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Sean Hannity says Vladimir Putin was 'channeling his inner Donald Trump' at Moscow pro-war rally (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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Ya think? It's been going on a lot longer than just since Friday. :geek: Hasn't there also been caps sighted in Russia, 'make Rusia great again', or was that a spoof mimicking MEGA caps?

Later in the day, during his Fox News show, Hannity once again accused Putin of trying to imitate Trump.

"Today, during a big, manufactured pro-Putin rally in Moscow, his best attempt to look like Donald Trump, there were some embarrassing technical difficulties during Vladimir's big speech," Hannity said.

On Friday, the Fox News host parroted a Kremlin spokesperson's smear of President Joe Biden. Russian state media has repeatedly aired clips of Fox News of Putin-friendly talking points being raised, Vanity Fair reported.
Man, Hannity still has a boner for Trump. Isn't he supposed to call a doctor if that lasts more than 4 hours?
Or possibly call DJT to spend some quality time together.
Watching that deranged war criminal strutting around on the stage reminded me of another nut: That leader of Libya who in the last days of his reign would speak to the people in the street from his vehicle.

A little later, he fled for his life across the desert and was caught by the rebels, who killed him in an extremely cruel manner.

Apparently the Trump supporters on FOX NEWS, like Carlson and Hannity, didn't get the memo that perhaps it wouldn't be in the best interests of their "STABLE GENIUS" by continuing to reinforce in the minds of the American public the longstanding friendship with his "SOUL-MATE" in the Kremlin!

When the resident FOXNEWS" cheerleaders" for the presumptive Republican Presidential candidate for 2024, are publicly aligning themselves with Russian President Vladimir Putin, denounced around the world as a "WAR CRIMINAL"

With reference to the topic line, Mr. Sean Hannity says lots of things. Some of the things he says, for all I know, might be true.

Regards, stay safe 'n well.

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