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Serial killer in St. Pete Florida......gun sales going through the roof! Suspect in custody finally. (1 Viewer)

Definitely not a serial killer.

A serial killer is typically a person who murders three or more people,[1] usually in service of abnormal psychological gratification, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant period of time between them.[1][2] While most authorities set a threshold of three murders,[1] others extend it to four or lessen it to two.[3]
Sure. Because when someone walks up to your car and shoots in the head with no warning, you rise from the dead and kill him right back,
No, if someone approaches your car, you shoot first and claim stand your ground in flori-duh. A few years back a guy shot and killed an unarmed motorist, he claimed the guy had road rage and a gun and since there were no witnesses, the guy walked, after putting nine bullets into the other guys car. He had no gun and the shooter even said he was riding around with his pistol on his lap. Doesn't every gun owner when they go out in their car?
Hardly a serial killer
How many victims in how many days makes it a serial killer? Had it not been for the 3rd attempted victim escaping and giving cops a description it would still be happening.
That is not a serial killer and more guns should solve the problem.
Sorry but when someone kills an innocent waits a few day and kills another the same way and then waits a few day and tries to kill another innocent it's a serial killer.
Definitely not a serial killer.

A serial killer is typically a person who murders three or more people,[1] usually in service of abnormal psychological gratification, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant period of time between them.[1][2] While most authorities set a threshold of three murders,[1] others extend it to four or lessen it to two.[3]
Attempted on the third. Was busted before killing the third but definitely a serial killer.
Attempted on the third. Was busted before killing the third but definitely a serial killer.
with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant period of time between them

Definitely not a serial killer. A spree killer

  • According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the general definition of "spree killer" is a person (or more than one person) who commits two or more murders without a cooling-off period; the lack of a cooling-off period marks the difference between a spree killer and a serial killer.
No, if someone approaches your car, you shoot first and claim stand your ground in flori-duh. A few years back a guy shot and killed an unarmed motorist, he claimed the guy had road rage and a gun and since there were no witnesses, the guy walked, after putting nine bullets into the other guys car. He had no gun and the shooter even said he was riding around with his pistol on his lap. Doesn't every gun owner when they go out in their car?
You make up more crap than anyone on this board and that says a lot. Source this.
with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant period of time between them

Definitely not a serial killer. A spree killer

  • According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the general definition of "spree killer" is a person (or more than one person) who commits two or more murders without a cooling-off period; the lack of a cooling-off period marks the difference between a spree killer and a serial killer.
Lol you guys are pathetic. I'm discussing a murderer who killed two people days apart and tried to kill a third and you all focus on definitions. My customers to a tee described it as a serial killer on the loose. Those who mentioned it anyway. Several of the clients signing up for my concealed carry class mentioned another serial killer on the loose as their motivation. So technical definitions be damned. The point is simply that shit happens. Another reason to be armed and having a cwp. Reinforcement of our decision.

When Tampa was under the terrifying threat of a serial killer a few years ago all of Seminole heights was in fear. Restaurants closed early. The streets free of the normal foot traffic including the homeless and other night folk. As I would drive home from work during those days I remember it being really unusual. Like a ghost town at night. Had this new killer not been captured we were one or two victims from the very same thing happening in St Pete. People in Tampa were being affected by this "spree" killer despite only 3 attempts and 2 deaths.

Gun sales exploded back then and started to go up again this time. I have to talk to my employees today but several guns went to peeps pushed over the edge by the events in St Pete. I'll try to work up a percentage.
I have it on good authority that the killer was paid by by Tampa-St. Pete gun shops. (About as valid a comment as some here.)
By far the biggest selling event we have ever had in my 30 plus years selling guns was the covid pandemic. Not the Brady bill/Clinton's assault weapon ban, not Y2K, not Obama, not the seminole heights serial killer, definitely not the st pete killer, not even the riots............just a virus! We got down to 6 guns left in our showcases despite ordering tens of thousands of dollars worth of inventory to supplement existing inventory. So many guns being sold statewide that a background check completion went from several minutes normally to 2 days.

With liberal policies in place guns simply sell themselves.
You think that's why?
Several clients mentioned the st pete nut job. The next 2 or 3 classes will likely be stuffed.

Had police not captured him, say one or two more murders and it would have been 2 to 3 classes a week instead of 1.
You make up more crap than anyone on this board and that says a lot. Source this.
It happened on state road sixty three or four years ago, you can google it if you wish. I'll leave you be to eat your crow.
A man in a vehicle shot and killed 2 separate victims days apart in St Pete Florida. A suspect was caught yesterday. My permit class is maxed out and gun sales have been crazy.


It can and does happen libs!
Unfortunate to hear of the people shot.
great to hear your permit class is maxed out! Like to hear that. More and more peep’s exercising their rights! It’s a beautiful thing

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