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Sean Penn calls for billionaire to step up and buy aircraft for Ukraine (1 Viewer)

Sean Penn went to New Orleans after hurricane Katrina to help rescue people. He rented a small boat and shoved off into to the bayou with camera crews rolling. Only thing is the drain plug was not plugged in and the boat started to take on water. Hollywood types really shouldn't try to go hands in the real world. I saw the video of it but I don't have a link.
It's an easy thing to say but this could take us down the road of financial elites taking the place of nation states as actors in conflicts, and with no real accountability in place, this could get messy really quick.
Sean Penn went to New Orleans after hurricane Katrina to help rescue people. He rented a small boat and shoved off into to the bayou with camera crews rolling. Only thing is the drain plug was not plugged in and the boat started to take on water. Hollywood types really shouldn't try to go hands in the real world. I saw the video of it but I don't have a link.
I see your point, still I like what he does for Ukraine 🇺🇦

Nobody else is getting them the air fire they need. Sean Penn is in Ukraine shooting a documentary to help them raise money. At least he's trying.

I'd admire Hollywood more if they all got out and did more than their nails. The Oscars was a joke. Sean Penn had asked them to bring attention to Ukraine but instead Will Smith brought attention to how free rich people are to bitch slap someone if they're butt hurt and smaller than him.

Oh America....:rolleyes:
admire Hollywood
very view Hollywood stars actively support Ukraine, most of them (if not all) are older men.... my guess Ukraine is still out of trends in Hollywood and US showbiz , OR maybe they are afraid of pootin´s hybrid forces / his trolls . what do you think ?

It's an easy thing to say but this could take us down the road of financial elites taking the place of nation states as actors in conflicts, and with no real accountability in place, this could get messy really quick.
Might as well take the masks off….
When Hollyweird goes to war -- in the name of peace, of course:

Penn buys it @ 3:40

Real life version should get some viewership
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When Hollyweird goes to war -- in the name of peace, of course:

Penn buys it @ 3:40

Real life version should get some viewership

Putin went to war. Responding to war is not going to war. Take this gaslighting crap back to Russia, comrade.
When Hollyweird goes to war -- in the name of peace, of course:

Penn buys it @ 3:40

Real life version should get some viewership

any comment on this `?

guys whats about mid-range cruise missiles?
Putin went to war. Responding to war is not going to war. Take this gaslighting crap back to Russia, comrade.
Because of Ukranian provocation. Which they could easily have avoided
via Kosovo, Japan, South Korea, Columbia

Ok, so that's a partial answer to half of my question. How, exactly, does one get an F16 from Kosovo or Japan into Ukraine?
Ok, so that's a partial answer to half of my question. How, exactly, does one get an F16 from Kosovo or Japan into Ukraine?
I gave my answer already , I like S Penn´s idea in geniral , still our mid-range cruise missiles ´d be better for Ukraine
I gave my answer already , I like S Penn´s idea in geniral , still our mid-range cruise missiles ´d be better for Ukraine

You may have given YOUR answer, but it didn't answer my question. It just goes to show how people like Sean Penn and you think they're smart, but don't actually think things through.
guys whats about mid-range cruise missiles?

Who's going to sell mid-range cruise missiles to some random billionaire? You know they don't just sell those on Amazon, right?
any comment on this `?

That's old - I already commented on that when it was first posted.

The man comes from a country that was famously neutral during the Cold War, along with Switzerland, Finland and Sweden.
Putin went to war. Responding to war is not going to war. Take this gaslighting crap back to Russia, comrade.

No, NATO sewed the seeds for war with relentless expansionism. What vital interest was served by that? None. It was pure triumphalism and desire for more conflict.

You're the one who's gaslighting, McCarthyite.

LOL tell us more about how you are pro war crimes.
I am against Ukranian war crimes like shelling civilians in the DPR

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