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Seeing True American Patriotism From Senate and McCain (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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Here recently, America has been experimenting with a fake patriotism that doesn't come from the heart, is not genuine and is not true to American values. It seemed for awhile that this country had been going down the wrong path and allowing the Executive Branch to get too much power that was being used to destroy our freedom under the pretext of "fighting terror." I do understand that their is a real terrorist threat out their but Bush's methods will not defeat it. Only by staying true to our ideals of freedom, hard work and ingenutiy can we defeat the terrorists. Our ideas will defeat these terrorists that will stop at nothing to destroy us. It won't be laws or the use of force that defeat the terrorists. I am proud to see the Senate get some backbone, loyalty to true principles of freedom and I am glad to see McCain take the fight to Bush on torture. This is true patriotism. This is patriotism that comes from the heart. This is a patriotism can never be defeated by anybody or anything.
I just hope the Senate lets that damned Patriot Act expire though.
To obtain victory we need to have true heros so that we can truly believe in the victory. Our heros are McCain and the Senate (so far, even better if they just let the Patriot Act expire). I am starting to believe in the victory again.
In the words of my favorite President Ronald Reagan: "The best of America is yet to come."

He was absolutely right.
TimmyBoy said:
Here recently, America has been experimenting with a fake patriotism that doesn't come from the heart, is not genuine and is not true to American values. It seemed for awhile that this country had been going down the wrong path and allowing the Executive Branch to get too much power that was being used to destroy our freedom under the pretext of "fighting terror." I do understand that their is a real terrorist threat out their but Bush's methods will not defeat it. Only by staying true to our ideals of freedom, hard work and ingenutiy can we defeat the terrorists. Our ideas will defeat these terrorists that will stop at nothing to destroy us. It won't be laws or the use of force that defeat the terrorists. I am proud to see the Senate get some backbone, loyalty to true principles of freedom and I am glad to see McCain take the fight to Bush on torture. This is true patriotism. This is patriotism that comes from the heart. This is a patriotism can never be defeated by anybody or anything.

So much hypocrisy here.....where to start? The fake patriotism here is coming from McCain, and I'll tell you why. Fasten your seatbelt while I give you a brief lesson in PTSD as it pertains to McCain. Five or seven years of confined torture in the Hotel Hilton has traumatized McCain to the point of where his subjective views on torture have led him to this latest passive/weak stance on America's ability/resolve to fight terrorism. Subjection to years of torture would probably do a number on anyone put in that position. So what years of torture had done to McCain--was to soften him up to the point of when the war was over--he could become senator and tell the American people that torture doesn't work, it makes you dovish, weak, and passive on every military issue. You people here should be able to see the ironic message here as it pertains to McCain and this torture issue.
Then Timmy Boy says it won't be laws or use of force that defeat our enemy. Say that again? Please, say that again! Isn't Timmy Boy praising McCain and our Senate for attempting to pass a law that prevents torture? Obviously any law (such as that one) according to Timmy Boy--isn't going to defeat our enemy. I sure hope that Timmy Boy comes back and explains to us all how force isn't going to defeat our enemy. I wonder if Timmy's method of defeating our terrorist enemies has to do with negotiations or undermining our president and troops one more time.

ptsdkid said:
So much hypocrisy here.....where to start? The fake patriotism here is coming from McCain, and I'll tell you why. Fasten your seatbelt while I give you a brief lesson in PTSD as it pertains to McCain. Five or seven years of confined torture in the Hotel Hilton has traumatized McCain to the point of where his subjective views on torture have led him to this latest passive/weak stance on America's ability/resolve to fight terrorism.

I was unaware we had a qualified Psycologist in our midst......let alone the personal Shrink to a senator. Truly I am impressed.

Subjection to years of torture would probably do a number on anyone put in that position. So what years of torture had done to McCain--was to soften him up to the point of when the war was over--he could become senator and tell the American people that torture doesn't work, it makes you dovish, weak, and passive on every military issue. You people here should be able to see the ironic message here as it pertains to McCain and this torture issue.

Obviously, we should take the message of one who starts off with uneducated claims as to the effects of Torture and War, over the Opinions of a man who has been there, and lived to tell of it. Yes I know you show "disabled combat Vet" in your profile....perhaps this might lead to respect for the man

Then Timmy Boy says it won't be laws or use of force that defeat our enemy. Say that again? Please, say that again! Isn't Timmy Boy praising McCain and our Senate for attempting to pass a law that prevents torture?

They are passing Laws that express what should never need to be defined in our society, IE: We Do Not Torture as Policy. I doubt anyone is naive enough to think we will not continue to do so....but at least it will not be part of U.S. foriegn policy.

Obviously any law (such as that one) according to Timmy Boy--isn't going to defeat our enemy. I sure hope that Timmy Boy comes back and explains to us all how force isn't going to defeat our enemy. I wonder if Timmy's method of defeating our terrorist enemies has to do with negotiations or undermining our president and troops one more time.


Force is a part of the strategy....and rightfully so, as it is needed. Negotiation should be used as well, every tool should be brought to the table when in a war....bieng that the objective is to WIN!!!!
By attacking the individual in your posts.....you really only accomplish a weakening of your attempt at debate, and those of us who may actually have the means to counter your stance....will simply avoid you for lack of respect. No One here wants to be the subject of a childish personal attack.
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tecoyah said:
Force is a part of the strategy....and rightfully so, as it is needed. Negotiation should be used as well, every tool should be brought to the table when in a war....bieng that the objective is to WIN!!!!
By attacking the individual in your posts.....you really only accomplish a weakening of your attempt at debate, and those of us who may actually have the means to counter your stance....will simply avoid you for lack of respect. No One here wants to be the subject of a childish personal attack.

What childish personal attacks? I was just laying out the facts as they pertain to PTSD and to McCain's personal history with it. I've seen nothing in McCain's biography that suggests that he has ever sought help/treatment for PTSD. Those subjected to torture while imprisoned over a multi year period will have the most severe form of emotional trauma known to man.
I am a combat veteran from the Vietnam war, and I to have a total disability of PTSD. What I am saying here is that those that suffer from the PTSD scourge take several approaches to their treatment plan, and some refuse to treat the affliction at all. I'm saying that McCain refused to adopt a treatment plan for his PTSD--and the result is seen in his passive/dovish/soft spoken approach to everfy political issue (especially to military issues). Look, I'm not knocking his patriotism or his political affiliation, for I'm both a combat veteran and a Republican as is Mccain.
And you must know that we don't use negotiation with terrorists, therefore you must also know that while you can't negotiate with these cutthroats--you most surely should be able to use some sort of mild torture on the prisoners--even if it's just putting a pair of panties over their head to torture them with a little embarrassment. After all, wouldn't you feel a little more American, or a little more patriotic knowing that a brief moment of discomfort or embarrassment to a cutthroat terrorist had turned out to be a life saving instrument for another American soldier that was just waiting his turn to get beheaded? I favor American military priorities and accomplishments over satisfying a bunch of passive/pacifist ACLU-type wannabes, any day.

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