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Sex in Heaven. (1 Viewer)


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Will there be sex in heaven? If not...then how are all our needs met? Isnt sex after all a human need? For some it is the drive of their professional and private lives.....when they repent for their sins...will they be allowed to keep having sex in heaven?
Davo said:
Will there be sex in heaven? If not...then how are all our needs met? Isnt sex after all a human need? For some it is the drive of their professional and private lives.....when they repent for their sins...will they be allowed to keep having sex in heaven?

Of course not - we'll have left the physical realm and so will have lost those needs.

But The Holy Santa will dish out extra December 25th presents to make up for the loss.
Davo said:
Will there be sex in heaven? If not...then how are all our needs met? Isnt sex after all a human need? For some it is the drive of their professional and private lives.....when they repent for their sins...will they be allowed to keep having sex in heaven?

well, I have heard comparisons made between sex in marriage, and the bond to god in heaven, like heaven is supposed to be one long orgasm with god.

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