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Senate admonishes Trump on Syria (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Senators voted 68-23 to end debate on an amendment that warns Trump against drawing down troops in Syria and Afghanistan. Senators still need to hold a second vote to add the amendment to the foreign policy bill, which will likely take place next week.

Magic number.......just sayin’....

It's a non-binding resolution. Meaningless political posturing. Pretty much what one would expect from Senators who's bread and butter come from corporate donors.
It's a non-binding resolution. Meaningless political posturing. Pretty much what one would expect from Senators who's bread and butter come from corporate donors.

Missing the point, dismissed!
Not "missing the point". Providing clarity to the REAL point.

Sooooo did the 'Corporates' Butter BushII's bread to invade Iraq???? :confused:

My money was on the Imperialists- the Neo-cons who conned us with 'planting the seeds of democracy in a desert'

Bad ol' Corporates.... :peace
Sooooo did the 'Corporates' Butter BushII's bread to invade Iraq???? :confused:

My money was on the Imperialists- the Neo-cons who conned us with 'planting the seeds of democracy in a desert'

Bad ol' Corporates.... :peace

Seems to me I remember some stuff from the progressives back in the Bush II days about Cheney and that company he used to be a part of.

Yeah...the politicians back then took care of their bread and butter, too.

It sucks that we finally have a President who cares more for our people than about the politicians, eh?
Seems to me I remember some stuff from the progressives back in the Bush II days about Cheney and that company he used to be a part of.
Yeah...the politicians back then took care of their bread and butter, too. It sucks that we finally have a President who cares more for our people than about the politicians, eh?

Mixed message- back when Chumply and Shrub pushed hard for the debacle in the desert it wasn't Congress that pushed and produced 'facts' but private ultra-conservative 'think tanks'. Neo-Cons.

Big oil certainly wasn't against the invasion but it was the propaganda wing on the rabid right that paid for the 'advisors' that cranked out the causes to invade.

tRump cares about no one but tRump…. :doh

I guess Obama cared for our people more than Congress as well- and got pummeled when a new terror group arose in Syria. What you gonna say when terrorists spring back up again????

Oh but let's ignore tRump's handpicked Intel Agencies all disagree with his world wide assessments.... corporate shills no doubt... :roll:
Congress is going to declare war on Syria? :lamo

You do not alway need to reaffirm your reputation..........

Vanna, can I buy a vowel?; Pat, can I buy a clue?

Get some.......
You do not alway need to reaffirm your reputation..........

Vanna, can I buy a vowel?; Pat, can I buy a clue?

Get some.......

What did you mean by "magic number", then? :lamo
Do you recall what the “magic number” was?

The real magic, is that President Trump made you people supporters of militaey interventions. :lamo
The real magic, is that President Trump made you people supporters of militaey interventions. :lamo

apdst, the number I referred to was 68 Senators voting; what does it take to override a POTUS veto or to convict on impeachment?
I know reasoning and logic are difficult concepts down on the bayou and all...........:2wave:
apdst, the number I referred to was 68 Senators voting; what does it take to override a POTUS veto or to convict on impeachment?
I know reasoning and logic are difficult concepts down on the bayou and all...........:2wave:

Do you support military intervention in Syria, then, now and going forward?
Do you support military intervention in Syria, then, now and going forward?

Try not to be so obtuse............
I started the thread, run along.......

You did and the topic is, "Senate admonishes Trump on Syria".

That begs the question: what's your position on U.S. military intervention?
Seems to me I remember some stuff from the progressives back in the Bush II days about Cheney and that company he used to be a part of.

Yeah...the politicians back then took care of their bread and butter, too.

It sucks that we finally have a President who cares more for our people than about the politicians, eh?

The company is Halliburton. Oddly enough if you take a look at their lifetime stock chart it mostly traded in the twenties and then Cheney the man who left as the CEO of halliburton became the vice president and within two years halliburton was on its way to new all time highs. Coincidence? or inside sway to get votes to go halliburton's way?

Trump only cares about himself. He proved that when he made several hundred thousand go without paychecks for his wall which he cares about much, much more. Gotta' do his best to try to keep his campaign promise to the base since ann and rush called him a failed president.
You did and the topic is, "Senate admonishes Trump on Syria".

That begs the question: what's your position on U.S. military intervention?

Thanks for playing; exit through the gift shop.......:2wave:
Thanks for playing; exit through the gift shop.......:2wave:

You aren't going to tell us your feelings on U.S. military intervention?

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