mention, pay federal income taxes.
A counter proposal. Votes should be based on education.

The barrier to vote will be a minimum Masters of Science in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Engineering.

PhD's in Math and Physics get a 100X multiplier, PhD in Chemistry a 75X Multiplying, PhD in biology a 50X multiplier, and a PhD in Engineering a 25X multiplier.


I would go with anyone who has graduated high school. I am not against filtering out the stupid. Lefties somehow feel that it is the right who are low educated and stupid and yet it is the Democratic party who is always panders to the low on the totem poll.
What's really sad is that somewhere in that head of yours, you actually said "This is such a great idea, let me post it". :lamo

YOU should think it is a great idea. You guys always say the rich don't pay any federal income taxes so any who don't wouldn't be allowed to vote.
So, just to be clear, right now Massachusetts has 11 electoral votes and Kentucky has 8. But you're suggesting that since Mass paid $120B in federal taxes in FY19 and Kentucky paid $35B, Massachusetts should get 3.5x the say that Kentucky has?


I stand by my idea. Isn't that what you would want, Massachusetts having that much of an advantage over Kentucky? This is why I proposed the idea. Lefties should go for it! Why wouldn't they? Look at all those in California and New York who would get mega votes. Isn't that what you want?
I stand by my idea. Isn't that what you would want, Massachusetts having that much of an advantage over Kentucky? This is why I proposed the idea. Lefties should go for it! Why wouldn't they? Look at all those in California and New York who would get mega votes. Isn't that what you want?

I want one person to have one vote, equal to every other citizen's.

Figuring out increasingly weird ways to disenfranchise citizens or re-weight people's votes based on random factors to get a desired result is your thing, not mine.
I would go with anyone who has graduated high school. I am not against filtering out the stupid. Lefties somehow feel that it is the right who are low educated and stupid and yet it is the Democratic party who is always panders to the low on the totem poll.

Nope, any moron can graduate High School. You want a system that essentially reverts back to land owners only voting, so I'm proposing that the intellectual elite instead are who should be voting. And for that, there needs to be some marker for differentiating between we intellectually superiors and the monkeys. If we're going to start to divide up how much a "person" is worth in regards to leading the Republic, then surely it should be the intelligent class that leads.
Nope, any moron can graduate High School. You want a system that essentially reverts back to land owners only voting, so I'm proposing that the intellectual elite instead are who should be voting. And for that, there needs to be some marker for differentiating between we intellectually superiors and the monkeys. If we're going to start to divide up how much a "person" is worth in regards to leading the Republic, then surely it should be the intelligent class that leads.

There are many who graduate college who are as dumb as a box of rocks, at least in the other areas where they are not educated in. Some of the stupidest people I know have college degrees.
There are many who graduate college who are as dumb as a box of rocks, at least in the other areas where they are not educated in. Some of the stupidest people I know have college degrees.

Yeah, that's why I limited it to math and the hard sciences. Also, Bachelor Degrees don't count. Already filtering out the stupid. If someone cannot even earn a lowly Masters Degree in the hard sciences or math, they're an idiot and shouldn't be voting anyway.
Well it's not like people without advanced degrees in Science and Engineering can just be shot or anything....unless caught for Academic Dishonesty. It just that...well, the intellectual elite should be the ones making decisions. I mean, if one can't do math or science, then perhaps they're better off just leaving the decisions to those who can.

But not having a degree does not mean you cant do math or science.

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Ummmmmmmmmmm, my guess is that the huge majority of the ones you mention, pay federal income taxes.
Not really, and not nearly as much as the top 40-50% of the population. When my husband was active duty, we did not pay taxes because of our deductions. You dont have to pay tax on money earned in a combat zone.

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