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Sen. Rand Paul says Homeland Security panel will refer report on Bidens, Ukraine to DOJ for criminal probe (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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"I think riding on Air Force Two and doing business is illegal ... and probably a felony," Paul told host Martha MacCallum. "I think it's illegal to take money from a Russian politician's wife, $3.5 million, was it reported accurately?"

The Senate committees revealed that they had obtained records that “show potential criminal activity relating to transactions among and between Hunter Biden, his family, and his associates with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh and Chinese nationals.

Investigators also found millions of dollars in “questionable financial transactions” between Hunter Biden and his associates and foreign individuals, including the wife of the former mayor of Moscow as well as individuals with ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

If that moron Hunter Biden did use Air Force 2 to commit his corruption, then it points to one culprit: Creepy Joe himself. Time to throw both of these scumbags in prison.
"I think riding on Air Force Two and doing business is illegal ... and probably a felony"


I wonder what he thinks about doing business on Air Force One? Or how about the White House?

Trump’s Businesses Raked In $1.9 Billion Of Revenue During His First Three Years In Office

Say for example, when Trump asked envoy to see if UK would move British Open to his Scottish resort, was he not at a government property?

Does anyone here think Trump, or none of his offspring discussed business in the White House or on Air Force 1?

Or is it only Ok to use Air Force to benefit his businesses directly... yes literally, Air Force military flying out of their way just to stay at Trump hotel?

They could just make James Comey send another letter.
"I think riding on Air Force Two and doing business is illegal ... and probably a felony"


I wonder what he thinks about doing business on Air Force One? Or how about the White House?

Trump’s Businesses Raked In $1.9 Billion Of Revenue During His First Three Years In Office

Say for example, when Trump asked envoy to see if UK would move British Open to his Scottish resort, was he not at a government property?

Does anyone here think Trump, or none of his offspring discussed business in the White House or on Air Force 1?

Or is it only Ok to use Air Force to benefit his businesses directly... yes literally, Air Force military flying out of their way just to stay at Trump hotel?

As POTUS, its Trump's privilege to conduct business, so your TDS whattaboutism is wrong again.
As POTUS, its Trump's privilege to conduct business, so your TDS whattaboutism is wrong again.

I see. So in your world, Trump (and his children) can conduct business from White House and Air Force 1, but VP's son is not allowed. Got it. Makes sense.
I see. So in your world, Trump (and his children) can conduct business from White House and Air Force 1, but VP's son is not allowed. Got it. Makes sense.
The Justice Department will not bring charges against Joe Biden or his son. That's laughable. Rand Paul is laughable. Anybody watching him yesterday saw Dr. Fauci put a grand smack down on Paul in the senate hearing.

These GOP idiots are getting really scared that they are going to lose power. It's so obvious what they are doing.
...ugh...rand paul is yet another bankster puppet republican fool who fancies himself as some 'libertarian'...as if an honest libertarian would carry water for the mango mussolini... ugh...
As POTUS, its Trump's privilege to conduct business, so your TDS whattaboutism is wrong again.

...your TCS [trump cheerleading syndrome] is terminal... ugh... your brand of 'libertarianism' [essentially republicans who smoke dope] is precisely why all the decent libertarians left the L party and left them with a cesspool of numbskull boob barr 'conservatarians'.. ugh....
I see. So in your world, Trump (and his children) can conduct business from White House and Air Force 1, but VP's son is not allowed. Got it. Makes sense.

Because he was elected POTUS. Biden was trying to sneak in deals with his son in secret and he was only a VP. Your silly whattaboutism fails.
I see. So in your world, Trump (and his children) can conduct business from White House and Air Force 1, but VP's son is not allowed. Got it. Makes sense.
Yep, there is a word for that......
Because he was elected POTUS. Biden was trying to sneak in deals with his son in secret and he was only a VP. Your silly whattaboutism fails.
Biden was not elected?

