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Shanghai starts China's biggest COVID-19 lockdown in 2 years (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 3, 2017
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Political Leaning
Here we go again.

China has begun its most extensive lockdown in two years to conduct mass testing and control a growing outbreak in Shanghai.

Yeah well, the pandemic isn't over, America is just pretending it is. Other countries are still putting pandemic protocol in place when there's spikes. Europe just did similar measures. Whatever those countries do, they'll still do with spikes. China is harsh, and always was.
"Outbreak in Shanghai."

Lockdown mostly in Shanghai?
Yeah well, the pandemic isn't over, America is just pretending it is. Other countries are still putting pandemic protocol in place when there's spikes. Europe just did similar measures. Whatever those countries do, they'll still do with spikes. China is harsh, and always was.
New York is slowly increasing due to bA.2 So far though, even though the number of new cases is increasing (slowly), the hospitalizations and deaths are decreasing.
New York is slowly increasing due to bA.2 So far though, even though the number of new cases is increasing (slowly), the hospitalizations and deaths are decreasing.

The US and Europe has had far more infections than China has over the last 2 years. Herd immunity would for the most part not exist in China from infections, but from moderately effective vaccines, with the elderly not being vaccinated at a high rate.

Even the mild omnicron variant likely will cause high illnesses and deaths. Not as bad as the older variants of course
Here we go again.

China has begun its most extensive lockdown in two years to conduct mass testing and control a growing outbreak in Shanghai.

Impossible. We have been assured COVID is just a liberal hoax engineered to oppress everyone with masks, ruin the economy, and force patriots to gay marry/get abortions.
It seems the Chines zero covid strategy is a failure.
New York is slowly increasing due to bA.2 So far though, even though the number of new cases is increasing (slowly), the hospitalizations and deaths are decreasing.
Good to hear. Hopefully, some deadly variant doesn't spring up again.
Never believe China.
Good to hear. Hopefully, some deadly variant doesn't spring up again.
I suspect it has to do with the fact that NYS is about 75% vaccinated. I did notice that although in my area, the mandate for mask is gone, about 50%+ or more still use masks
I suspect it has to do with the fact that NYS is about 75% vaccinated. I did notice that although in my area, the mandate for mask is gone, about 50%+ or more still use masks
That's awesome. In my state nobody wears a mask, haven't for a long time. I still do, but I get the looks. lol

Your state should do ok if a new variant pops up then, mine will just suffer quick death as usual.
Here we go again.

China has begun its most extensive lockdown in two years to conduct mass testing and control a growing outbreak in Shanghai.


It was never gone. It's here to stay. Too many people resisting moves to end it and protect people. Too many poor countries that had to choose between making those moves and quite literally causing people to starve. We after wave for the hereafter, absent a series of strokes of luck.

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