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Self described genius (1 Viewer)


Requested Profile Delete. Bye
Supporting Member
Mar 27, 2022
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This self described genius now wants us to believe he’s never heard of a ‘burner phone’ and was taking a nap for 8 hours on Jan 6. Lmfao 😂🤣😂🤣


This self described genius now wants us to believe he’s never heard of a ‘burner phone’ and was taking a nap for 8 hours on Jan 6. Lmfao 😂🤣😂🤣


He lies constantly, his whole life is based on lies, he's a gaslighter. The only thing he doesn't realize about his lies, is only the Trump Cult Party base is ignorant and gullible enough to believe him. He loves the uneducated, there's a reason for that, he also loves himself, so it all makes sense. 🤡

This self described genius now wants us to believe he’s never heard of a ‘burner phone’ and was taking a nap for 8 hours on Jan 6. Lmfao 😂🤣😂🤣


When he was able to tweet, anyone heard of him not tweeting for eight hours?
WARNING: A bad word in video that may offend members of the Trump Cult Party. 🤡


This self described genius now wants us to believe he’s never heard of a ‘burner phone’ and was taking a nap for 8 hours on Jan 6. Lmfao 😂🤣😂🤣


He thinks everyone in the country is as stupid as his supporters are. We aren't.

I love your avatar.
i've never watched a human lie, cheat and steal this much.

there was a guy in my hometown that was similar. but he tried to hide stuff and deny. TFG just does it right in everyone's face.

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