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SEC Upgrades Frist Inquiry to Formal Investigation (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
With all the news about the indictment of Tom Delay, another important story has been under the radar. The SEC inquiry into possible illegal stock dumping by Frist has now been upgraded to a formal investigation. This only happens if the SEC believes there might be a case. I know, I know. The Bush supporters are going to claim that this is also a witch hunt, despite the fact that it is Bush appointees issuing the subpoenas this time.

Lets see what happens on this one. This is not as clear cut as the Delay case, but where there's smoke.........

Article is here.
danarhea said:
With all the news about the indictment of Tom Delay, another important story has been under the radar. The SEC inquiry into possible illegal stock dumping by Frist has now been upgraded to a formal investigation. This only happens if the SEC believes there might be a case. I know, I know. The Bush supporters are going to claim that this is also a witch hunt, despite the fact that it is Bush appointees issuing the subpoenas this time.

Lets see what happens on this one. This is not as clear cut as the Delay case, but where there's smoke.........

Article is here.

danarhea, there is an article in today's New York Times that I skimmed this morning (I print out the articles and read them on my way home from work). It pointed out how several executives sold their stocks right at the same time as ol' Fristy Poo. This is getting interesting...................

Here is the article in case you're interested: http://select.nytimes.com/2005/09/29/business/29place.html?8hpib

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