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Settle this Feud- Who is the Better Spokesperson for Black Americans, Candace Owens or Cardi B? (1 Viewer)

Who is the Better Spokesperson for Black Americans, Candace Owens or Cardi B?

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Aug 1, 2014
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A feud between Cardi B and Candace Owens escalated Monday as the Bronx rapper accused the conservative commentator of having an "identity crisis" for having a white husband, to which Owens urged Cardi B to "stop reading your DNC script." In a series of bizarre expletive-laden videos in which she doesn't appear on camera, Cardi B suggested Owens of having an "identity crisis" for having a white husband and not caring about Black people.

"She has an identity crisis. Just because she's black, doesn't mean she give a f--- about blacks," Cardi B says after alleging that the father of Owens' husband is part of a group she likened to an "upper-class KKK in the United Kingdom." Owens clapped back that Cardi B must not be showing her face in her videos because "she is reading a script."

"You're going to tell me she's just not going to show her face in all these videos? She shows her face no matter what, no matter what she looks like," Owens said. "So Cardi B, stop hiding. Stop reading your DNC script. You look ridiculous." Owens then held up a plush sheep to the camera and impersonated Cardi B in a mockery of her Instagram videos.

Candace Owens responds to Cardi B'''s claim she betrayed race: '''Stop reading your DNC script''' | Fox News

Conservative black woman Candace Owens.


Liberal black rapper and overall dumpster fire Cardi B


Who is the Better Spokesperson for Black Americans, Candace Owens or Cardi B?
The Revolution will not be televised

Do Black US citizens - or any other group, for that matter - need a spokesperson? Why is that?

This is the US, & there's plenty of bandwidth to spare. If you have a question for some ethnic or religious or linguistic or what-have-you group, just ask them. The one thing you're pretty much guaranteed not to get is a single authoritative voice, empowered to speak to all issues for that grouping, forever & ever, World without end, amen.
Re: The Revolution will not be televised


Some good old fashion racism in this thread.
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

Do Black US citizens - or any other group, for that matter - need a spokesperson? Why is that?

This is the US, & there's plenty of bandwidth to spare. If you have a question for some ethnic or religious or linguistic or what-have-you group, just ask them. The one thing you're pretty much guaranteed not to get is a single authoritative voice, empowered to speak to all issues for that grouping, forever & ever, World without end.

Ok, then who is the better black public figure, who black people could feel proud of?
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

Ok, then who is the better black public figure, who black people could feel proud of?

So a racist like you thinks that 'black people' must only feel proud of 'black' public figures. And presumably the same applies to 'whites', but the other way round. Ever thought of this? That it would be far better if Americans were proud (or not) of American public figures.
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

I think the black community can decide for themselves those they support.
Re: The Revolution will not be televised


Some good old fashion racism in this thread.
this is at least the second time you have laid that nonsense in a thread. Prove your claim
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

none of the above
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

So a racist like you thinks that 'black people' must only feel proud of 'black' public figures. And presumably the same applies to 'whites', but the other way round. Ever thought of this? That it would be far better if Americans were proud (or not) of American public figures.

We're speaking in idealistic terms now. The reality says that black people prefer black people over any other race, and so why are you struggling with this? As a race realist, I don't struggle with the kinds of idealistic clap trap that you do. I know why blacks came out in droves to support Obama, but didn't for Hillary, and I'm fine with that. Stop swimming upstream.
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

Of the two IMO?

Candace Owens.

She demonstrates an example of Black Americans who have adapted to American culture and became successful.

To help you understand what I mean: If I chose to emigrate to Spain, or Zaire, or wherever, then I would seek to learn the language, mores, cultural codes, laws, and whatever else in order to fit in with that new society.

I would NOT expect whatever country I seek to become a citizen of to mold themselves to my culture.

This is why you see so many African immigrants (legal and illegal) seeking to do so here. It does not require complete negation of old ways, just adapting to those necessary to join in the "melting pot."

Those of us born here (like Candace) who reject the thug/drug/welfare dependency cultures and instead seek to use every advantage given for self-advancement...succeed too.
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Re: The Revolution will not be televised

Do Black US citizens - or any other group, for that matter - need a spokesperson? Why is that?

This is the US, & there's plenty of bandwidth to spare. If you have a question for some ethnic or religious or linguistic or what-have-you group, just ask them. The one thing you're pretty much guaranteed not to get is a single authoritative voice, empowered to speak to all issues for that grouping, forever & ever, World without end, amen.

As far as black spokespersons go, I am glad I am familiar with the writings and spoken commentary of:
Larry Elder
Thomas Sowell
Jason Riley
Walter Williams
Mia Love
Charles Payne
Harris Faulkner
Shelby Steel

Candace Owens is a welcome addition to that group of black Conservatives who are not afraid to state clearly the reason for racial problems in our country. AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SYSTEMIC RACISM ANYWHERE!!
Conservative black woman Candace Owens.


Liberal black rapper and overall dumpster fire Cardi B


Who is the Better Spokesperson for Black Americans, Candace Owens or Cardi B?
It is childish and stupid, yet is used by you for your pathetic racist humor.
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

We're speaking in idealistic terms now. The reality says that black people prefer black people over any other race, and so why are you struggling with this? As a race realist, I don't struggle with the kinds of idealistic clap trap that you do. I know why blacks came out in droves to support Obama, but didn't for Hillary, and I'm fine with that. Stop swimming upstream.

