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Separatism (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 23, 2005
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Very Conservative
I agree with inherently advocating separatism. If black africans (mostly in south africa) don't want Whites to be in Africa, then don't bring yourselves and your issues and your largely parasitic behaviour to Europe or North America or Australia or New Zealand, which are, incidentally OUR countries.

The fact that whites have been living in these places for generations, if not centuries, the fact that we created all the infrastructure, technology, industry, power system, sewage works, architecture and so on ad infinitum, together with the fact that we have fought and died and worked in these places for generations, in order to make them countries with a high standard of living for all people, proves this.
Aborigines had 40 000 years in Australia and couldn't even invent the wheel! If Australia wasn't colonised by Britain, undoubtedly some other European or Asian power would have done so almost as easily.

And if you want to apply this discussion to South Africa, remember that you wont find any truly 'indigenous' South African in the ANC or MK. We all know what happened, and is still happening to the khoisan. But anyway, the ultimate solution is separatism.

The present ideas of forced integration throughout the western world are futile. Creating an incohesive mass of people without any genuine culture (I wouldn't regard McDonalds, reality TV and professional sport thesedays to be 'culture' ) is a huge disservice and all of us, white, brown, yellow, black, red, green, are obliged to fight the negative trends of globalisation, corporate cultural imperialism and the increasingly tiny number of people controlling the media, because under this 'leadership' the world is only getting worse. If separatism isn't seen to be forthcoming, then a lot of us will personally make sure that our future and our children's futures are secured. We have less and less to lose every day, and there are many, like me, who are tired of waiting.
Wow! :mrgreen: I completely agree. Like a few years ago one of our teachers said that, in Canada, we should be the ones living in the reserves not the indians. I questioned what she said by telling her exactly what you have just said. You are completely right. :mrgreen:
It's a loaded valued judgement to assume that Australian Aborigines were worse off without the wheel. They may prefer their traditional lifestyle.

When I lived in the UK I witnessed many Indian girls coming west, imagining the west was so glamourous and offering them "better" things like hot pants and Maybeline cosmetics. Within months the surma and the saris were often going back on, as they lamented what they'd left behind. "West is best" is an incredibly arrogant attitude, as are the thread starter's assumptions of what constitiutes 'progress.'

What generates divisions and hatred is often poverty, populist politicians taking advatage of disgruntled people to whip up hatred against this or that group.

I spent many years in London, possibly one of the most integrated cities in the world, and I now live in another cosmopolitan city where black, white, chinese, arab etc. live and work together, in general, amicably. I'm white (Slovene/Italian) in a long term relatopnship with a black guy (Senegalese, and yes, shock horror, he was brought up a moslem!). (He's neither a terrorist nor a drug dealer, and yes, he does work). Love conquers all. I see no reason why we should stick to "our own"

There is no uglier spactacle than to be in a city where you're told "don't go to this neighbourhood - it's black; don't go there it's hispanic" This has only ever happened to me in the US, where we were also made to feel uncomfortable for being a mixed race couple.

As I walked home yesterday I saw too young girls, one white, one black, laughing as they tried to shoot down the street together on the same scooter. A bit of a corny example, but it warmed my heart. It's naff to say that kids don't see the difference: they do, but before their minds get poisoned they see that it doesn't matter a fig.

I find the opening post of this thread a post of bitterness, bordering hatred. I have better hopes for humankind.
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Oh boy Rob, I've just looked at your profile and seen your party affiliation, American Nazi. Now I wish I hadn't bothered responding. It wasn't worth the effort. :roll:
Rob1978 said:
I agree with inherently advocating separatism. If black africans (mostly in south africa) don't want Whites to be in Africa, then don't bring yourselves and your issues and your largely parasitic behaviour to Europe or North America or Australia or New Zealand, which are, incidentally OUR countries.

I'm guessing you never saw the movie "The Color of Friendship". Hmm.. little lesson for you. A Black congressman from the US and his family, apply to house an exchange student from South Africa. In their minds, they're thinking they're going to get a "black" student. The girl they actually get is white, and in HER mind, blacks are nothing but servants. Fast forward... to the incident involving Stephen Biko (the movie took place in the 70's) and the turmoil that caused. The South African government takes this white girl from the Congressman's home.. why? because he's black and they think she's in "danger" It truly is a story that shows children are poisoned by adults... but also shows that children can teach us where we fall short of understanding.

As far as "parasitic behavior" you've already made it abundantly clear that any behavior from your own is parasitic... so I guess that's all that needs to be said.

Rob1978 said:
The fact that whites have been living in these places for generations, if not centuries, the fact that we created all the infrastructure, technology, industry, power system, sewage works, architecture and so on ad infinitum, together with the fact that we have fought and died and worked in these places for generations, in order to make them countries with a high standard of living for all people, proves this.

in favoring separitism, basically your saying for all people only includes whites, does it not? wow contradiction of beliefs in only the second paragraph.

Rob1978 said:
Aborigines had 40 000 years in Australia and couldn't even invent the wheel! If Australia wasn't colonised by Britain, undoubtedly some other European or Asian power would have done so almost as easily.

They had 40,000 years and seemed to keep right on thriving under their way of life? wow... yeah they really needed the "wheel" to survive, didn't they?

Rob1978[B said:
The present ideas of forced integration throughout the western world are futile.[/B]

Why is that? Because you have to compete with those you find to be "inferior" to yourself, or because you actually believe that the "stick to their own kind" mentality has merit?

Rob1978 said:
Creating an incohesive mass of people without any genuine culture (I wouldn't regard McDonalds, reality TV and professional sport thesedays to be 'culture' ) is a huge disservice

What would you regard as culture? Because only the feeble minded would suggest that television is "culture".

Rob1978 said:
and all of us, white, brown, yellow, black, red, green, are obliged to fight the negative trends of globalisation, corporate cultural imperialism and the increasingly tiny number of people controlling the media, because under this 'leadership' the world is only getting worse.

Terrorism is making the world worse, nuclear programs have resurfaced in countries it shouldn't be in... slaughter of people because of their "ethnicity" is a growing problem. What can be worse than that? And how would separatism stop those things? do tell.

Rob1978 said:
If separatism isn't seen to be forthcoming, then a lot of us will personally make sure that our future and our children's futures are secured. We have less and less to lose every day, and there are many, like me, who are tired of waiting.

Let me guess, Charlie Manson and his "race wars" is your hero? Go back to school son.
You are a disgusting human being. American Nazi's are the most humorous of all people I've ever met, and also the most depressing. It's people like you that make me almost give up on mankind.

I...ugh. I'm a peaceful man but you sir just...ugh. I don't know what to say to you except that Hitler killed himself, so follow your leader. Good day sir.
V.I. Lenin said:
You are a disgusting human being. American Nazi's are the most humorous of all people I've ever met, and also the most depressing. It's people like you that make me almost give up on mankind.

I...ugh. I'm a peaceful man but you sir just...ugh. I don't know what to say to you except that Hitler killed himself, so follow your leader. Good day sir.
Moderator Gavel


Let's keep the personal attacks out of this forum. Thanks!

/Moderator Gavel
Sorry, sorry. I normally don't act like that. You may delete my post if you wish. I just have a strong resentment to his particular political party.
Yeah, I have strong issues with any issues that relate to "race" as it's an outdated concept. As the old saying goes, there are much better reasons to hate people on a personal basis.

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