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Senator Rick Santorum Has a Gay Spokesperson (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 31, 2005
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Milwaukee, WI
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Senator Rick Santorum has a gay chief spokesperson. Robert Traynham came out as a gay man and he is the communications director for the senator. Santorum is very well known in the gay community for denying gays their civil rights and was a major supporter of the Constitutional Amendment that would have banned same-sex marriages.

Santorum said this about it:

“[Robert Traynham] is widely respected and admired on Capitol Hill, both among the press corps and among congressional staff, as a communications professional,” Santorum said. “Not only is Mr. Traynham an exemplary staffer, he is also a trusted friend and confidante to me and my family,” Santorum said in his statement.

Traynham has worked for the senator for 8 years and has been openly gay the entire time. Is it possible that Santorum is really more understanding and tolerant of gays then he portrays himself? Does the media treat him unfairly when reporting his stand on gay rights? Maybe he is really not against gays but only wants to protect the definition of marriage as he understands it.

“The issue is this is really not an issue,” Reynolds said. “Whether he is gay or not, nobody cares.”
That is the way it should be. But the media has made a big deal out of it.

If Mr. Traynham wants to work for a politician that doesn't hold the same values as he has, that is his choice.
I can't say what's actually going on in Rick Santorum's mind, but I can talk about the ideas that he's trying to advocate.

He seems to accept gays as part of society, but he wants to have government protections for heterosexual unions only, because he believes that this is the ideal family.
^Correct, if you watch the Daily Show, which recently had him on, he realizes that society isn't perfect but that we must, as he put it, legislate and practice ideals if we can. I would assume that a man like the Senator would not care if his spokesman were gay and just hired the best man for the job.
alex said:
Senator Rick Santorum has a gay chief spokesperson. Robert Traynham came out as a gay man and he is the communications director for the senator. Santorum is very well known in the gay community for denying gays their civil rights and was a major supporter of the Constitutional Amendment that would have banned same-sex marriages.

Santorum said this about it:

Traynham has worked for the senator for 8 years and has been openly gay the entire time. Is it possible that Santorum is really more understanding and tolerant of gays then he portrays himself? Does the media treat him unfairly when reporting his stand on gay rights? Maybe he is really not against gays but only wants to protect the definition of marriage as he understands it.


Maybe he is really not against gays but only wants to protect the definition of marriage as he understands it.

Like I said, Santorum is very disliked in the gay community. So much so that we use his name to describe a specific something that happens after sex which is very nasty (I really cannot describe it without being overly graphic, but trust me, it is NASTY!). I think most people jump on politicians too hard over things that are too specific. I have no problem with the senator after reading this article, I even can say I now respect him more. I do still have a problem with his stance on gay marriage though. The difference now is that I have learned to separate the two. Instead of attacking the person, I will now attack the person's platform.

This makes me believe that specific population pressures are too hard. The pressure of being a gay man and disliking someone because most other gays do can be very difficult to handle. For example, I have a very different view on hate crime laws than most (if not the great majority of) other gays. I was constantly being harrassed by other gays because of it. It got to the point were the pressure was unbearable and I stopped talking about it completely.

People should be judged by wholes and not by parts. As a whole, Santorum seems like a good person, there are just some parts I do not like.

"If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual (gay) sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything," the Pennsylvania lawmaker said in a recent interview, fuming over a landmark gay rights case before the high court that pits a Texas sodomy law against equality and privacy rights.

"All of those things are antithetical to a healthy, stable, traditional family," Santorum said. "And that's sort of where we are in today's world, unfortunately. It all comes from, I would argue, this right to privacy that doesn't exist, in my opinion, in the United States Constitution."
AP: I mean, should we outlaw homosexuality?

SANTORUM: I have no problem with homosexuality. I have a problem with homosexual acts.

As I would with acts of other, what I would consider to be, acts outside of traditional heterosexual relationships. And that includes a variety of different acts, not just homosexual.

I have nothing, absolutely nothing against anyone who's homosexual. If that's their orientation, then I accept that.
And I have no problem with someone who has other orientations. The question is, do you act upon those orientations?

So it's not the person, it's the person's actions. And you have to separate the person from their actions.

AP: OK, without being too gory or graphic, so if somebody is homosexual, you would argue that they should not have sex?

SANTORUM: We have laws in states, like the one at the Supreme Court right now, that [have] sodomy laws and they were there for a purpose. Because, again, I would argue, they undermine the basic tenets of our society and the family.

Rick is following the Catholic Church's lines on homosexuality. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Plain and simple. Now, if we want to debate about that, well, that's a different story, but he is consistent with his views.
alex said:
Like I said, Santorum is very disliked in the gay community. So much so that we use his name to describe a specific something that happens after sex which is very nasty (I really cannot describe it without being overly graphic, but trust me, it is NASTY!).

Damn you. Now I have to know. PM me. ;)

EDIT: Nevermind, I found out elsewhere. :shock:
No, it is homosexuals like Alex and their media that are always trying to interject homosexuality in the news...the agenda tactic is to get people indifferent to perverts....it is all part of the script in The Homosexual Agenda, and Alex is a foot soldier in the homosexual war.

Hey guess what Alex...we don't care what you do in bed with other sodomites, keep it to yourself.

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