I know why they did too. And it wasn't because he was great community organizer or a great basketball player.
What did Obama ever do for the black community? He got over 90 percent of the black vote because he was black.
Trump oversaw an economy that had the lowest unemployment rate for blacks and Hispanics ever.
Did Obama ever come close to that?
OK, Old guy here, who in the hell is CradiB? And why do I give a damn??? WTF!!
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

We're speaking in idealistic terms now. The reality says that black people prefer black people over any other race, and so why are you struggling with this? As a race realist, I don't struggle with the kinds of idealistic clap trap that you do. I know why blacks came out in droves to support Obama, but didn't for Hillary, and I'm fine with that. Stop swimming upstream.

What the US needs, imo, is a lot more of its citizens to be brave enough to 'swim upstream' in your useful phrase. Not to surrender to the divisive 'activists' or self-appointed 'race realists' on either side. Or to declare that anyone with ideals can only speak 'clap trap'. I think people like you are a very significant part of the USA's biggest problem
Who is the Better Spokesperson for Black Americans, Candace Owens or Cardi B?
They both represent different positions within the black community.
Conservative black woman Candace Owens.


Liberal black rapper and overall dumpster fire Cardi B


Who is the Better Spokesperson for Black Americans, Candace Owens or Cardi B?

What'a the difference between black Americans and Americans?
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

Of the two IMO?

Candace Owens.

She demonstrates an example of Black Americans who have adapted to American culture and became successful.

To help you understand what I mean: If I chose to emigrate to Spain, or Zaire, or wherever, then I would seek to learn the language, mores, cultural codes, laws, and whatever else in order to fit in with that new society.

I would NOT expect whatever country I seek to become a citizen of to mold themselves to my culture.

This is why you see so many African immigrants (legal and illegal) seeking to do so here. It does not require complete negation of old ways, just adapting to those necessary to join in the "melting pot."

Those of us born here (like Candace) who reject the thug/drug/welfare dependency cultures and instead seek to use every advantage given for self-advancement...succeed too.

Cardi B was also born in America and is pretty successful as well. She didn’t need to “adapt to American culture” because Black culture is American culture.
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

Who is the Better Spokesperson for Black Americans

definitely not anon nazis on social media. i'm pretty sure that we can all agree about that.
Conservative black woman Candace Owens.


Liberal black rapper and overall dumpster fire Cardi B


Who is the Better Spokesperson for Black Americans, Candace Owens or Cardi B?

Candace Owens praised Hitler. (I cannot speak for Black america, but I would wager “neither” would be their answer.)

PS: Anyone taking part in this poll who is white has issues. Just sayin.
Conservative black woman Candace Owens.


Liberal black rapper and overall dumpster fire Cardi B


Who is the Better Spokesperson for Black Americans, Candace Owens or Cardi B?

People in general should think for themselves. If they have to rely on someone else to tell them their positions on things then these people shouldn't be voting in the first place.
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

Ok, then who is the better black public figure, who black people could feel proud of?

The only way to answer that question, from the POV of the US Black population, is to ask them. Anything else is a projection by whoever is answering the question on behalf of US Blacks.

But we - the US - have the polling agencies, we have the methodologies to construct reliable questionnaires, & so on. If it's a real policy question, we could establish @ least a likely range of people who would be acceptable spokespersons for the US Black communities.
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

Of the two IMO?

Candace Owens.

She demonstrates an example of Black Americans who have adapted to American culture and became successful.

To help you understand what I mean: If I chose to emigrate to Spain, or Zaire, or wherever, then I would seek to learn the language, mores, cultural codes, laws, and whatever else in order to fit in with that new society.

I would NOT expect whatever country I seek to become a citizen of to mold themselves to my culture.

This is why you see so many African immigrants (legal and illegal) seeking to do so here. It does not require complete negation of old ways, just adapting to those necessary to join in the "melting pot."

Those of us born here (like Candace) who reject the thug/drug/welfare dependency cultures and instead seek to use every advantage given for self-advancement...succeed too.

The crazy thing is, you have no idea how racist your argument there is. The total lack of self-awareness is astounding.

Hint: You argue as though "American culture" is what you see as white culture, without seeming to understand that in terms of American culture, Cardi B has made a monumentally greater impact than Candace Owens. Moreover, by any measure, Cardi B is more successful than Candace Owens.
Re: The Revolution will not be televised

What the US needs, imo, is a lot more of its citizens to be brave enough to 'swim upstream' in your useful phrase. Not to surrender to the divisive 'activists' or self-appointed 'race realists' on either side. Or to declare that anyone with ideals can only speak 'clap trap'. I think people like you are a very significant part of the USA's biggest problem

It should be pointed out that the argument you're making is essentially the same one made by communists, substituting "race" for "class" and "racists" for "plutocrats".
Re: The Revolution will not be televised


Some good old fashion racism in this thread.

I've seen that GIF before and I still wanna know if Bill Clinton was trying to pass Michelle Obama a note. :lol:

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