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Secret Tapes Show Bush's Concern Over Past (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Libertarian - Right
Source: SFGate.com

President Bush was concerned "his mistakes as a youth" would disqualify him from running for the nation's highest office, said an old friend who secretly recorded private conversations in which Bush appears to acknowledge past drug use.

"I don't want any kid doing what I tried to do 30 years ago," Bush said in recordings made when he was governor of Texas and aired Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America.""And I mean that. It doesn't matter if it's LSD, cocaine, pot, any of those things, because if I answer one, then there will be another one. And I just am not going to answer those questions. And it may cost me the election."

The recordings were made by Doug Wead, a former aide to George W. Bush's father, in the two years before the younger Bush became the Republican nominee for president in 2000.

"I think it bothered him _ the fact that when he was younger he was irresponsible," Wead said in an interview on the ABC program. "I think early on he felt disqualified, that he couldn't run for office because of his mistakes as a youth."

White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Sunday that the president does not dispute the content of the tapes. McClellan would not comment further, other than to say they were "casual conversations that then-Governor Bush was having with someone he thought was a friend."

This soooooo much more responsible than "I didn't inhale". The only reason this is news, is to sell books.
I totally agree. This so called "Friend" betrayed President Bush and secretly taped him just so he could make millions on this book. That was a slap in the face to Mr. Bush and this X-friend deserves a good slap. You know who your friends are when..........
I find it ironic that those who screamed about Linda Tripp taping calls between her and Monica in order to protect herself because she was being pressured to lie - are jumping all over this and see nothing wrong with these 'historic' recordings.
And welcome Kookieq. :D
How true is that...

I personally think that what you did as a Youth is not important, what matters is the decisions you will make today.

However, in the case of LSD, the decisions of yesterday do affect the way you act today, so there is a little issue with that for me. Bush should use this to reach out to youth and teach them the wrongs of using drugs and make it seem that anyone can change and even grow up to be President.

However much I disagree with him, that is the right thing for him to do, and plus it would make teens more aware of the dangers of drugs, especially if the President says it.

How is that for a first post, lol.
Why do you think Bush is in Europe?
This takes the heat off of having to respond to these tapes.
Standard politics for the Bush camp.

I can just hear Karl Rove.....

"Get out of the country quick!"
"Maybe by the time you get back all of this will have blown over?"

Personally, I think it would do a world of good if Bush would drop some acid, smoke a joint, drink a 12 pack of beer, and get back to us in a week.
Hoot said:
Why do you think Bush is in Europe?
This takes the heat off of having to respond to these tapes.
Standard politics for the Bush camp.

I can just hear Karl Rove.....

"Get out of the country quick!"
"Maybe by the time you get back all of this will have blown over?"

Personally, I think it would do a world of good if Bush would drop some acid, smoke a joint, drink a 12 pack of beer, and get back to us in a week.

I think you're completely wrong here. I think Bush's trip to Europe was planned long before they ever knew this dirt bag was going to came out with these tapes. And though I'm sure you're being funny- I'd just like to go on record and say I don't think our President would be doing us any favors by dropping acid right now.

I've read all the transcripts of the tapes I can get my hands on and, I'm no Bush fan as anybody on here will tell you, I don't find anything in them that truly stands out making him look that bad. Now to be fair maybe I didn't get to read some part that was really juicy and they're holding that back for the big book release. Or I just haven't found the right web blob. If anything I thought they made Bush seem more human. Personally I could give a rats a** if he smoked some weed in college. Clinton did. None of the liberals seemed to mind that. They even made lame a** excuses for him and back up his lame a** excuse of "Yeah, but I didn't inhale." Come on, no one on planet earth bought that BS.

And I think Kookieq and Batman are absolutely correct in their assessment that none of the people on the left, who are seeing no problems with these "Historic tapes." Never felt that way when Linda Tripp did her number on Monica. Course that knife cuts both ways guys and your side back then saw no problem with those "Historic tapes" but they find these "Historic tapes" a violation of friendship and personal privacy. And I tell you what if this was a liberal in the White House and these were released. Your talking heads of Hannity, Rush, O'Reilly et el would be screaming for his head on a platter. And you Cons. know I'm right, you may not want to admit it. But you know it.

That said Doug Wead and Linda Tripp should get a room. In a another country and stay there.
>>I think you're completely wrong here. I think Bush's trip to Europe was planned long before they ever knew this dirt bag was going to came out with these tapes. <<Pacridge

I'm sure it was, but it does seem kind of conveinient, doesn't it? LOL

>>I've read all the transcripts of the tapes I can get my hands on and, I'm no Bush fan as anybody on here will tell you, I don't find anything in them that truly stands out making him look that bad. Now to be fair maybe I didn't get to read some part that was really juicy and they're holding that back for the big book release. Or I just haven't found the right web blob. If anything I thought they made Bush seem more human. Personally I could give a rats a** if he smoked some weed in college. Clinton did. None of the liberals seemed to mind that. They even made lame a** excuses for him and back up his lame a** excuse of "Yeah, but I didn't inhale." Come on, no one on planet earth bought that BS.<<Pacridge

Actually..I bought that B.S. ROTFL

Seriously....and this has always bugged me....I've seen people...and yes this was in my younger, wilder days, but I've seen people who will pick up a joint and hold it to to their lips and act as though they're "one of the gang", or "fitting in" without ever really deeply inhaling...at least not to the point where their face is turning blue...just a brief motion to the lips and then a quick pass to the person next to them...simply because they do not wish to draw attention by refusing and possibly appearing rude.
So, when Clinton said..."I didn't inhale." I thought it was indeed possible.

However...in Bush's case and the rumors of his past history with cocaine...a line of coke is either there on the table or it's up your nose...quite a bit harder to hide that, isn't it?

>>And I think Kookieq and Batman are absolutely correct in their assessment that none of the people on the left, who are seeing no problems with these "Historic tapes." Never felt that way when Linda Tripp did her number on Monica.<<Pacridge

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Linda also tape phone calls, which is illegal?

>>That said Doug Wead and Linda Tripp should get a room. In a another country and stay there.<<

" I'm just like you!" That always killed me when Linda said that.
Hoot said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Linda also tape phone calls, which is illegal?

>>That said Doug Wead and Linda Tripp should get a room. In a another country and stay there.<<

" I'm just like you!" That always killed me when Linda said that.

First I don't remember if she taped phone calls or not. Second, in some states it's legal to tape some phone conversations. Here in Oregon it's legal from me to record a phone call with someone else and not tell them I'm taping it. The law is that "one party of the conversation must be aware of the recording." So I could but a third party could not. Lastly I find it hard to believe that a person could do something that was illegal and damaging to a sitting President and not be charged. I would think it would be a top down thing: "Get her! get her on whatever you can. If she jaywalks I want her cited." But I certainly could be wrong. Though I've never been wrong. I thought I was wrong once but quickly realized my mistake.

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