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Seeking Enlightenment (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 1, 2005
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I'm not sure where to put this; please forgive me as it is my first post.

I was just wondering about how much we are told is true. On debate forums, people post two different sides that makes me wonder which version is true. Is it just how we believe things to be true? I want to know the pure facts, but where can I find them, what should I believe is true? Things like 1 + 1 = 2, I can accept as being true, but how do I know what is true when there are a series of events when we can only rely on eyewitnesses and they give different accounts?

I joined this forum because I wanted to be educated about the world, because I don't know much, and I thought this would be a good place to start. I'm still at school, but even some of the things we get taught aren't true, and the teachers don't tell us the truth because they don't want to explain things - that's how I feel anyway.
Truth is subjective as a general Rule. The Key is to use your own perspective to form an opinion on any subject, this is your relative truth.....and it is correct.
That is not to say I will not see a different truth, and find yours to be a falsehood. If it is Fact you are looking for....indeed that is a slightly different story, but only slightly, as much that is considered Fact will change in time.
My advice is to stop looking for the truth as a way of life, and instead simply accept what truth comes your way. Save the Factual Data hunt for the things that really matter, you will be a far happier person.
Gandhi>Bush said:
How is truth subjective?

There are at least two sides to every story, and both are considered the "truth". The accuracy of facts may be higher in one story than the other. But, the truth is still determined upon conjecture, hearsay, and past experiences of each party.
Gandhi>Bush said:
How is truth subjective?

Truth is based on experience...and belief. These will differ with every person on Earth, and thus the percieved truth will vary depending on these (and other)criteria. As an Example:

A man robs a bank...I see him in front of the building in a dark red shirt and deep navy jeans. You however, are in the alley behind the bank when you see him.....and it is very Dark there. You see him in a Dark gray shirt and Black jeans. When we submit our witness statements to the police we are both telling the truth, yet we have different stories.

I know this is a weak story...but it gives the Jist of subjective truth, one merely needs to expand upon it as needed.
tecoyah said:
Truth is subjective as a general Rule. The Key is to use your own perspective to form an opinion on any subject, this is your relative truth.....and it is correct.
That is not to say I will not see a different truth, and find yours to be a falsehood. If it is Fact you are looking for....indeed that is a slightly different story, but only slightly, as much that is considered Fact will change in time.
My advice is to stop looking for the truth as a way of life, and instead simply accept what truth comes your way. Save the Factual Data hunt for the things that really matter, you will be a far happier person.
Truth isn't subjective...it is what it is. I believe you're confusing truth with opinion.
tecoyah said:
Truth is based on experience...and belief. These will differ with every person on Earth, and thus the percieved truth will vary depending on these (and other)criteria. As an Example:

A man robs a bank...I see him in front of the building in a dark red shirt and deep navy jeans. You however, are in the alley behind the bank when you see him.....and it is very Dark there. You see him in a Dark gray shirt and Black jeans. When we submit our witness statements to the police we are both telling the truth, yet we have different stories.

I know this is a weak story...but it gives the Jist of subjective truth, one merely needs to expand upon it as needed.

The truth is the truth. In your story there is only one person robbing the bank and he is only wearing one set of clothes. Niether of us are necessarily lying, but at least one of his is certainly mistaken.
tecoyah said:
Truth is based on experience...and belief. These will differ with every person on Earth, and thus the percieved truth will vary depending on these (and other)criteria. As an Example:

A man robs a bank...I see him in front of the building in a dark red shirt and deep navy jeans. You however, are in the alley behind the bank when you see him.....and it is very Dark there. You see him in a Dark gray shirt and Black jeans. When we submit our witness statements to the police we are both telling the truth, yet we have different stories.

I know this is a weak story...but it gives the Jist of subjective truth, one merely needs to expand upon it as needed.

Fact is the truth, but only if that fact is qualified. The qualifier is the key. To err is human therefor the truth is really a qualifying perception. Truth does not always have to be a fact. :cool:

"The most adequate comprehension of reality that man's mind and reason make accessible to him. Man is fallible and can never become omniscient or absolutely certain that what he considers as certain truth is not error. The criterion of truth is that it works even if nobody is prepared to acknowledge it."

dictionary.com definition:
"Conformity to fact or actuality."
Yeah but if you want to get real technical about it "fact" doesn't always mean truth.

I asked my Dad once how I am supposed to know if I'm right or not and he responded by saying, "Well its impossible to be completely certain but if you are around this world long enough you start to become a bit wiser and then you will know what is right and wrong."

I suppose you can't neccesarily trust everything on this forums and you definatly shouldn't. However it is my opinion you should make your own inferences based on your own experiences and what you know. I am here for pretty much the same reason as you are. So we'll see what happens.
Thanks for all your input. I guess I'll have to make up my mind, and use my own judgement.
Discovery said:
Thanks for all your input. I guess I'll have to make up my mind, and use my own judgement.
Listening to all sides, even those you think you oppose, will get more information. Generally speaking, the pundits spit out what they think will help their cause, and keep silent on the parts that might hurt their cause. So listening to opponents helps keep the other guy honest, or at least you more informed.
Keep reading and posting, and don't be hard headed. Try to see the other side of the issue.
Keep learning, and getting older, and by the time you have been at it for 10 to 20 years, you will have a much better idea about what is true, what is believable, and what is worth believing even if you can't prove it is true.:2wave:

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