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Senate Republicans block funds for Homeland Security Dept., border agents (1 Viewer)

TU Curmudgeon

B.A. (Sarc), LLb. (Lex Sarcasus), PhD (Sarc.)
DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2018
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Lower Mainland of BC
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From United Press International

Senate Republicans block funds for Homeland Security Dept., border agents

Jan. 18 (UPI) -- Senate Republicans on Friday thwarted another attempt to reopen the Department of Homeland Security, by blocking a bill that would've funded the agency for three weeks.

The federal shutdown has dragged on for 28 days with no sign of a resolution to break the deadlock. The bill Friday would have funded DHS until Feb. 8.

During Friday's session, Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., objected to the bill on behalf of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.

McConnell has previously said any measure that's not bipartisan and doesn't include President Donald Trump in the negotiations will not come up for a vote. He called the attempt a "show vote" since it wouldn't pass and, even if it did, wouldn't get Trump's signature.


Well, since ONLY those laws that the President has given prior approval to will be passed, why not save a ton of money and pass one law that gives the President the power to rule by decree. Then all the Senators and Representatives can go home, and, since the law would be an enduring one, the country wouldn't be faced with the mess and expense of having any more elections.
Trumpists who perpetuate Trump's shutdown are also scumbags.
Why does the Right treat our border agents so badly?
Ok, so they claim to be all pro border security, claim we have a wide open border...but then they don't want to pay border patrol agents, DHS, TSA or Coast Guard???? Hypocrites.
Trumpists who perpetuate Trump's shutdown are also scumbags.

What you have to realize is that Mr. Trump has compromised a great deal.

No longer is his position

"I will consider thinking about possibly sort of giving you something that more or less looks like it could be confused with what you would like to have but which I can revoke whenever I feel like taking it back PROVIDED that you give me exactly what I want in a form that can never be taken back."

now it is

"PROVIDED that you give me exactly what I want in a form that can never be taken back, I WILL give you something that more or less looks like it could be confused with what you would like to have but which I can revoke whenever I feel like taking it back."

That dropping of the "consider thinking about possibly sort of giving" is a **M*A*J*O*R** concession on Mr. Trump's part and only a fool would not see how much better this offer is than Mr. Trump's previous ones.

What you have to realize is that Mr. Trump has compromised a great deal.

No longer is his position

"I will consider thinking about possibly sort of giving you something that more or less looks like it could be confused with what you would like to have but which I can revoke whenever I feel like taking it back PROVIDED that you give me exactly what I want in a form that can never be taken back."

now it is

"PROVIDED that you give me exactly what I want in a form that can never be taken back, I WILL give you something that more or less looks like it could be confused with what you would like to have but which I can revoke whenever I feel like taking it back."

That dropping of the "consider thinking about possibly sort of giving" is a **M*A*J*O*R** concession on Mr. Trump's part and only a fool would not see how much better this offer is than Mr. Trump's previous ones.


only a fool wouldn't see that Trump creates problems and then offers to solve the problems that he created in exchange for things that he wants.

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