If that moron Hunter Biden did use Air Force 2 to commit his corruption, then it points to one culprit: Creepy Joe himself. Time to throw both of these scumbags in prison.
After yesterdays display, no one should ever give a **** what Paul thinks.....
Because he was elected POTUS. Biden was trying to sneak in deals with his son in secret and he was only a VP. Your silly whattaboutism fails.
WTF are talking about? You think the President is the Pope? No laws are applicable? Wow
Trump boot lickers want Trump to be King. It's obvious....
The Trumpers will be remembered in history as a cult. I have never witnessed anything like this in politics. The t-shirts etc, they think he is the chosen one.
The Trumpers will be remembered in history as a cult. I have never witnessed anything like this in politics. The t-shirts etc, they think he is the chosen one.
Too bad this cult won't go out like heavens gate. they want to destroy everything else as well.
As POTUS, its Trump's privilege to conduct business, so your TDS whattaboutism is wrong again.

Why would it be ok for a president but not a vice president?
As POTUS, its Trump's privilege to conduct business, so your TDS whattaboutism is wrong again.

I see. So in your world, Trump (and his children) can conduct business from White House and Air Force 1, but VP's son is not allowed. Got it. Makes sense.

Because he was elected POTUS. Biden was trying to sneak in deals with his son in secret and he was only a VP. Your silly whattaboutism fails.

OMG that has to be the dumbest attempt at a Trump-fluffing save I've ever seen. If the charge is corruption in exercise of office (apparently, "doing business" whilst on a particular airplane), there is no difference between whether the president does it or his vice president does it.

lol, dude. What a fail.
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And bear in mind when weighing the credibility of the OP's moral indignation, that same person has no problem whatsoever with stuff like:

- Trump refusing to divest himself from his businesses
- Trump actively pursuing a Moscow tower deal while running for the presidency
- Trump steering piles of money to his own hotel businesses by making sure to stay at them when on travel.

That's an actual president. Not a VP's son. The president. Think about that. Trump is using presidential travel to make sure the government pays his properties, but PoS is all worked up about a VP's son allegedly "doing business" whilst inside Air Force Two.

I could go on and mention things like Trump admittedly lying and downplaying COVID, getting 200,000 people killed, even quashing a mass testing program based on a calculation that COVID would mostly kill people in blue states so he could blame blue governors. No matter what it is, PoS defends it. He says he's not a Trumpist, but what kind of non-Trumpist would suggest without citation that it is illegal for Biden's son to do business on an official airplane, but it is Trump's privilege to do business on an official airplane.
man, Hunter Biden is like cocaine to Limbaugh Republicans.
Mr Person said:
- Trump refusing to divest himself from his businesses
Didn't have to.
Mr Person said:
- Trump actively pursuing a Moscow tower deal while running for the presidency
Mr Person said:
- Trump steering piles of money to his own hotel businesses by making sure to stay at them when on travel.

If that moron Hunter Biden did use Air Force 2 to commit his corruption, then it points to one culprit: Creepy Joe himself. Time to throw both of these scumbags in prison.

Of course they are going to. Trump has already got the entirety of the US Government wallowing in his filth. Lets just wallow as long as we can....Hillary and Bengazi all over again...all sizzle and no substance. What is truly funny is how easily the entire GOP falls right into this standard MO for them. You can't say Trump invented this swill. He just wallows in it longer and digs into it deeper.

Not going to stick Donnie....SORRY
Just remembering this. Didn't Trump dictate his LYING Trump Tower Meeting letter on Air Force 1?

GOP desperation showing.

Rand Paul...my God the guys is a card carrying IDIOT....worse advertisement for Kentucky EVER. Ron Johnson and Rand Paul. There is a power combination for you. Go ahead, GOP. Try to play this up. You are throwing crap into the breeze. You know what happens when you throw crap into the breeze? You get all crappy!

If that moron Hunter Biden did use Air Force 2 to commit his corruption, then it points to one culprit: Creepy Joe himself. Time to throw both of these scumbags in prison.

Biden's corrupt grifting runs wide and deep and has been going on since he arrived in DC. Except for the fact that the swamp protects its own, he would have long ago been indicted and convicted. He makes Trump look like Mary Poppins.
Biden's corrupt grifting runs wide and deep and has been going on since he arrived in DC. Except for the fact that the swamp protects its own, he would have long ago been indicted and convicted. He makes Trump look like Mary Poppins.

Laughable. Biden left public service after 2016 essentially BROKE. If Biden was that corrupt in office, he sure did not gain much from it. You guys are pulling stuff out of your buttholes now as is Rand Paul, Ron Johnson and Rudi Guilliani, the Three Stooges.

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